
My first time through i used a fairly simple team of:
Back Mage
White Mage
fairly simple to beat the game with, great physical and magical damage

Next i used:
Red Mage
Black Belt
White Mage
This one actually hurt me to use as i love BM, and Hate BB with a passion but it wasn't that bad

Next i used:
I figured i had to make up for the lack of BM's in the last one :p. Fairly difficult in teh beggining, but once u get goin ur an unstoppable force of power :P
Fighter - Mitc (my name is mitchell)
Thief - Makk (my brothers name)
Red Mage - Sephy
Black Mage - Vivi
White Mage (I always have to have a healer!)
Black Mage (Woohoo nuke!)
Thief (At least he was pretty awesome as a ninja.)
Fighter (Of course you have to have your tank.)
The first time I played I used:
Red Mage
White Mage
Black Mage

The next time around I used 4 white mages and got them to level 99. It was pretty tough at first but as they levelled up higher it got considerably easy.
Fighter : Argus
Thief : Wedge
White Mage : Sara
Black Mage : Gilles
Black Mage
Black Mage
White Mage

only played through the game once
White Mage
Black Mage

A Pretty Balanced Party.
I've only played it once and I'm using the thief, warrior, white and black mages (I have upgraded them now though). Don't think I'll replay it but when I get the PSP one, might do a different set....but I doubt it as i like my thief.
Black Belt
Black Belt
Red Mage
White Mage

Monks are cheap so more money for spells plus Red Mage spells and Masamune what a combination.
Well, originally, I had Warrior, Thief, Red Mage and Monk. The game would have been so much easier if I had known that you do not give the monks weapons. Shame I found out after defeating Chaos. ¬_¬

Yes, I am stupid. Lol.
warrior, thief, red mage & white mage

2nd timr thru warrior, warrior, black mage & white mage