Quina Boy or Girl

If anything I've always thought as Quina as male, just the general build and attitude that Quina has suggests this to me, but who knows really :p
I like to think of her as a Girl because I find her Oddly enough Very Attractive RAWRRR!

But honestly I always got a guy vibe from him what with the stuffing his face and such. But that could be because im a guy.
Quinna could be girl because he\she married Vivi. It could be a boy but if it is i think he loves boys. This is a mistery. I think it has no gender.
I think Quina is not human. His tongue is huge and Vivi's grandfather was a Quan and he wanted to eat Vivi but he wasn't Vivi's grandfather. That is why I think Quina isn't human.
I've just been thinking this. Do you think Quina's a boy or is it a Girl. I think he might be a girl remember he had to marry vivi.

That's a classic quote right there lol!!

I reckon it's a girl but then a agagin they need to make a FF9 movie so we can hear it's voice lol.. But for now i'll go with a girl..
I think the whole species is asexual, there doesnt seem to be any determined gender standards for Quina's race. No evidence is given in the game, vivi and it getting married is not any evidence. There is no mention of gender other than with Vivi and his grandfather, but Vivi's grandfather may have just been using a term that he (/she) felt like Vivi could best understand.
Lol, that's the big fun about it, it's a mysterious mystery. Nobody knows, they're never quite specific when it comes to assigning gender qualities/activities, adding to the humor when Quina marries Vivi, because it's possibly a life partnership, not a marriage per say.
But honestly, I've played through the game a lot of times, done all you can do with Quina or any of the Q's a bunch of times. I think Quinas a boy. Also, I've played with Quina ALOT, actually. At first jus to use Level 5 Death on Grand Dragons to sky rocket my peoples levels real bad, but after that I was expirimenting with what different kinds of blue magics he could get, Quinas one of my most effective characters usually. Crazy healing power, (attack powers a little random, but its usually devestating) ability to cure everyones status changes, pretty good defense. Quina almost always umong my arsenal when I replay IX now.
i prefer to think of Quina as a woman wearing a pink outfit while being happy to almost marrying Vivi the idea of Quina being gay is to scary
No doubt, hands Down "it's" a girl imo. but then again, i guess i'll never truly no that. I think the creators wanted something different y'know? something that would "pop out" if you know what i mean. This is something we could debate over and over. Another thing i saw is that Quina ends in a "a" and in spanish it means female. Then again, The creators weren't people (i don't think) that spoke Spanish so idunno. My gut says it's FEMALE [:
i tend to think of him as a male because i think of quale and quan as male. Either way quina is pretty ugly.
I say Transexual, Quina's like Godzilla it can screw itself and have babies from his own ass. Come on...Think about it.
^Somebody suggested that already.

I agree with ol boy though, I think I figured it male 'cause of Quan an Quale. They do seem to be asexual. Maybe Qu's dont have gender. Maybe all Qu's are pretty much the exact same as each other, just depends on what they wear, how they act and decorate themselves. That'd be a kind of cool. A genderless race of asexual weirdos that strongly believe in free expression.
^Somebody suggested that already.

I agree with ol boy though, I think I figured it male 'cause of Quan an Quale. They do seem to be asexual. Maybe Qu's dont have gender. Maybe all Qu's are pretty much the exact same as each other, just depends on what they wear, how they act and decorate themselves. That'd be a kind of cool. A genderless race of asexual weirdos that strongly believe in free expression.
That seems to make sense and there is zero evidence from their society to show they have concepts of male and female. They just seem to do what ever they want and eat what ever they want
Who knows? Qu biology is one of the great mysteries of Gaia...

Seriously, I think its neither, or both! Quina has some male traits, like a huge appetite, and strangely is affected by female-type equipment and abilities, like Protect Girls (maybe Zidane isn't sure?). That said, there's no real evidence for either other than tertiary sexual characteristics. I still go by genderless/hermaphrodite.
I don't think of it as a male, female, or both. IMO it's almost like a third gender that's unique to Qu's.

Or maybe it's just genderless.
Kind of like Fungi... That's it! Quina's a giant Fungus colony! xD
I always thought it was a She. O_O
The apperence to me looked more like a girl then a guy.
D: It's weird how no one knows its gender :confused:
And when it get married to Vivi. I know hes a guy. Unless they had a gay marrige ( i have nothing against gay marrige) but i think Qunia's a girl.
It looks like a dinner lady you would see in a high school or something lol