
Well I think
containers full of food being dropped from the sky
, moments after he tried to
destroy all of the hatches food supply
probably didn't help him.

He is also
, so we are led to believe, so that might have something to do with it too.

Alternatively it could just be that the actor is just like that, and they're having to fit the show around it.
I actually read somewhere that the actor playing Hurley (Jorge Garcia) had originally auditioned for Sawyer's part, but the makers of the show were still very open-minded at the time of the casting so they ended up making up Hurley based on the things they liked about Jorge Garcia's audition. Boy, that would've been weird though.
I actually read somewhere that the actor playing Hurley (Jorge Garcia) had originally auditioned for Sawyer's part, but the makers of the show were still very open-minded at the time of the casting so they ended up making up Hurley based on the things they liked about Jorge Garcia's audition. Boy, that would've been weird though.

Yeah I read that also. Would have been mega werid. Hes suited more as Hurley though. I finished series 1 in 3 days before I came to Australia, so as soon as Im home and have cash, Im getting the next series. Im becoming addicted again lol.
Watched the first Episode and now i am watching the second

Anyway this is why i think
Desmond was on the plane

in that timeline, the bomb worked, blowing up the entire island, including Widmore, never having Penny, and therefore Desmond was never prompted to sail across the world
OK: Season 6, Episode I--Did anyone else get freaked out by
the smoke monster saying he wants to leave the island
? :gonk: I mean, holy crap. If anyone here remembers that online website clue thing with
Hanso and the Valenzetti Equation and the numbers and the end of the world
, I'm thinking this is probably what they were talking about. I hope so, because I've been waiting for them to tie that into the show. But, yeah. That look made me want to back away from the TV.

I have a suspicion also that
the monster is carrying Richard to the temple to make an exchange for Sayid
, but I'm not sure why the latter is so important if so. Guess we'll find out in a week :awesome:
Just something about Locke

I think the 2004 Locke somewhat knows everything that happened on the island, just some things i noticed in the episode when Boone said " if this thing crashes am staying with you " Locke's face looked remorseful, Also it's funny how he took the card from Jack, he wants to be fixed and go back to the Island,

Bet i am well off track with this one :P

And richard was a part of the crew on the black rock surely, with Fake Locke's comment about the Chains
I think you're right about Richard Alpert. I've read theories for a while that have stated that he likely
arrived on the Black Rock
. Though I never imagined that he would
have been one of the slaves

As for Sayid... I thought maybe that
Jacob was planning on using Sayid as a vessel to be reborn in,
perhaps a bit like
his nemesis is with Locke (though not actually using Locke's real body),
but I'm not too sure. It did seem like
Sayid when he woke up

And I agree it was quite "damn, that's bad" when
Flocke/Smoke Monster said he wants to leave the island
. If that
thing gets out into the real world
people are going to be screwed.
OK: Season 6, Episode I--Did anyone else get freaked out by
the smoke monster saying he wants to leave the island
? :gonk:
Actually, in my opinon i believe that he can probably already get off the island. I think when he says home.. im basing this of course on that fact i think Jacob and MiB have the same powers. He could possibly mean one of two things about going home....
1. He's an alien and wants to go back to his home planet..
2. His home is the temple on the island, which people have been guarding and thats why when Jacob died, they all freaked out because Jacob was protecting them.

Also, i have a idea that ever since Locke got to the island, or sometime after it, he was possessed by MiB (Man in Black) and this is how he knew what locke was thinking when he
. When Locke
, he could finally split and made himself his own.

I don't think that Jacob will possess Sayid either.. I'm sick of people possessing other people.. GET YOUR OWN BODIES! Also, if you pay close attention, when Sayid
comes back to life
he doesn't have the same accent. It almost sounds like Charlie..

Another thing to ponder on.. PARADOX TIME.
If Juliet hits the bomb and it indeed does sink the island...(note this takes place in 77') then Juliet would have never actually came to the island in the first place when she was recruited to be in Dharma and then therefore she would never be able to blow up the bomb in the first place meaning the island is still there... REPEAT.

Im curious to know whether Locke will visit Hurley seeing as
he sees dead people
and tell Hurley information on his side of the story.

