Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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Eiko or Quina...
I just don't like to use them as much as the others...
and I find them kinda weak and I use them the least.
my usual team is:


Gotta be quinna, that thing is just annoying, as well as being weak in battle and I feel his portion in the Marshes has no real significance to the story
In all honesty, to me there are two characters that are useless. They would be Eiko and Quina. Sure Quina at times is funny but the thing didn't really have a reason to come along except to eat frogs. It's attached are rather dull, seriously, how much damage can you do with a giant fork? You'd think none but sometimes the damage was all right. As for it's purpose in the story well...besides eating frogs and pretty much eating everything else in sight I saw no real usefulness for the creature. I didn't even use it when I got it in my party.

As for Eiko, I thought she was really weak and by weak I mean physically and even magically. Her physical attacks aren't that all good and using a flute? Last time i check you use a flute to make music and not attack a monster. Plus I'm really disgusted at the fact that Eiko hardly has any clothes on...I mean come on guys and gals. Half of her pants at the bottom near know where is gone. So she's showing off to everyone, even though she is a kid I understand that but it's gross. If you look at pictures of her you'll see what I am referring to. Also, her magical skills aren't that good. The creatures she summons aren't that strong - and in all honesty I thought none of them were strong in this game with the exception for Bahamut. It's nice that Eiko finally get a family but other than that what' s her purpose? Besides to annoy people like Zidane because she loves him. Come on. In the end she's a weak character.
I didnt really like Quina as a character but i had "it" in my "a-Team for the whole game, Blue magic FTW! I dont see everyones problems with quina as a useful character in battle some blue magic spells where invaluable....Irritating out of battle but useful nonetheless.

Amarant i found useless.
Quina gets my vote!!!! I use the rest of 'em too much to say that they are useless.... Oh and by the way..... Quina is a guy (for those of you that don't know that...) It is stated in the game but they just keep calling him 's/he'
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I'll only talk about the main characters so here we go:

Zidane: Actually apart from the steal function he isnt that good in battle, Freya,Amarant and Steiner can filll the physical dmg up and got better special attack. IMO one of the weaker fighters apart from his high HP he gets cuz you always fight with him normally. Story-wise he's my favourite, my fav.part of the game is in the pandemonium.

Garnet: I'm not a real eidolon-user so I actually hardly use garnet apart from some healing stuff. Only eidolons I sometimes call are Odin (with his other attack ofc) and Ark. Story-wise I find her pretty boring but ok she's zidane's gf xD.

Vivi: Pretty unreplacable in some boss battles due to his elemental magic attack, I really like to combine him with amarant and cast curs eto get my opp some elemental weaknesses xD. Story-wise he's cool cant rly say a lot bout him but I like him =).

Steiner: This guy is a beast in battle, I prefer his sword art way before the sword magic. I consider minus strike to be the best early game ability, just cast shell/reflect on him and get him at low HP, you can always use charge! as well then! And his late game techs do 9999 dmg, powerful stuff, altho maybe at a high MP cost. Story-wise he's the best, I like his naivety and at some part he's hilarious.

Freya: White Draw is one of my fav. techs along with reis' wind at start of game and dragon breath later on. Apart from those techs she isnt rlly useful but it's enough for me xD. Story-wise she's kinda my leats fav. , the story with fratley seems kind of the fifth wheel at the wagon.

Quina: Story-wise she's a big 0 :p, but I like her frog mini-game and in battle she has some good techs (mighty guard,frog drop,twister,...).

Amarant: Story-wise he's ok as he joins the group kinda strange and I like his "payback"-moment at Ipsen Castle. In battle he's always in my line-up for difficult and important fights, his monk techs are seriously good (aura,curse,no mercy), throw guarantees some 9999's as well :p.

Eiko: As I said I'm not an eidolon fan but I tend to use carbuncle sometimes and madeen is cool to watch and phoenix comes in handy sometimes, she def has cooler and better ediolons than garnet and her white magic is better! Story-line she's one of my less fav. ones as I find her quite the brat :p.

In the end:
Most useless character to me would be Garnet, in battle I hardly use her and I actually dont need early game healing that she offers, I could go long enough on some potions when necesarry and i end up a lot waiting with garnet till finally someone gets in the yellow. Her eidolons are the most boring one so sorry. They should have made zidane's gf more fun to play with in battle!
Amerant and Quiena, neither of them needed to be in the game really as they served no purpose to the story, but he/she did have a clever 'eat' battle option where u learnt new moves like the 'enemy skill' materia.
Cinna. He did pretty much no damage. WTF?

I'm still astonished that Beatrix was voted "Most Useless" ...
I chose Quina, cuz in the beggining Might Guard gives the hell of a use (once I get the necessary max MP), but after that, what for?
I have to go with Amarant, you don't meet up with him until you are more than halfway through the game. He really serves no purpose except another bruiser in battle, and he didn't even really have anything meaningful to say when he was apart of the party. I don't know, I just got a bad vibe from him, as if he was just dragging along.
Quina.... useless. Thats really all. It was such a pain to be stuck with having to use here when your characters split up to go to all those different Temple places.
Weakest character is sooooo Garnet, seriously her eidolons are nothing compared to the ones eiko has and her white magic doesnt have holy so =/.
I chose Amarant what was the point of even having him as a playable character, he was assasin after all working for Brahne and Kuja. What he gets beaten by Zidane a few times and forgets about his hostility and joins the party. Amarant: "Oh I know know you framed me and that forced me to choose the path of the assasin. But turns out your stronger than me, so I forgive you let be friends kay." because this makes perfect sense to the plot of the game. >.<
Garnet is indeed the weakest character in the game, but...her abilities and magic makes her one of the most handy.