Last Movie You've Seen

Movie: Keith

Rating: M

Comments: My gosh some movies are lame. XD

This one was about Jesse McCartney who plays the loser kid in school, and some chick who is little miss popular. They end up as lab partners and soon become close friends in a really odd way.

They continually argue until finally they have sex and then he pretty much tells her as he's dropping her back home that that's all he wanted from her.

She gets pissed, has a cry and such. Then one day she learns that he is actually dying and that that was his way of trying to not get too attached and he didn't want to have to tell her that he was sick and such.

I like the actors but the plot was kinda weird.

Score: 3/5 stars or 7/10 points.
Movie Title: Dragon Ball Evolution

Rating: PG i think

Comments:I was very disappointing with this movie.... most of the characters didn't look as you would have expected them to, and on top of that, since you know it's dragonball... you would expect Goku to have gone Super Saiyyan, yet needless to say.... he didn't

Score: 2/5 stars

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Title: Gran Torino
Rating: awesome
Comments: Clint Eastwood at his best. I had been looking forward to seeing it for a long time because I knew it was his last one. I thought it was going to be insanely good, and I wasnt disappointed. Undeniably one of the best movies I have ever seen.

Agreed. I've also seen that recently and really enjoyed it. Really well made, and quite sad.

Anyway... I'll put two up as a week or two back I watched both movies within a few days of each other.


Playing the demo for the Ghostbusters game not only made me order the game on ebay, but also made me want to watch the movies again as it had been a long time since I last saw any of them (I was a kid). Having watched this now it was just like watching it for the first time because I hadn't remembered any of it other than what a few of the ghosts and ghostbusters looked like... I didn't remember the story or anything else.

Anyway, overall I'd say this is a pretty awesome movie. It's a really fun idea, goddamn catchy theme tune, great characters and some awesome ghosts / special effects for its day!

In fact it has recently sent me Ghostbuster bonkers and I've found myself (when no-one else is in the house) pretending I have a proton pack and blasting imaginary ghosts, and occassionally walking around with a coathanger pretending it is a PKE Scanner. I never grew up... :brooding:

Ghostbusters II:

I'd heard a lot of people tend to complain about this movie saying that it is crap compared to the original.. I didn't see it as having any less quality than the first one really. I enjoyed it about as much, but perhaps slightly less. I liked some of the smaller random ghost scenes better on this one. Ghostbusters didn't have many, but this one had the Titanic arriving with ghosts getting off and everything.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
I agree with you about the fourth one.
I thought the fifth was bad, it was far too light.
I disagree with you about Michael Gambon, I thought he was far better than Richard Harris, also getting rid Of Chris Columbus may have had something to do with it.

I thought all the acting, bar who played Ginny was good, I thought at times she was a bit wooden. I'm looking forward to the seventh, because it should have more Alan Rickman.
I thought this was also less funny that 1-4, I think it tried to be more funny, but that it failed.
I enjoyed it, but I felt that it was almost setting up the franchise for the next couple of movies, by missing out the big fight at the end, they focused attention on
Dumbledore's death
, which they probably didn't need to do.
Title: Death Note
Rating: M
Comments: First off I should say this is a live action subtitled film so if you can't handle that you won't like it. Basically condenses the plot of the Death Note saga (minus Matt and Mello) into two 2 hour movies. Some new plotty bits that make the movie worth watching and overall a pretty good live action adaption.
Stars: 4 out of 5
Movie: Bronson
Rating: 18

Comments: Not that Bronson that starred in the Deathwish films, this film is about real life Michael Peterson who changed his name by deed pole to Charles Bronson. At the age of 19 he was sent to prison for 7 years for robbing a post office with a sawn of shotgun. 32 years later the guy is still there and is regarded as Britains most dangerous criminal having spent 29 of those 32 years in solitray confinement for continually attacking staff and inmates alike. He's been responsible for riots and extreme cases of violence but has strangely never killed anyone. The man is a beast, doing some 2000 pressups a day to keep in shape.

Tom Hardy (Handsome Bob in Rock n Rolla) put on an enormous 38 pounds of muscle to play Bronson in this and he plays him with compelling conviction. The film is told in part narrative, part satirical, part mockumentory with a very Clockwork Orange feel about it.

Highly recommended.

Movie: Bride Wars

Rating: M

Comments: Funny movie.

I love Kate Hudson. She is so gorgeous and she's such a great actor. She looks so much like her mum! XD

Anyway I loved the idea behind the story. Two best friends finding out that their dream weddings are on the same day and such.

Though I doubt real life friends would do what they did to each other. =0

Though I suppose it wouldn't have been entertaining if it were otherwise. XD

The bitchiness throughout was enjoyable and the ending was lovely. XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Movie: Eurotrip

Rated: R

Comment: Not a bad movie. I saw it a few years back and found it more amusing then but I was also younger at the time. There is a bit too much titty flashing in it for my taste. Come on, if you're going to have titties at least make them good ones! Anyway, it's a comedy about a High School graduate going off to hook up with a girl in Europe. Oh, and there's a catchy little tune throughout the movie titled "Scotty Doesn't Know". I'm sure just about everyone's heard that song...

Score: 6/10 - I wasn't too impressed but it's still not a bad movie. Gave me a few chuckles.
Movie: Horton Hears A Who

Rating: G

Comments: Funny movie. XD

I love this movie! The whole idea is absolutley brilliant!

Making Horton the elephant look crazy because he know that a tiny world called 'Whoville' exists on a tiny speck. XD

Jim Carrey is so funny as the elephant and Steve Carell as the Mayor of Whoville and Seth Rogan as Morton. XD

Those three really made the movie hilarious. XD

Great kids movie!