Now im curious on how you guys took MiB saying to Richard "I'm glad to see you are finally out of those chains". Was Richard on the Black Rock as a prisoner or perhaps the first mate who caused the ship to crash? Was MiB saying this in a Metaphoric way since Richard was acting as Jacobs lap dog?

Another thing i found was In the alt timeline Jin and Sun aren't married? They both aren't wearing there wedding rings and when the lady at the airport addresses Sun she calls her "Mrs Paik" and him "Mr. Kwan"

could there perhaps be two smokies? i mean... at one point hes harmless (Example with Mr. Eko when he shows him all these images and doesnt attack him.) and at the next point hes a killer (Example he kills Mr. Eko out of the blue). I think that Jacob and MiB both have the power to be smokey. You remember the 2 monster sounds you hear at the start of the first season? could that be the two of them doing something? Locke said he saw a white light, could there be a white smokey? One of the "Sounds of Smokie" is clanging chains, so now I'm wondering if MiB didn't in a way hold Richard in Smokie form to do his bidding, and that is what he is referring to as now freed. Richard is confronted by his former Master.
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Im curious to know whether Locke will visit Hurley seeing as
he sees dead people
and tell Hurley information on his side of the story.

That would be cool. I'm still not ready for
the real Locke to be out of the series--he had such a crap life and he didn't deserve what happened to him, it'd be nice if there could at least be some closure to his storyline

Another thing i found was In the alt timeline Jin and Sun aren't married? They both aren't wearing there wedding rings and when the lady at the airport addresses Sun she calls her "Mrs Paik" and him "Mr. Kwan"

I didn't even catch that! Thanks for pointing it out, that's interesting :hmmm: Just another oddity of the
alt dimension

could there perhaps be two smokies? i mean... at one point hes harmless (Example with Mr. Eko when he shows him all these images and doesnt attack him.) and at the next point hes a killer (Example he kills Mr. Eko out of the blue).

There could possibly be more than one, but I'm not sure if what happened to Eko is evidence of that. If I remember right, Locke and Eko were at odds right before
Eko died
about pushing the button in the hatch, which we learned was actually important and kept a lot of bad stuff from happening. The images Eko saw (I think) were designed to make Eko re-evaluate his life and realize some of the mistakes he made, and his guilt over
his brother's death
led him to follow what his brother had told him in the dream and keep pushing the button. Locke, however, had given up on destiny at that point after visiting the Pearl, and didn't want to push the button. If
the smoke monster's grand plan
involved leading Locke along a particular path the whole time he was there, then anyone who got in Locke's way
would be an enemy to the smoke monster
, and I think Eko fit that description. Eko almost got in the way, so IMO that's why
he was killed by it.

With regard to Sayid, I was thinking about it again, and I think the reason
he may be so important to Jacob is that he was the one who almost killed Ben when Ben was a child
. If Sayid had actually
succeeded at killing Ben, Jacob would never have been killed by Ben years later, so maybe Jacob wants them to find a way to get Sayid to go back in time and kill Ben for real in order to keep Jacob alive
. I'm not sure how this would work, but I can't think of any other reason
Sayid's life would be so important to Jacob
and everyone else on the island. And, come to think of it, maybe that's why
Shannon died
too--I always thought Walt's creepy appearances might be
the smoke monster
, but if Jacob has any similar sort of power, he might have somehow set up the circumstances that led to
her death
in order for Sayid to
be available to kill Ben and have no distractions.
I dunno, maybe I'm stretching it...:hmm:
There could possibly be more than one, but I'm not sure if what happened to Eko is evidence of that. If I remember right, Locke and Eko were at odds right before
Eko died
about pushing the button in the hatch, which we learned was actually important and kept a lot of bad stuff from happening. The images Eko saw (I think) were designed to make Eko re-evaluate his life and realize some of the mistakes he made, and his guilt over
his brother's death
led him to follow what his brother had told him in the dream and keep pushing the button. Locke, however, had given up on destiny at that point after visiting the Pearl, and didn't want to push the button. If
the smoke monster's grand plan
involved leading Locke along a particular path the whole time he was there, then anyone who got in Locke's way
would be an enemy to the smoke monster
, and I think Eko fit that description. Eko almost got in the way, so IMO that's why
he was killed by it.

