Maiden of the Planet - An Aerith Fanclub

Why are FFVII Characters so much more memorable? Relatable, somple as that. I can HUGELY relate to Nanaki, and so I am a huge fan of him. It coincides with many fanships. Either that, or they just really wish they were like the characters, or maybe they just really like the characters.

Either way, it leads to the same thing: the characters were EXTREMELY original. The only exceptions (possibly, though doubtful) are Aerith, Cloud, and Tifa. Aerith is the peaceful loving monk. Simple correspondence.
is it ok if i join? i got a few pics...






ill get mroe later but i g2g for a bit
-Prods Club- Also Twinneh, you might wanna change my name on the list. :P Just a thought.

Has anyone heard the orchestral version of Aerith's Theme? Damn it's hawt. o.o;;
Alright, this club is getting way too inactive. Mark, wtf are you! (the w standing for where)
We have more members than the Tifa club, I think we're either the 2nd or 3rd most popular club - behind Cloud and Vincent, naturally.

Anyway. Who do I need to add to the members list? xD Firefox is being a tit today.
Those are some pretty avatars, although i've seen most of them before ^_^

Welcome to the club ^_^
Ya i just found them on Photobucket. Another good place to look is Its got alot of icons on it.

And thanks for the welcome ^^

EDIT: I got Firefox too :wacky:
*kicks self for not joining sooner*

Sign me up please ^^
Finally got around to updating this, and the rest of the clubs section, we hit 30 members! Well done everyone ^_^
Woohoo, I fel the need to draw me some Aerith pict0rs....

...altho Im feeling uber lazy today, nd Im talking lazier than usual :confused:
I would draw pictures, but I happen to suck at it. To be honest, I cannot draw a banana, my skills are those of a fourth grader. Sticks and circles.
I would love to join. Aerith is one of the kindest people in Final Fantasy. She saved the planet and defenetly deserves to have me as a member :lol:

Those are the best avatars I have ever seen! :gasp:
...Mark, if you've given up on this club, I am going to smack you so hard the mice on Mars will feel it -__-