Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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For awhile I thought Tifa may have had a scar, but it really makes no sense now. Especially since we see her in Crisis Core and Last Order (as Ryu mentioned) with no blood or visible wound. It's kind of fun to think of her as having one, though. :) Like that beautiful fanart portrayed.

Speaking of CC, it's really a shame that we never get to see Tifa run up and confront Sephiroth like in the other games. :( But, we did get to see Cloud's rather affectionate moment with her, so all is forgiven. :highfive:
Of course in Clerith land, they seem to think Cloud would just go off and do such things with any ol' person. :randompoke:
Yeah... I didn't get the discussion, it is fan speculation. There's no real way to say yes or no on the issue.

Of course in Clerith land, they seem to think Cloud would just go off and do such things with any ol' person. :randompoke:

And we totally have that cheek-rub in LO! Though... LO is technically not canon, it still endorses the Cloti :D
^^ Ditto. 'Cept...somehow I don't dig the Chinese look on Tifa... :/

Though... LO is technically not canon, it still endorses the Cloti :D

The compilation in its entirety endorses CloTi. Even the not so canon Maiden of the Planet. :cassy: The one Cleriths trumpet. :rolleyes:

Random, I just remembered a line Cloud stated after Aerith died; a line supporting the not so obvious fact that Aerith wasn’t any more important to Cloud than the way she was to Tifa and the others:

“What about us…what are WE supposed to do?”

Why not “What about me, what am I supposed to do?” if the scene was meant to be romantic at all. And interesting enough,“WE” was stressed in the script too. Clearly, no special attention given to their supposed relationship. ...-gasp- And no caressing of the cheek! Oh wait, but there was one by Tifa. :wacky: Still doesn't beat the one between Cloud and Tifa in CC though. :highfive:

Oh yes, on the other hand, we have such a line between Cloud and Tifa: “No matter what anyone says to me, it’s your attitude that counts…” :D Clearly, special attention given to Cloud's and Tifa's relationship. :D

Anywhos. Happy Turkey everyone.
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Yeah, Tifa's Wall Market dress definitely goes against her having a scar; I'll concede that >__<

Okay, I give in (I'm such a wimp :P) that there's more evidence to suggest there NOT being a scar, but in my happy scars-are-sexy lala land, she has one and Cloud would totally be kissing it xD

I don't mind too much if people pair up Cloud and Aerith because they just like the thought of the two of them together (like how I like the thought Zack and Cloud together, or even Aerith and Tifa together), but trying to prove them canon, that's not going to fly no matter how far they launch it, especially not with all the stuff being added on beyond the initial FFVII game -_-

Ack, shame on me, and I said I wouldn't mention Clerith, blast it >_<
Ack, shame on me, and I said I wouldn't mention Clerith, blast it >_<

Same here! Honestly. I try with little effort :giggle: When I think of the romantic subplot, the pink army/zealous missionaries comes to mind. Really, (most of them) they're loud (obnoxious). I have to give them that :cassy: as I cannot supress my petty hatred against the inane logic they boast in order to force canonicity in favor of the pairing they support. -guilty- So yes blast it! :devil2:
I've already said my bit regarding the crazy Claeristh logic. I just don't like how that interpretation would require the characters to have rather unlikable personalities. Mind you, I single out the crazy Clearisth mentality. I don't mind seeing Cloud/Aeris as a couple, and I do think there's good reasoning as to why it could work in a seperate context. With the added titles to the compilation, it just doesn't make sense towards the main story anymore.
yes I've mentioned it several times I hate the "Clerith mentality", and it's exasperating I consider myself mature enough to not get mad over a shipping war, but their way of thinking.....
I really want Square to give us an obvious Cloti moment(since it seems their reading comprehension is non existant, I mean do they know what is an inference? an inference is something you can affirm not explicity stated but present on the text
for example "Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for eachother and live together" you must have very poor reading skills if you don't understand what this mean)
I think that even if they give us a kiss for example they will twist it with their logic
"Cloud and Tifa were on the ground when they kissed, earth=Aerith that means Cloud was imaging he was kissing Aerith instead, as her spirit always inside of him possesed Tifa"(that made no sense xD,it seems I have a Clerith inside of me)
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Cloti, that was a very awkward post! Especially that last part.

Cloud never expressed any true feelings towards Aerith, he just regrets letting her die at Sephiroth's hands when he could have easily stopped it. On the other hand, Cloud really does admit that he liked Tifa when they were younger. That's the advantage that Clotis have over Cleriths.
yes I've mentioned it several times I hate the "Clerith mentality", and it's exasperating I consider myself mature enough to not get mad over a shipping war,

[Dalek]This is not war. This is pest control.[/Dalek]

but their way of thinking.....
I really want Square to give us an obvious Cloti moment(since it seems their reading comprehension is non existant, I mean do they know what is an inference? an inference is something you can affirm not explicity stated but present on the text
for example "Cloud and Tifa realized their feelings for eachother and live together" you must have very poor reading skills if you don't understand what this mean)

It's not necessarily poor reading skills. It might be sheer, unadultered, balls to the wall denial instead.

I think that even if they give us a kiss for example they will twist it with their logic
"Cloud and Tifa were on the ground when they kissed, earth=Aerith that means Cloud was imaging he was kissing Aerith instead, as her spirit always inside of him possesed Tifa"(that made no sense xD,it seems I have a Clerith inside of me)

There's fanfiction like that.
And they already to that. They insert Aerith between Cloud and Tifa in their little Tao scene when they're passed out in the church.
To me, that "Tao" scene told me Aerith was blessing Cloud and Tifa being together >_>

And I can't remember, but did the wolf show up in that scene too? 'Cause I think it represents Zack, right; so he's there with Aerith's spirit too :3
To me, that "Tao" scene told me Aerith was blessing Cloud and Tifa being together >_>

Yeah, but they say she's BETWEEN them.