Oh and Katie is a freaky kid thingy. :gasp: XD

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Singin' In the Rain. (1952)


Rated PG i think...

A classic. Gene Kelly in one of the best movies of his career. Singin' in the Rain is set in the late 1920's about an actor named Don Lockwood, who is well known for his silent pictures with Costar Lina Lamont, who is convinced he is in love with her. After the success of their latest picture, "the Royal Rascal", They attend an after-party where the producers shows them a talking picture. Everyone at the afterparty dismissed Talking picture, saying they will fail, they mention Warner's upcoming talkie, The Jazz Singer, and how it will be a total failure. when it isn't, a Lockwood and Lamont talkie is in high demand.. only one problem... Lina's voice is HORRID. its all nasally and high pitched. They attempt making a movie anyway and it is panned by the test screeners, Don had met an aspiring actress on his way to the after party, and after hearing her sing, convinces the studio to use her voice to lipsync over Lina. and the movie is met with rave reviews, with Lina getting the credit... watch the movie for the rest :monster:

Singin' in the Rain is one of my favorite movies and my FAVORITE Musical of all time,followed closely by Across The Universe, and I HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it.
Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean

Rating: M

Comments: My gosh Johnny Depp is a hottie! :gasp:

I love this movie! I think Jack Sparrow is my favourite character played by Johnny Depp out of all his movies.

The acting was done wonderfully by all and the soundtrack was awesome! It really worked you up for the next scene.

I think this is the best movie out of all three.

Usually the first is always the best and the following tend to lose the plot a bit. =/

Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone.

I haven't seen the first movie in years, and it's really weird, seeing them all with their high voices and whatnot xD It's really hilarious in an unintentional way.

But, I also love how lighthearted it is, especially in comparison to the last two Harry Potter movies, it's just fun to watch, rather than being all dark.
The Mummy 3 Tomb of The Dragon Emperor

Rating.... umm.. no clue actually

I thought it was a good movie, but it was really weird that the Rachel Weisz wasn't playing Eve. It really threw me off through the whole movie.
The last movie Ive seen was Sex and and The City. Aha lol my mom watches this every freakin week so I decided to watch it too XD. It was a pretty good movie xD. The sex and everything else was good. These ladies must be in there 40s or something. It was good but I liked the show much better. Not really a fan of SATC but Kristin Davis and Sarah J parker were pretty good in this movie. Rating: 8 out of 10
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Movie: The Beauty and the Beast

Rating: G

Comments: Well, I have always loved Disney movies and this movie is one of the old ones so you know its a good movie. Like always, Disney movies aren't really movies, they're more like musicals. There's more singing in each Disney song than the normal movie. I have learned all the songs and I just can't help but song along. Things bout the movies do bother me, like Belle, I mean, a giant beat tell you not to go to the west wing and what does she do..? Go in there, now THAT annoyed me.

Score: 8/10
Movie: Bruce Almighty

Rating: M

Comments: I love this movie!

It is so funny! :gasp:

It's basically a movie about Bruce meeting God. Bruce thinks that God has forgotten about him and his needs and isn't doing his job properly.

So when God gives Bruce his powers and says that he now has the job as playing God, Bruce gets a bit greedy and doesn't really help anyone but himself.

I love the part where Grace and Bruce get ready to have sex and he gives her orgasm's through the bathroom wall. XD

The whole movie is hilarious with Jim Carey being the star.

The part where God gives him 7 fingers is a memorable moment. XD
Score: 5/5 stars or 10/10 points.
Inglourious Basterds
It's not a particularly good movie, it's a Jewish revenge fantasy, so not a particularly serious/proper movie, but it almost tried to be. The opening 'chapter' was quite good, it was part of a serious movie then. But after that there was an incredibly camp Hitler who may as well have been played by Mel Brooks. It would have been good if it was actually funny, but mostly it wasn't, it went from serious to stupid, with Mike Myers playing some pathetic English general with Winston Churchill in the room who was ignored. It's not pulp fiction or Jackie Brown, it's not even as good as True Romance.
Some of the acting was very good though, Christolph Waltz was easily the best actor in it, Brad Pitt wasn't bad, but there's no Harvey Keitel.
The Hangover

Easily one of the funniest films Ive ever seen xD I've never laughed at a film so much in my life, my mascara ran. It really is laugh out loud funny. Alan and Mr Chow are HILARIOUS characters. When I first saw Alan introduced I thought he was going to be a bit of a shitty character but he was quality. HEY THERE'S SKITTLE IN THERE!!!!! When he's all suited and booted going down the escalators to the casino it KILLED me.

Mr Chow is just something else altogether, that man is brilliant

Phil is fit too :ryan:

You must all watch this film. I'd go to the pictures to watch it again, its THAT good. Im defo getting it on DVD xD 8F
Movie: Open Water

Rating: M

Comments: <_<

I thought it was crap.

It was just hours of them floating about in the ocean and then reenacting what may or may not of happened on that day, in which two people were left out in the middle of the ocean whilst snorkeling.

There was a few scary bits in which sharks bit their legs and such, and also when they both fell asleep and drifted apart.

Eh. Not worth the time in my opinion. Though it does make you appreciate the comforts of home.

Score: 1/5 stars or 2/10 points.
The last movie I saw was Prison Break the Final Break. It was a great movie I think. Lots of action distractions etc... I guess girls beating up girls was not really fun. But I guess the show is over because the main character dies....... 8 out of 10