With regard to Sayid, I was thinking about it again, and I think the reason
he may be so important to Jacob is that he was the one who almost killed Ben when Ben was a child
. If Sayid had actually
succeeded at killing Ben, Jacob would never have been killed by Ben years later, so maybe Jacob wants them to find a way to get Sayid to go back in time and kill Ben for real in order to keep Jacob alive
. I'm not sure how this would work, but I can't think of any other reason
Sayid's life would be so important to Jacob
and everyone else on the island. And, come to think of it, maybe that's why
Shannon died
too--I always thought Walt's creepy appearances might be
the smoke monster
, but if Jacob has any similar sort of power, he might have somehow set up the circumstances that led to
her death
in order for Sayid to
be available to kill Ben and have no distractions.
I dunno, maybe I'm stretching it...:hmm:

This is good thinking. Jacob could have indeed planed all this because he knew about Sayid wanting to kill Ben. I like this.

But it almost seemed like Jacob didn't mind dieing... like he had a plan the whole time... i mean, he didn't even put up a fight to stop ben from killing him. But he did say "You have a choice". Though i think he already knew that this was going to be the end.

On another note.. When Jacob gets stabbed multiple times he says "They're coming..." Who could he mean by this?
There could possibly be more than one, but I'm not sure if what happened to Eko is evidence of that. If I remember right, Locke and Eko were at odds right before
Eko died
about pushing the button in the hatch, which we learned was actually important and kept a lot of bad stuff from happening. The images Eko saw (I think) were designed to make Eko re-evaluate his life and realize some of the mistakes he made, and his guilt over
his brother's death
led him to follow what his brother had told him in the dream and keep pushing the button. Locke, however, had given up on destiny at that point after visiting the Pearl, and didn't want to push the button. If
the smoke monster's grand plan
involved leading Locke along a particular path the whole time he was there, then anyone who got in Locke's way
would be an enemy to the smoke monster
, and I think Eko fit that description. Eko almost got in the way, so IMO that's why
he was killed by it.

I found this interesting, so I decided to look into who has been killed by the monster so far, and see if this fits in with leading Locke on a particular path.

Here goes:
Nadine and Montand (from the French expedition, can't think of a reason at the moment in terms of John Locke, but it is likely they were killed for getting too close to the temple).
Seth Norris (the pilot, perhaps to stop him finding a way to contact the outside world before the time they were meant to, though I'm not too sure).
Mr. Eko (for reasons you suggested perhaps).
Nikki (the producers said that the Medusa Spider that paralysed her was a manifestation of the smoke monster, but that the one that bit Paulo was a real one, any connection to Locke is probably weak, and more likely to do with the producers wanting these characters off the show)
Mayhew (of Keamy's group, perhaps just because he would get in the way)
Bram and some of his gang (after Locke's death, so this is likely nothing to do with this, instead being because they were in the way and his enemies trying to stop him).

Also in terms of encounters,
Locke had encountered the smoke monster more often than the others on the island, being the first to see it (we believe), and also nearly being pulled into the ground by it, and actually wanting to let go (what would have happened if he had let go?).

You could argue that
the smoke monster always had a stronger connection with John Locke, but I think most of the deaths are (as we can see at the moment) nothing directly linked to Locke's destiny
. That said, a reason might present itself in the future, and it is likely that
some of the killings by the monster were done to keep Locke on the right path, but that others had different reasons, or may merely be just for getting in the way, or a threat in other ways

I think there has to be a lot more to the
smoke monster / man in black
than we are led to believe now that
it is revealed to be him, as there certainly did seem to be an element of judgment in the monster.
Then again, that
"judging" might actually have just been manipulating its victims to following a certain path by stimulating the right emotions
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First episode back was crazy, absolutely crazy. Final season, and still we have this trend of things being answered while many more questions arise.

I agree with the suggestion that
Jacob wanted to use Sayid as a vessel the way Locke is used
. That's immediately what came to mind when Jacob stressed maintaining Sayid like that.

