Last Movie You've Seen

Movie: Ultraviolet
Genre: Action/Science Fiction
Rating: 1/10

BORING. Do I really have to explain? *sigh* *In fast motion* boring storyline, crap characters, short fight scenes, attack of the duh, predictible scenes, too much like Matrix, too sexy, too boring, too short, story doesn't make sense, no cool quotes, the villain is stupid, much like Aeonflux and the sun-glasses are ugly. I think that pretty much sums it all up. Don't watch this movie, you'll be asleep the moment it's starts.
Movie: The Hangover
Genre: Comedy
Rating: 10/10

The funniest film I've probably seen ever, there's not many other films that have made me laugh as much during the entire thing. Zach Galifianakis was the stand out actor here as Alan but everyone in the cast just clicked, even Tyson did a great job. Unlike a lot of other comedies this actually seemed fresh in a way.

The only thing I wish it had more of was Jeffrey Tambor and Heather Graham since I'm big fans of the two but really it didn't do anything to lessen this awesome movie.

Only worry I had afterwards was finding out there's a sequel in the works already.
Last one I saw was...

The outsiders

I was great. :D I'd give it a 10/10; best movie I ever seen. :D There's also a book out of it.

Howls Moving Castle

Its so sweet and so random, with witches and spells and turnip head. Ive not watche dit for ages and forgot just how good it was. Sophie gets changhed into an old woman by the witch of the waste and ends up being Howls cleaning lady , she sort of randomly changes back here and there and the fire demon whos name I cant spell is epic. Theres like some war thing going on and Howl doesnt want to go to the castle so he sends Sophie, who meets this dog along the way. Taht dog cracks me up just LOOKING at it xD

And apparently happy endings make me cry just as much as sad ones xD

Its jsut such a good film, I might watch it again later coz Im just sad like that xD
Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phoenix.

Since the new Harry Potter's coming out next month, when I saw this on Sky Movies I thought I might as well watch it.

It's really good! I love the woman that plays Umbridge, I really do, she made that character her own, and was fantastically deliciously evil. I thought it was one of the better Harry Potter movies - definitely better than Goblet of Fire. I loved the Dumbledore and Voldemort battle at the end, although I can't help but wish it was longer.

Bring on Half-Blood Prince! ^^
Movie: Seven Pounds

Rating: M

Comments: I thought it was going to be completely different to what actually played out to be honest. :gasp:

It was actually pretty good plot-wise. It really dragged on at the start for about three quarters of the way. It didn't explain anything and very very slowly things began to fall into place.

It shit me and Steve off to be honest. I like mysterys, but not that much that they don't give you any hints or clues as to what is going on. I think I got one clue and even then I was unsure.

Anyway very good movie nonetheless. Will Smith was awesome as always. =)

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance

I just watched this movie this morning. I thinking watching it after I watched Oldboy was a bit of a bad idea. Oldboy was stunning. For those who don't know, Sympathy For Mr. Vengeance, Oldboy and Lady Vengeance all make up a loose, spiritual trilogy called the Vengeance trilogy, and Park Chan-wook directed all three.

This movie initially follows the story of a deaf mute trying to raise funds for a kidney transplant for his ill sister. I won't go into much more detail than that, but the plot isn't terribly complicated. Although straightforward, the movie has some very imaginative and original twists and turns in it. One or two characters in it are fascinating, and the acting performances are excellent across the board.

As I say, I think I suffered by watching Oldboy first. I think of this as Oldboy-lite. Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance has a less complicated story, it's not quite as intense, the music isn't quite as good and the emotional scenes aren't quite as heart-wrenching. Nevertheless, if I hadn't have watched Oldboy, then I wouldn't have watched this. All in all, it is a great movie.

