Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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I know is stressful to read all the crap their write but we should start to ignore them by now.

Cloti, it's actually amusing this time around. Let's hope they're motivated. I don't want to be disappointed.

***I must be evil.
All Cloti are heathens and devils! :monster:

Didn't you know that?
Holy shit, this thread expanded fast (I just went to write a final and boom, two pages)

You know, having shipped a pairing that ultimately didn't become canon (RIP Harry/Hermione) I can understand why some of them may feel bad. Fortunately, I (and most of the HP community) have not been driven to delusional insanity :monster:
Holy shit, this thread expanded fast (I just went to write a final and boom, two pages)

You know, having shipped a pairing that ultimately didn't become canon (RIP Harry/Hermione) I can understand why some of them may feel bad. Fortunately, I (and most of the HP community) have not been driven to delusional insanity :monster:

Some have, though. There are still ardent H/H Shippers out there.

To- I think- coin a phrase, that the ship has sunk has not prevented that devoted crew from attempting to set sail. Of course, you can also take the metaphor further, in that they say their dinghy crashed upon the rocks is a fully outfitted supercarrier out patrolling the seas.

And that's enough extension of the metaphor for one night.
Oh yeah, I still ship H/Hr. It's one of my favourite ships, and I think their relationship was the best in the series. I'm not going to go out and PROVE IN-TEXT that they're secretly screwing, while cheating on Ron and Ginny. I know how it happened, I simply choose to ignore it (not deny it). That's why fanfic/fanart is there.

I'm sure there are still some crazy H/Hr shippers though. Haven't been active in that community for a while though.

In the words of Dido: "I will go down with this ship, I won't put my hands down and surrender"

I think some people take the second part a little too seriously o_o
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All Cloti are heathens and devils! :monster:

Didn't you know that?

That makes Japan near Utopia, because there are absolutely no CLOTI there. :monster:



Because they're cute. :wacky:
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Denzel couldn't be cuter! and Tifa is so beautiful those kids are lucky to have a mother like that.Everytime I see that picture it reminds me of the Clerith theory about how unhappy Cloud was based on this photo.... to think that Square would make such an unlikeable character....he loves his family and it's currently the dearest thing to him.

What's most important to you is usually the last thing in your mind. As Aerith was the last person on Zack's mind, so is Cloud's family the last thing on his mind before defeating Sephiroth again (And we do not see BarretO_O:tighthug:O_O

For those who do not know, if you want to break Cloud away from his family spiritually or physically albeit it's only in the final fantasy makes you a wanna-be home-wrecker!!! :wacky: Stop being a burden to the intelligent society.
yeah I always saw it that way too in that scene(such a big deal that Aerith was shown three times, we don't even see her face..)however I think AVALANCHE should have been shown in that scene too after all they are Cloud's friends....
That makes Japan near Utopia, because there are absolutely no CLOTI there.

Only vain American's mostly ship Cloti! :notfunny:

ADORABLE picture, by the way.

Clerith theory about how unhappy Cloud was based on this photo....

Ridiculous. What should we believe, the fact that Cloud isn't smiling in this photo or the Ultimania stating that Cloud left his family because he was scared of losing the happiness he had? The happier he got, the more frightened he became.

Worse than that theory, they refuse to believe this quote in the Ultimania and constantly say that Cloud wanted to *die* and be with Aerith because they take Tifa's statement literally when she says "So that's it, you're just going to give up and die?"
yeah I always saw it that way too in that scene(such a big deal that Aerith was shown three times, we don't even see her face..)however I think AVALANCHE should have been shown in that scene too after all they are Cloud's friends....

When I mentioned Barret not being in the picture, I meant him not being part of Cloud's family. AVALANCHE being part of his flashbacks would be a plus, but not necessary for the same message to be conveyed: what Cloud lost and what he still has and wishes to protect in the present.