Also, someone mentioned my interpretation of the "I want to go home" comment. I don't think
Locke's possessor
was referring to an actual "home" off the island at all. I think he was referring to
that temple, which is why those people were so frantic about protecting it.
Anyone notice that attention to detail they gave to that guy pouring the sand around himself to stay protected from the monster? I'm willing to bet he's with those guys at the temple, and that they're aware of that same fact, all because of Jacob.

Something I find peculier about the
alternate reality
? The missing coffin. The people can't even find it? I have a feeling it
may be on the island
Something I find peculier about the
alternate reality
? The missing coffin. The people can't even find it? I have a feeling it
may be on the island

That's a good theory. I found that really weird too. And of course, second episode was just on and it didn't explain a thing about that.

Claire acting as the new French woman
? That was certainly interesting. I'm thinking now that what happened to
Rousseau's crew
after they went in the temple is the same thing that's going to happen to Sayid, and what already supposedly happened to
Claire, except that Claire was "infected" and Rousseau was probably not. Rousseau did use the term "infected", though, to describe her team
, and I find that interesting, since it's the same word the temple people are using :hmmm: But basically I think what happened is this:
French team went into the temple, somehow contacted the smoke monster and/or died, and then came out "infected" but resurrected. Then, the smoke monster manifested as Jack's father, took Claire to the temple, and the same thing happened to her--infected but resurrected (possibly, if something happened to her).
And now, the same thing is happening to Sayid--
he's in the temple, dies, and suddenly he's been infected/resurrected
. I think maybe something about certain people going to the temple is
turning them evil, perhaps people who are dead or almost there? The temple people didn't seem to have a problem with Sayid before he died, but tested him afterward--
so it seems that condition would have something to do with it. So it might be that
the smoke monster is pulling a "Davy Jones" from Pirates of the Caribbean--somehow contacting people who are dead/dying and then bringing them back as servants of some sort, especially with the way they were referred to as having been "claimed"?
. There is that whole issue from way back of "the Others" claiming that there were "good" people and "bad" people in the plane crash, and kidnapping the "good" ones, leaving us with the main characters, including Sayid. And maybe the "bad" people are more easily
converted to smoke monster servants
? The only thing that could blow a hole in my theory is the fact that
Jack's father and Claire
were in Jacob's cabin with a ring of ash around it, meaning
Jack's father would have to be someone else
. However, though I don't remember being able to see it, I read somewhere that
the ring of ash around the cabin was broken
, meaning
the smoke monster
could've easily gotten in and pretended to be
Jack's father
. Another thing is that Jacob did want Sayid to
go to the temple to be "saved"
, however it may have been because he knew the temple people would
poison him to death and thereby release him from the "infection", thereby "saving" his soul
? :hmm: I dunno, I know these are some pretty wild theories, but it's so convoluted. Aagh! :banghead:
Sorry to double-post, but just have to say one thing about the new ep tonight:

Ben: "He was a better man than I'll ever be. And I'm very sorry that I murdered him."

Ben, you are officially the best TV show character ever. :sad2::inlove:
I'm glad that Richard Alpert has finally had his story revealed. I've waited for that for a long time! And also the story behind the
Black Rock

I rather enjoyed this latest episode. It was quite a break from the other things that were happening, yet important at the same time. It helps explain the rivalry between Jacob and the nemesis as well, or Jacob's role in making sure that
the nemesis does not escape the island

Everything is going to go to hell if
the Smoke Monster / Flocke / Nemesis / Man in Black gets off the island

I'm glad they took nearly a full episode to show us all of that in detail. They could have just had a few flashbacks, but I'm glad they didn't as that wouldn't have been enough I don't think. We needed it fleshed out as we hadn't seen many flashbacks to that era before, and there was a lot to explain in it.
I'm glad that Richard Alpert has finally had his story revealed. I've waited for that for a long time! And also the story behind the
Black Rock

Oh hell yes. I'd been waiting for this forever! :awesome: Finally!

I rather enjoyed this latest episode. It was quite a break from the other things that were happening, yet important at the same time. It helps explain the rivalry between Jacob and the nemesis as well, or Jacob's role in making sure that
the nemesis does not escape the island

I loved the metaphor with the wine bottle,
especially when the nemesis breaks it at the end.
And the scene where
Jacob beat up Richard and put him under the water
was my favorite Jacob scene yet--sometimes you just need someone to do that to you in life and I know I would've completely trusted him after that if it were me.