And I can't remember, but did the wolf show up in that scene too? 'Cause I think it represents Zack, right; so he's there with Aerith's spirit too :3

It's not Zack, but you can be forgiven for thinking it is (I thought it was him myself at first). It's actually the representation of Cloud's guilt. It appears when he feels a failure. Failure for letting Zack die, for letting Aerith die, and for letting Tifa get hurt (The same things that make his Geostigma start flaring up), and fades when he forgives himself.
But yeah, I don't think Zack's just sitting and spinning in the afterlife and not giving two craps about the man he gave his very life to protect the life of.
"Cloud and Tifa were on the ground when they kissed, earth=Aerith that means Cloud was imaging he was kissing Aerith instead, as her spirit always inside of him possesed Tifa"(that made no sense xD,it seems I have a Clerith inside of me)

Haha, they twist absolutely everything, and it's just ridiculous. I like how they even twist the "It's only your attitude that counts" line. Saying, 'That wasn't the real Cloud' and supporting that adamantly. If they really believed that wasn't the real Cloud speaking, then shouldn't they believe that anything Cloud has said to Aerith isn't the REAL Cloud? :D This is just downright... well, stupid really. You know, it's pretty sad that Clerith's have to make things like this:

To prove what point exactly? That they are really shitty with graphics? ;))

Cloud never expressed any true feelings towards Aerith, he just regrets letting her die at Sephiroth's hands when he could have easily stopped it. On the other hand, Cloud really does admit that he liked Tifa when they were younger. That's the advantage that Clotis have over Cleriths.

It's not only Cloud that never gave any hints of romantic interest towards Aerith; none of the characters' comments or observations in the game hint at any CloAer relationsip either, unless you count Tifa's insecurity as waffz proof for a CxA lala love.

Seriously, why would the creators give us these subtle hints if not to suggest something?

1. FF7: Barret's comments about "your baby", and Cloud-Tifa actually being the subject of gossip in sector 7.
2. FF7: Aerith herself giving Cloud and Tifa some privacy at Don Corneo's. Not to mention her observation that Cloud was suspiciously 'upset' when inquired about Tifa being a "girl..-friend?"
3. FF7: The teasings after the Highwind Scene. Of course.
4. CC: Zack noticed how worried Cloud was about Tifa. How?
5. AC: Reno and Rude, obviously uncomfortable when in the middle of Tifa's lecturing Cloud. [I've watched a lot of Asian dramas, and such a scenario is cliche and suggestive of a relationship between couples]
6. AC: Marlene's drawings of Cloud and Tifa. Again, suggestive. Marlene is described as being an observant child afterall, we can trust her judgment. ;))
7. CoB: Barret confirms Cloud is with Tifa. Cid remarks, "I see in the end it's the woman that wears the pants."

[^^Edit: ahee weird numberings...]

You would think, that if the creators intended Cloud-Aerith to be the pairing, there would be many suggestive comments from other characters at least, consoling Cloud about Aerith as his "lost love" and not merely his guilt.

If there were any 'true affections' Cloud had toward Aerith, ff7 and AC consistently affirms it as guilt. How could Cloud not be devastated, really? He beat her just before, almost killed her himself, and bam Sephy kills her right in front of his face. Guilt after guilt, and then the finale. He was the only one that close to the incident and he failed to do anything. It's also funny that the Cleriths like to trumpet the deal about Cloud's being Aerith's bodyguard. I don't think this 'deal' received as much attention as Cloud's promise to be Tifa's soldier; not from the creators, not from Cloud himself. Lifestream proves it.

It's actually not wholly the Clerith's fault though for believing in CxA. Aerith's death was staged to look like a tragic, romantic scene. Cloud and Aerith were in the traditional roles to make it look romantic: blonde guy and pink lady. But the romantic emotions were just in not there for the characters. Yeah, they had their cute moments when Aerith took her chances to flirt with Cloud the way Zack flirted with her, but their interactions didn't come close to anything that would suggest they had a relationship, let alone an intimate one. The creators, because they teased us with the 'love triangle', created what we see now as the pink army :P. Oh wait, but what do we call ourselves. blarg. I still despise 'them' for not being intellectually fair, for being delusional, dafdabjb

On a more a different note, there are few but crucial similarities between Cloud's and Tifa's relationship to Kenshin's and Kaoru's relationship :wacky:
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I think it's closer to Keita and Naru in Love Hina... if Keita had innate awesome sword skill.

BTW, check out Ultimania translations and FF release news. Quite awesome.
That site is only three months old but has already compiled a lot of information. There could have been sites like that years ago; but better late than never! I don't mean to exaggerate, but it is comforting, really, to see sites like that versus the delusional bright and blinding pink ones. :lol:
Oh, I totally agree about Keita and Naru! <33

I'm glad is out there! I mean, it's enough to disprove and any other crap out there. And best of all, it's official. :highfive:

4. AC: Marlene's drawings of Cloud and Tifa.

I like how Clerith's like to lighten the scene on their computers to try and prove that a random blob in the corner of the room looks like a drawing of Aerith. -lulz- It looks like a blob.

But, they did point out that Marlene drew a picture of Barret. How very observant! It's funny that Cloud and Tifa are posted right next to one another! =O And Barret is off on the other side of the room. Speaking of lightening the scene up to see the 'hidden' stuff, apparently there are just hidden Clerith messages everywhere. :) I mean, look at all the flowers that litter the room. It's tru wuv. :tighthug: Aerith's presence is everywhere! It's suffocating! x'D
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