Love Beyond Friendship: A Cloti Club

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an Art competition would be really great(I can't draw though,not one of my talents)
but I would love to see some lovely Cloti fanart!
I looks forwards to awesome CloTi Artworks :O

I might ATTEMPT a work of art. Might be just stick people though :monster:
I wish I could draw.. Cloti would be a good subject,such a beautiful relationship..
I don't know when I became such a shipper,I don't think my love for the couple will fade,at each installement of the compilation it only grows...Their relationship evolved from a childhood crush into a strong husband-wife kind of relationship and they are so young! I hope that if Square keeps milikng FFVII we can see a Cloud-Tifa lovechild...
I drew something yesterday pretty quick,took me around 5-10 minutes,but I might scan it and post it,it's still unfinished.
I'll give it another try and devote more time.
it is a talent that only a handful of people have...
Oremuse post your work! I really want to see it.
hahah what a cute picture! Cloud is definitely smitten with Tifa in this one.
Who wouldn't though,I wonder if he ever stared at Tifa boobs.... he is just so shy,I can't imagine him doing that.
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thank you everyone for the songs! :D hm, i think i will upload a CloTi drawing soon, i hope you will like it! =3
I really, really think that this song fits whenever Cloud thinks about being responsible for Aerith's death and how Tifa feels.
really liked the picture Oremuse! Tifa looks great,and Cloud expression is his usual self(kinda like the family picture) and the name of the club on top! nice job.
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