Most Useless Character?

Most Useless Character?

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I think Amarant is the most useless because he doesn't make a vital contribution to the plot. He's just... there. His skills weren't particularly useful. I noticed most people chose Quina. I acutally find some of Quina's Blue Magic was very useful, but took a while to build up.
I voted for Quina out of personal malice towards him/her/it. I just really disliked the character. However, I think Amarant is more useless ability and story wise. Eiko had some useful story and plot, and I liked her character. Beatrix, although barely playable ( w/o the gameshark glitch), I think she had a big impact on the story and plot, definitely useful.
i think that quina is the worst character
in my game she didnt do anything relli
she didnt fight well and she didnt have a good amount of moves

even when i lvled her up she was stil rubbish
I would have to say Amarant is my most useless character, this is mostly becaue I don't use him at all. He just never did anything special for me and wasn't all that great.

But I have no clue why anyone would say Quina was useless. To me, Quina is probably one of the most useful characters ever. If you take the time to have he/her learn alot of blue magic, Quina would be powerful, useful and a great help with training once you reach a certain point. Most people just say Quina is useless because they never give he/her a chance and don't take the time to try to learn all of his/her blue magic. And learning it's blue magic isn't even that difficult, even if you just progress through the game without attempting to train it, Quina would still learn half of his/her blue magic; so you can't say it's difficult or tedious to train it.
I agree with the people who say that Amarant is the most useless. His abilities aren't anything special and don't provide any major advantages to your party. I never really take not of Amarnt when selecting my party. I also agree that Quina should not be considered as the most useless, and is by far one of the more useful. Her blue Magic is great. As Cecil-Dark Knight siad, lvl 5 Death dispatches the mighty Grand Dragon. I love using Frog Drop (of course its potency is based on the amount of frogs caught). White Magic, Mighty Guard, Mustard Bomb, Night (when your party has the right protection and Matra Magic are all moves that are both effective and fun to use. Even Quina's Cook command can prove very effective.
I found Quina pretty useless, though I found him funny, and his frog catching was interesting.. Kind of...
cid fabool completely useless the part where you need to sneak past the hedgehog pie was just so...stupid and amarant was a cool character! he can beat ozma alone!
cid fabool completely useless the part where you need to sneak past the hedgehog pie was just so...stupid and amarant was a cool character! he can beat ozma alone!

You never actually control Cid, so I don't think he really counts. Have you ever beaten Ozma with Amarant alone and how? I want to know.
I voted for Eiko, but after reading through this thread I am not so sure anymore.

But anyway, I did choose Eiko beacuse she's annoying, and her powers are shared by Garnet and thereby Eiko can easily be left out in a Wht Mage - Blck Mage - Dragoon - Thief-team

I will not choose Quina because of it's Blue Magic Frog Drop. If you capture 100 frogs in the swamp that magic becomes very effective. And (s)he can learn High Tide from step one after you meet it.
I say Eiko, we already had a summoner and I know that she could use other eidlons which Garnet couldn't but still I never used her, I know she played a key role in the story but she was a bit underwritten for most of the game.
Amarant. I never ever used him. He was kinda useless in the story. Quina was kinda useful for Blue Magic. Eiko because I think she learned Curaga first and I needed another summoner. Freya for dragons.
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I meant about battle. You just move his sprite about for a minigame, so, again, he doesn't really count.

Curious how level ones can beat Ozma..

flare star only hits 100ish for under 50s doomsday is shadow based so zombie mail and shadow armlets can absorb it virus is used to learn all character abilities and to uber dragons crest/theivery amarant was my strongest character his skills were really useful especially chakra and no mercy
quina has to be the most worthless character story-wise and battle wise and i'm not sure but he may even be an optional character.. does anyone know if you have to get quina to advance in the storyline