It's not a perfect comparison with Zack's flashbacks, where pretty much everyone appears, because Zack was quite frankly dying, so it makes more sense for us to see the accumulation of memories he had with Angeal, Sephy, Cloud, etc,and finally Aerith. Cloud’s flashback is an immediate reaction to Seph’s question of what’s “most “precious” to him, which is why the flashback was like, what less than a second? :confused:

Ridiculous. What should we believe, the fact that Cloud isn't smiling in this photo or the Ultimania stating that Cloud left his family because he was scared of losing the happiness he had? The happier he got, the more frightened he became.

The latter. Besides, like I said before, picture-perfect families are not always genuinely happy families and maybe families with awkward family portraits are. That’s why I heart Cloud’s family, they seem natural and normal.

Worse than that theory, they refuse to believe this quote in the Ultimania and constantly say that Cloud wanted to *die* and be with Aerith because they take Tifa's statement literally when she says "So that's it, you're just going to give up and die?"

For a group that hates Tifa, saying Tifa is a liar, saying Tifa doesn't "get it" when she asked Cloud "Do you love me?" they sure depend too much on Tifa, her words, her actions as their so-called evidence. They spend more time studying Tifa than Aerith. How ironic. They could easily become die-hard Tifa fans if they weren’t shipping. Though I must say I rarely visit the pink forum, but it seems that way.
they love to take things "literally" for example Aerith comment about how she and Zack weren't serious.... please we know Aerith didn't mean that but for them she did.
and Cloud wanting to die to be with Aerith... if he had wanted that why would he bother to start a life with Tifa? he would have killed himself inmediatly after FFVII ended..

oh! an latinamericans also mostly ship Cloti....we are crazy too..
They spend more time studying Tifa than Aerith. How ironic.

Haha, and that's very true. They barely know anything about Aerith, as far as I'm concerned. Any character, for that matter. They're too busy twisting personalities to make sure that Cloud and Aerith end up loving one another. They even go so far as to say there is proof that ZackxTifa, RudexTifa, and JohnnyXTifa are more plausible than CloudxTifa.

And in their character bashing thread, they bash Zack and Tifa for the stupidest reasons, as you can imagine. The supposed people who *like* Tifa and support Clerith, are seen in these Forums calling Tifa a big-breasted whore. :ohshit: Is that really how they get their kicks? XD They even twist their own personalities!
:ohshit: Is that really how they get their kicks? XD

LOL!!!! That smiley you're using reminds me of the pink kids. Gawd... They're so funny. >.<

They even twist their own personalities

LOL!!! Yeah. Hilarious!


The picture is just to make up for the bashing. :wacky:
That picture always makes my heart just melt. <3 Cloud and Tifa look so peaceful, and they are so focused on together in that scene. I always liked their matching outfits, too. I thought it was pretty awesome that they were made to be a perfect balance of one another. :)
awww I love that pic! Tifa and Cloud look perfect together as always. have any of you watched this?
it has cute cloti moments and is very funny, at the beginning of the series the creator made it seem as if was clerith the couple he was going for... but then he made a plot twsit xD some Clerith were very happy over this series but when they saw this....
Haha, I love FFJason! The Cleriths liked his series? Really? When he's such a Tifa fanboy? That is certainly surprising. :P

I liked what he did with Aerith and Sephiroth to "The Phantom of The Opera". I wish he would finish it. have any of you watched this?
it has cute cloti moments and is very funny, at the beginning of the series the creator made it seem as if was clerith the couple he was going for... but then he made a plot twsit xD some Clerith were very happy over this series but when they saw this....

lol I've seen it. Tifa kicks ass in all of his episodes. Though I still have no idea why he made Cloud go into Aerith's room. Then again, I think he said nothing has to make sense! :D But otherwise, lulz, Cloud's and Tifa's relationship is sexy and lulz in there.
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Aww, that picture is just so cute. Cloti is implied so much in Advent Children and I don't understand when some Cleriths think that it's all about their favourite pairing. Aerith only gets a bit of time onscreen, whereas Tifa gets much, much, much more!
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