Quina Boy or Girl

Id just like to point out this mystery remains even in the hentai world, I have never seen a hentai pic of Quina ever. Ill start searching around for anything that points to either sex.
Probably, but the point is that its fun speculating...
Personally, I'm holding off my opinion until Blkmage returns from his Hentai hunt...
Ganbarimasuyo, blkmage-san!
I think Quina is a girl. The reason being is that if I remember correctly, Quina can wear a Lamia's Tiara which is a female only item. That may just be because they want you to think it's an it so that he/she could wear both male and female items, I dunno.
I think Quina is a girl. The reason being is that if I remember correctly, Quina can wear a Lamia's Tiara which is a female only item. That may just be because they want you to think it's an it so that he/she could wear both male and female items, I dunno.

I overlooked that little fact. Good observation. :O

Maybe Square really intended Quina to be both boy and girl. And think about it.. in FF9's world, its possible that there is a creature like so.

Maybe Square really intended Quina to be both boy and girl. And think about it.. in FF9's world, its possible that there is a creature like so.


I agree, FF9 is one of the most fantasy-type worlds I've seen(the girl with wings, the boy with a monkey tail, the mage w/o a physical body, the rat Queen Brahne whose race i cannot tell and even Amarant. Come to think of it this is the game w/ the most races). It's possible for Quina's occurance.
I feel Quina is neither a male nor a female. I think Quina is a s(him). It is too hard to tell what gender this character is. So I have not a clue, but a s(him) is my guess lol.
I think assigning Quina a gender kind of ruins the character. Quina is probably the most bizaar character in a Final Fantasy and making the character genderless only helps that, in a good way.

So I like to think of Quina as being genderless.
Well, I thought its better to leave it as genderless...
Zidane did ever use s/he to describe him, yes?
well curently im in Japan and just bought the Final Fantasy 20th anniversy ultimania and even square doesnt put a gender on it. So quina is neither boy or a girl its a qu just like stated above.
Even though it doesnt have a gender I think it's a girl it just looks like one to me and its name sounds like a girls name. :| But I do call it a he/she since its genders unknown.
I think he/she is a girl since his/her name is more likely girly, but there's a possibility that he/she could be a shemale :monster:
As for me, u can do a very VERY simple test. go to the game and see what kind of equipment s\he uses. If its equipment like steiner and the rest, its a male, if it uses girl stuff its a girl. simple. if it uses both stuff... screw it! imagine its a he and hes gay XP try and tell me the result
If Quina is a guy, he is definatly gay or at least bi. haha
it's pink, loves domestic duties.... c'monnn...