Strong recommendation - 8.5/10
Film: Gran Torino

Genre: Drama

Rating: 4/5

Drama set in Midwest America about rights of passage, coming of age and dealing with intollerance. A brilliant film which I love for its pure honesty. Not for the easily butthurt over-sensitive person.
Titanic 8/10

I fancied cheesing it out the other night, so I slapped titanic on, and swooned over Leo. Im ashamed to admit I went watching this at the cinema 5 times ¬.¬ Ive not watched it for ageeeeeees, but i think it's on too long, and I remebered that, although I love this film, ther arent half some cringeworthy cheesy moments, IM FLYING JACK.......Oh please, give me a break. The part where hes locked up and they seem to be running up and down the length of the boat for like hours on end pecks my head aswel, but other than that, I do love it, when she goes down in that boat and the music starts gets me everytime xD

I had a few lip wobble moments as I usually do but I d idnt cry til the very very end where she's in her bed

It'l probably be another year before I watch it again now haha
Movie: The Fifth Element

Rating: M

Comments: I've always loved this movie. Mila is my favourite actress and nearly every movie I've seen of hers is close to my heart. XD

The action is pretty good and entertaining, though the graphics and such are a little dodgy. As are the costumes on the aliens. But it is an old movie, so that is to be expected.

Not a fan of Bruce Willis to be honest. I don't think he was a good match for Mila in this movie.

But overall it was an enjoyable watch. =)

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.

The sequel to Donnie Darko. It was a direct to DVD sequel, so I wasn't expecting much. But with all things considered, it was a pretty decent movie. Naturally it was nowhere near as good as the original film. But the plot wasn't too bad, enough to keep me interested and the film was shot pretty well. The one thing which bothered me was the progression of the plot which seemed to be a bit all over the place at some points. But all in all, I...didn't mind it..

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Opinion: I would be one of the first to tell you I LOVE the Harry Potter books.

Well... The first six, anyway. Though I can't really help but feel like the seventh and final book was pretty much gipped out of all its potential substance by the six book, The Half-Blood Prince. You have a great, intricate plot, with all of the characters you've learned to love going through a roller coaster of their highest highs and lowest lows.

But back to the subject of the movies. Personally, I've loved all the Harry Potter movies thus far, but the 3rd through 5th movies felt kind of lacking or off in varying degrees. The third movie was alright but was a drastic 180 in visuals and spirit from the first two, it seemed, but it was still enjoyable to see the characters introduced in that movie played remarkably well.

The fourth movie just seemed to ignore characterization for the most part and took shortcuts to advance the plot a bit too swiftly in my opinion, to linger almost disturbingly long on the Yule Ball, which as I recall was maybe two chapters in the 38-ish chapter book preparing for the ball and it actually happening, which took up maybe 30 minutes of screen time. Did I want to see Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, or Sixteen Candles?

The fifth was a good bit better with great acting almost across the board, and exceptional choreography and visuals for the final fight scenes. But, in that movie, there were a couple continuity errors that a big fan of the series could easily catch.

And so, the sixth. While disappointed they left out the Dursleys entirely (like in the Fourth movie), I understand why they did it. This was the most involving and emotionally heavy story in the whole series, and quite a few people who hadn't read the books (and therefore don't know how the family sort of evolves from beginning to beginning of each book) didn't really care for the family because they don't make a kind of drastic change.

The acting was really great in this movie with the roles that really mattered to the plot. Draco Malfoy is despicable as you watch events with him unfold through Harry's perspective, and changes to a thought-provoking and sympathetic view as you watch all the lonely scenes unfold of Draco doing everything on his own. The character's discomfort of being all on his own is almost palpable, the actor seeming to take into account how the character would act, being devoid of helping hands after all of the time he'd had cronies hot on his heels to do whatever.

Snape, like always, is a very cold and harsh character, but his manner in a number of scenes is delivered extremely well with the intention to foreshadow the events of the next book/movie without giving much away. Alan Rickman performed very well. After all, the book and movie concentrate almost directly on his past and his actions. Though it is very disappointing that they left out the bits of his past that were revealed in the book but that was likely more of an issue with keeping the movie's pace, as even the flashbacks of Voldemort were cut down to two scenes.