Everything is going to go to hell if
the Smoke Monster / Flocke / Nemesis / Man in Black gets off the island

Yeah. I think this is where the numbers may come in, if they are going to stick by the Valenzetti Equation that they used in the Hanso Foundation website game thing. I really hope they stick with that. It's interesting, though, that
Jacob wants to protect the island, yet he wants to keep his nemesis there
:hmmm: Maybe it's because it's the only place where
the nemesis can be contained
? I had always thought it was because of the island's
healing properties
, but that may not be the case now as bigger things have come to the table.
Finally, after six seasons, a couple of my hunches or thoughts played out the way I thought they would. Ab Aeterno confirmed them. It was probably one of my most favorite episodes yet.

I've been very busy on the episodes' premier night as of late, so I watched a bunch of them consecutively today.

During the Sayid episode,
I couldn't help but reflect on this recurring theme of repentance that many of the island's inhabitants have gone through at one point or another.
I mean, yeah, you notice it at different times in the show, but for some reason, it wasn't until then that I finally thought there'd be a larger purpose
for that.
I thought that Jacob had summoned them for these reasons. Sure enough, we learn that Jacob brought them all to the island for these purposes.

Secondly, something about the way that
Esau/Locke talked about escaping from the island made me think that he was considering something very dark for the outside world, something incredibly devastating. I thought that, because of this, it had been Jacob who was keeping him confined.
It was amazing to see how they handled this, and all of the other aspects.

I've always liked Richard, so I was glad to see his backstory and what kind of role he played. Love the idea of
the candidates
and I love the dynamics between the different forces and islanders.

I honestly can't wait until the next episode.
I felt really sorry for Locke in this latest episode. :sad2:

I can see multiple possibilities why
Desmond did it but it was still sad to see as Flashsideways Timeline Locke was innocent and a nice man just getting on with his life

ran him over
- to prevent
Fake-Locke from crossing into that timeline and taking over that timelines Locke
- To give
Locke a near death experience and force him to see flashes from the original timeline (Locke looked confused and, while this is to be expected after being knocked out of a wheelchair and over a vehicle, his eyes looked as if he was watching something that may have been flashes of his other life in the original timeline)
- To cause
Fake-Locke / Smoke Monster considerable pain, or at least a message. It might be that the parallel universe counterparts are linked to themselves and can feel it a bit when they are hurt. Since Fake-Locke / Man in Black / Nemesis / Smoke Monster (I wish we could learn his name!!!) is in the guise of Locke it might be that he may have a connection with the Flash-sideways timeline Locke and might notice if Locke is hurt, or it might even disconnect the Man in Black from Locke's image though I doubt it would go that far yet

There are probably other reasons he did it too, but those spring to mind as obvious possibilities to me.

On a brighter note I loved the awards ceremony with Hurley. Seeing all the accomplishments of Cluck's was great. :D
ran him over
- To give
Locke a near death experience and force him to see flashes from the original timeline (Locke looked confused and, while this is to be expected after being knocked out of a wheelchair and over a vehicle, his eyes looked as if he was watching something that may have been flashes of his other life in the original timeline)

Wow--I'd been trying to figure out why he did this but now that you mention it, this actually makes perfect sense. It seems that the survivors in the flash sideways can
only remember their lives on the island when they're in intense situations (NDEs, Hurley kissing Libby, etc.), and since Desmond seems to want everyone from Flight 815 to remember the island, this would definitely be an effective (though really sad :() way
. I'd thought also that maybe if
Desmond killed Locke in the flash sideways he might disappear from the island too
, but it might not work that way :hmmm: The only other thing that really made me think that was when
Juliet was dying, she said the A-bomb plan "had worked," which made me wonder if dying on the island enabled her to somehow pop into existence in the flash sideways world
. But this seems pretty iffy now that I think of it.

On a brighter note I loved the awards ceremony with Hurley. Seeing all the accomplishments of Cluck's was great. :D

That was pretty funny :) And I'm guessing Charlotte probably worked in the museum they were talking about as well :P