Phobias Inc.

I have that swimming thing too. >< I can swim sort of... but not very well. I never ever go out of my own depth though incase I stop being able to swim and just sink instead. That probably sounds stupid, I don't mean that I'd forget how to swim, I'm just scared of getting tired out and not being able to keep myself afloat.
I am scared of the dark v.v;;'s because I'm a big fan of horror movies and in these movies most of the killing and such happens in the dark So when I'm in the dark my imagination starts to run wild making me imagine all these movie monsters and such it drives me crazy. Sometimes I even stand still, frozen by fear it self ._.;;
And all of the screamers I have seen don't really help x.x;;

I have that swimming thing too. >< I can swim sort of... but not very well. I never ever go out of my own depth though incase I stop being able to swim and just sink instead. That probably sounds stupid, I don't mean that I'd forget how to swim, I'm just scared of getting tired out and not being able to keep myself afloat.

I know exactly what you mean. Thats how I feel mostly.
And on those really fast wildwaterslide things were you constantly bumb into things. I nearly drowned in one of those once (landed upside down and couldn't find up) and hurt my knee real bad. Now I really don't go in there anymore.
Honestly, I fear only persons and become blind someday. I fear it since I was

a child. I had other child fears but they are all under control nowadays...
Hi, im Dr_Flea and i have a phobia of needles:holyshit:

All stemming from the dentist.... it's a looooong story and i can't be bothered typing the whole story.

im afraid of daddy long legs and non random situation!
I'm slightly arachnophobic, but I'm not neeearly as bad as I was when I was younger. Spiders are just gross in my opinion, the farther away from me the better in my opinion.

I'm also extremely claustrophobic >_<; I can't STAND tight spaces, or tunnels where you can only crawl one way at a time. I get huge panic attacks and... yeah, I can't stand them.
I have a slight phobia of newer browsers. I haven't yet checked it out, but I am interested in seeing what's up with Google Chrome. But, still, the fear just comes up on default, I can't help it. It should be a good browser though, but, still, there's gotta be something about it that would cause some kind of confliction in some kind of manner... I'll find it... oh yeah...

"They're eveeeelllll... eevvvaaaaal."

*kicks IE* Shush you... and stay down, b#@$ch. You're, probably, the root of my phobia.
I fear bugs. My worst nightmare would be being in the middle of the desert, being paralyzed, and seeing that billions of bugs in all sizes are coming to get you..
Slugs. Those freakin things are always out back on our sidewalks and such at night time. I ahte not wearing shoes and shit cuz I'm always stepping on those f'ers.
I love spiders! I have jumping spiders on me all the time! But I am scared of BIG spiders, like wolf spiders or black widows (even though black widows are small :P).
I am also shitless-scared of those bloody dolls, they scare the shit out of me ever since I looked at one in the dark.
This may sound strange but I'm afraid of loud noises. I can't watch the fireworks because they make an incedibly loud booming noise. I close my eyes and cover my ears at such occasions. The volume of my music is always set to low as well. I can't even go to orchestra...
I'm scared of spiders, bees, any creature that surprises me. Also, I don't have a phobia of ovens, just a strong dislike. I'm always so scared that I'll burn myself. I definitely have a phobia of embarrassing myself, so I haaate asking janitors, cashiers, random people, authority figures, or pretty much anyone for anything. Unless I know them well. I also get REALLY nervous right before a marching band competition, and any form of public speaking. I also have a phobia of heights. I also have multiple weak OCD things i do.
I hate thousand leggers. Those little fuckers can move fast so I try to kill them the moment I see them even though I don't want to go near them. I killed one with my shoe once and the leg was still moving on my shoe after I had killed it. Creepy... >.<
hmm lets see im scared of:
1 spiders
2 being under water in a small space (just big enuf for me)
3 flying
4 needles
thats about it soo yeh
hmm lets see im scared of:
1 spiders
2 being under water in a small space (just big enuf for me)
3 flying
4 needles
thats about it soo yeh
Why are you scared of these things?

Personally I don't understand why people are scared of spiders. They're harmless! (except maybe for those tarantulas...)
I guess I'm also scared of being in an old house. Thank heavens my house is only 10 years-old.
Well, certain species can kill you... >.>
Tarantulas are the harmless ones, it's just that they're too big, hairy, and unpredictable. 'specially when they scurry around at 5 mph inside the house.
This may sound strange but I'm afraid of loud noises. I can't watch the fireworks because they make an incedibly loud booming noise. I close my eyes and cover my ears at such occasions. The volume of my music is always set to low as well. I can't even go to orchestra...
Same here, but I also have a small amount of most other fears.
Also i have developed a fear of bright lights because of my Hyperphotosensitivity. (My eyes are serverly sensitive to light.)
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only 2 phobias here

1. needles, I have a wierd fear that im going to be the unlucky one that gets a dirty needle shoved in his arm and dies a horrible blood-poisoned death so I panic when I see a needle....

2. Rats, I'm absoutley petrified of them, I freak out at there disgustingly greasy fur and massive front teeth and how they scury around, also the fact that rats carry lord knows how many diseases (rabies, plague, etc) freaks me out about them even more, even if its a tamed pet rat I still freak out!