
And it seems like everyone on Lost has father issues!

Hah yeah, I was just talking to my roommates about that during tonight's episode. Lots of new family ties this time around.

So, apparently the season finale is coming up next week, which is exciting. It seemed to me from the little snippets they showed that there's going to be a lot going on, especially with
Ben, Richard, and Locke

I particularly liked this most recent episode, which is doing a good job of preparing for the season finale. They have
found the bomb in the temple which they are going to use for something (who knows what :wacky:), Sawyer and Juliet had another nice moment ruined by Kate, and we'll see what happens with the rest of the Dharma team
! I'm ready to see how the season plays out next week. :gasp:
OMG!!!!!!! I loved and hate the season finale. I mean all through I am wondering what is going to happen in the end.
And when Juliet hits the bomb with a rock,
and then BAM a white screen and its over, it was like the last Soprano's episode. It makes me so furious that we have to wait until 2010 for the next season, and to find out what happened. But I would have to say all in all it was a very good wrap up to the season. And what happened with
Locke, and Ben
was trippy as hell.
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Probably my favorite show ever. That season finale blew me away. I'm currently re-watching the first season in anticipation of the final one next year, but I'm debating whether or not I should hold out for the Blu-ray release, which is coming out in just a few days.

But whatever the case, this show rocks. I just hope Juliet is around next season...if that's even possible. And if the pocket of electromagnetic energy was destroyed and the crash never happened, I'll be incredibly pissed. But hopefully the folks trapped in the 70s just get warped back to 2007 or something.
Am currently watching Season 4 at the moment I'll come back and read this page when i have finished watching season 5 incase i read any spoilers by accident :D
But whatever the case, this show rocks. I just hope Juliet is around next season...if that's even possible. And if the pocket of electromagnetic energy was destroyed and the crash never happened, I'll be incredibly pissed. But hopefully the folks trapped in the 70s just get warped back to 2007 or something.

Same here, but I trust they wouldn't do that.

I'm guessing that Juliet had
hit the bomb and the force will send them back to the present time.
Juliet will be alive or not when / if this happens I don't know. I liked her character but perhaps the show needed her to die, just like with most other good main characters they have killed off.

I'm really looking forward to the final season now.

I want to see:
More of the smoke monster - what it is (it's obviously some sort of Egyptian spirit / god / demon, if not older)

An explaination for Jacob and his nemesis he was sat on the beach with / had pretended to be Locke in the finale of Season 5.

An explaination as to what happened to the other Oceanic survivors, and the surviving others.
I'd love to see a whole lot more too, but these spring to mind immediately.
The Last series next month

I have my Desmond avatar and Lost signature at the ready, I have never been this exited for a series ever. I just hope it doesn't disapoint, Isn't there Rumours of people coming back in this series like charlie and Boone?
Halfway through season 3 right now, but I'm getting there. Desmond is my favorite character, but now with the whole mysticism bit coming in full force the show is just getting kinda weird.

And what they did to Nikki and Paulo was just unnecessary. XD
That was a great episode

Didn't even think they were going to do an episode for those two, what episode are you on in series 3?
Hurley just tricked Sawyer to be nice to everyone in the camp for one day, under the pretense that he was going to get voted off the beach.

That episode really was fantastic. :p
I LOVE lost it's a fantastic show! One of my favorites! At first I got reaaally confused but, I think I get it now. I'm so excited for the new season to come! Isn't it the final season? Oooh it's gotta be a good one then =)
Well into season 4 now. Ben Linus is such a great villain, even though he's captured by the Survivors half the time he still manages to be manipulative and evil. Hopefully I can watch the rest of the episodes online...
Well into season 4 now. Ben Linus is such a great villain, even though he's captured by the Survivors half the time he still manages to be manipulative and evil. Hopefully I can watch the rest of the episodes online...
I know he's a great villain and he totally suits that role IMO.
And I think you can... I usually record Lost just in case I miss something I can go back and watch it. They should have it somewhere online :hmmm: just google it XD
Is there a trailer for the upcoming final season yet?

I've seen one that is very brief and only contains a
close-shot of one of the characters eyes
... I was wondering if there is a better one somewhere? I mean with the last few seasons we've had a bit more shown than that.

Then again, I guess that is better in a way as it reveals as little as possible. If there was a longer trailer it'll probably reveal things like
if they're still in the 1970's

Can't wait for the new season to start anyway.
Well into season 4 now. Ben Linus is such a great villain, even though he's captured by the Survivors half the time he still manages to be manipulative and evil. Hopefully I can watch the rest of the episodes online...

Best place to watch it online is CastTv it's where i watched it all again anyway

Season 6 in 8 days can't wait am going to prepare myself to be disapointed though..
I dont watch this show,but im kinda curious,why is the group in the island for years now?is it cuz they are or its that i didnt follow the storyline?
LOL Bison it's kinda hard to explain some of them did get of the island but went back there for Numerous reasons

5 days to go :)
Next Tuesday :D

Favorite non-animated show right now. Lost is awesome. Ben is by far the most interesting and I'm so glad they decided to make him a staple character--I'd heard he was only supposed to be in Season 2. Now he's important enough to
have killed someone that seems to be the island's equivalent of Jesus, based on his healing people and the answer to "What lies in the shadow of the statue?"
Honestly, after seeing the last ep of Season 5 yesterday, I think that may be what they're going for--
Jacob representing Jesus/God/good and his nemesis ("Locke") representing the devil/evil etc.
It's an interesting concept, but I'm not sure how much detail they'll give us--sometimes trippy shows like this one like to leave things up to interpretation.

As far as what's going to happen next, I actually have a theory that since they usually like to open new seasons with WTF moments, they might start off this season with
Oceanic 815 landing in LA as though the crash had never happened, just to show us what would have happened to the characters if they'd made it to their destinations
. I'm sure it's something a lot of people have been wondering, and I doubt if they'll just pick the story up where it left off
in the '70s after the bomb exploded
. Because
everyone's pre-island lives sucked
, however, I suspect that if they do this, the characters will
eventually decide that they want to go back to the island anyway, if they remember having been there, or somehow they will get back to it without knowing what it is
. Either way, everything's a big mess with the way they left things, so if they do pick it up there I'm not sure exactly how they'll handle it. To anyone who is trying to be careful of spoilers, however, I would strongly recommend NOT doing any searches for Lost online right now, because I think I almost saw some of the new episode titles somewhere and from having watched the other seasons as they've come out, I've noticed that there are some people on the internet who already know what happens somehow and like to make it as public as possible for some reason. :sad:

Anyway, can't wait to see what happens! I'm probably totally wrong, but oh well.
I actually just started watching this show. I've felt like I'm sort of behind the whole world when it comes to Lost. I usually like being that way- not caught up in the same thing as everyone else- but I happened to see a very early episode in the first season the other day and I was very intrigued, so I decided to watch every episode of every season.
I'm still on season 1, borrowing one season at a time from my cousin who has all of them, trying my hardest to get through all of the seasons before tuesday, when the final one starts. The timing of it is just precious though.. I'll never watch them all in time.
I heard the show gets pretty retarded and deals with time travel lunacy. But I think I'll be able to roll with it.
The thing I don't think I can roll with, however, is how that fat guy hasn't seemed to have "Lost" a single pound, even after being stranded there for so long.
Am guessing it's because of something to do with how unlucky he is, He is to unlucky to even lose weight