To be honest, I, like many, have been critical of the actor who replaced Richard Harris as Dumbledore following his death in 2002. He didn't seem as warm or lighthearted in movies 3-5 as he did in the first two films or the book series. But, surprisingly, he delivered exceptionally well on the role in this movie, getting it even more pitch-perfect than Harris himself, I would dare say. He's much more of a friend and confidant in this one than the hothead in Goblet of Fire, or the extremely uninterested takes on Dumbledore from the 3rd and 5th films. He felt much more alive in the character in this movie, which anyone who knows the story would find almost comedically ironic in a dark way.

As for the movie itself, it progressed well. They used a lot of scenes revolving around the relationships of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. One could argue that there was too much, and that those scenes should have been trimmed, but they held most of the comedy that made this movie delightful in spite of all its bleak darkness, and broke up the depressing atmosphere very well.

In short, this is my favorite of the Harry Potter movies to date. It has the deepest story, the highest highs, and the lowest lows in the entire series. If anything, this is the pinnacle and climax of the series, much like the book was. The characters are fleshed out and polished to a mirror shine, but not to the extent that the flaws are invisible. Here's hoping the 'Deathly Hallows Duology' can follow up on this movie better than the book counterparts.

Rating: 9 out of 10.
I didn't really understand it because i kept losing focus and doing something else, but as for the parts that i actually saw, it was pretty good, i think the creators kinda got their idea from the matrix though. :P
Two people going to post in a row saying the same movie. XD

Last movie I saw was Push as well. It was a pretty good movie imo, I can get into characters with abnormal powers like that (or whatever you wanna call 'em. :P), that Push thing would be pretty deadly, you could convince anyone to do anything like that, including, what was shown time and time again; kill yourself. X_x

I'd rate it 3 and a half stars, or 7 out of 10 points.
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

I enjoyed this movie a lot. I think if you're a Harry Potter fan, and you don't want the movie to be exactly faithful to the book, then it's definitely the best Harry Potter movie, in my opinion. However, if you want it to be faithful to the book, you're gonna be very disappointed.

I was very impressed with the acting in the movie, Lavender, Luna and Snape in particular stole every scene they were in, although I think the best character in the movie was Bellatrix Lestrange. She was PERFECT. The part at the end where she smashes up the Great Hall was one of the best scenes in the movie. I was worried that Bellatrix wouldn't be in the movie much, as she's barely in book 6, so I was so pleased that they gave her new material to work with.

Overall, if you go in expecting it to be faithful to the book, you'll be disappointed, as it misses out a lot, but if you just want to see a good movie, then it's a great film to see!
The last movie I've seen was Public Enemies. I hated the ending, ugh!
Why did Johnny Depp have to die?
But overall, I thought it was a decent movie.
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Last movie movie i saw was probably friday the 13th i dont go out much anymore cause we live a while from a theater but it was a good movie except the fact it was a remake and didnt really follow how jason got his mask or anything in the original , over all great movie though
Movie Title: Push
Rating: could be a tad bit better
Comments:It was goign really goood until they decided they wanted to end it soo suddenly... so because of that it gets a 7/10
Title: Gran Torino
Rating: awesome
Comments: Clint Eastwood at his best. I had been looking forward to seeing it for a long time because I knew it was his last one. I thought it was going to be insanely good, and I wasnt disappointed. Undeniably one of the best movies I have ever seen.
Movie: Public Enemies
Rating: 8/10
Comments: My only real quarrel with the movie was that the bank robbing scenes were kind of........bleh. "Let's rob three banks." "OH NOES, WE MUST CREATE THE FBI!" Also, the story was highly sympathetic to Dillinger.

The use of the camera, a brisk story (even though I knew what was going to happen), and shoot-out scenes were worth its small shortcomings.