Quina Boy or Girl

MagicGamma said:
That would explain its humongous appetite...

kylzer said:
It looks like a dinner lady you would see in a high school or something lol

Hey guys, let's try and put a bit more effort to our posts please, or this will be moved to Final Fantasy Fun. Thank you.
Some could argue that Quina is a girl because of the optional marriage in Conde Petie. I disagree with that because of two reasons: A)that part is optional (as I mentioned), and B)the only reason that it is those two is because they were the only ones left to go with the ritual.

And to what other people say about Vivi having kids, it's not clear who was the person that had his kids.
Quina's who species is neither boy or girl. Thats the whole point, its just I think it was lost in translation. It's easier to but S/He instead of IT.

Dont ask me how they multiply...I didnt write the game.
Ugh, I'm so tired of seeing these topics.

The game never specifies. A definite answer is never given in guides or anywhere. My guess is that the Qu reproduce asexually and are therefore hermaphrodites. Either that or Zidane just couldn't figure out what the hell Quina was and didn't want to look up that dress.

As for the dwarven wedding ceremony, they probably couldn't tell what Quina was either, or didn't care. It was just a plot device so Vivi and Quina could go to the Iifa tree as well. And the marriages themselves were pretty much null and void after the party left Conde Petie anyway.
Plus, you didn't have to marry them. I didn't.

Both. It's one of those Gender-neutral suckers like jenova that can change it's gender whenever it wants or can deceive anyone to think it's whatever they want it to be.

So if Quina has a huge crush on Zidane, it can be a girl for a night while it gets its groove on with him, then if Quina's feelin' the love for Eiko 2 days later, Quina can be a guy and one-night stand Eiko.
Mmmm.... I like that. Haha. Except for the child molestation part. She's only 6, man!

You know, I fuckin' love Quina. I never laugh at video games, but I recently started playing FFIX (Even though my brother always told me it was incredibly lame) and I crack the fuck up everytime Quina talks about food when everyone else is talking about something serious. And then she's fishing at Keiko's, and claims there's nothing so swims all the way home? WTF!? Awesome.
i personally think quina is a girl. the clothes quina wear looks kind of like a dress in girly color. so i always see it as a girl
Even though we can only really speculate, I think Quina is a boy. When I first went into the marsh and found her/him, that s/he being a he just popped up in my mind for some reason, and it just stuck.
I think it's just liek a frog, I could never decide and like, frogs can change their sexes, so maybe Quina is the same? Quina looks like a girl, but I think s/he acts like a boy so.....Im going with IT HAS NO SEX!
I think of it as a guy. I tend to think all characters whos sexes arent mentioned are guys. Then again he could be neither, dont some animals lay eggs to breed regardless of their sex? Lizards i think.
Maybe it's just an asexual...being... If not i would assume that it's a girl because of the nanny clothes it wears. Probably not a very good reason though :/
I personally think Quina is a male lol. His clothing reminds me of a cook, and his face kinda looks like a man, and I don't think a female would act the way he does, or in other words..he acts like a wild man lol

It's a man baby!

Actually, Vivi got married to it at that dwarf town... So I guess they pretended it was a she-thing. But I still think it looks like a creepy dude. Or maybe it reproduces Asexually. Or maybe it's a mutated frog?
At first I was sure it is a male.
Though, there are points in the plot which made me doubt that.
Like when Vivi married Quina. It is, without a doubt, make you think Quina is a female.
And like that part near when
Quina says to Zidane that he must survive and return in order to show him/her more places with food. I always connect this kind of lines with female characters.
I don't think s/he's a boy or a girl. I think s/he's just one of those things that doesn't have a gender. Sorry for not being more specific, I don't know what they're called.
I've always pretty much thought of Qu as a genderless race. I mean you'd think Quina would have corrected the "S/He" thing otherwise.

Same. The Qu are a genderless race I feel, and it is never stated by any of the Qu whether they are male or female.

I always used to think Quina was male, but then people pointed out to me that it wears pink and looks like a "momma chef". I noticed then that Quina can be seen as either male or female, but it would probably be correct to call it genderless.

I don't even want to think about how it reproduces but it would probably be with itself. I'd be dissapointed if the tongue didn't play a role though.
i never cared because i thought it was the most useless character in the game
doesnt the master refer to "it" as he? therfor making "it" male, although, they did marry vivi :/
it never actually says. we can say that quan is male however since vivi often calls him grandpa. her (her is just easier just go with it) own master does not know and always says s/he. the character never says anything to show it's own gender
Well, considering that Quina marries Vivi later on in the game, I like to think that "it" is a girl. Otherwise, poor Vivi married a guy... And Vivi did have kids later on after all..

I always assumed that Vivi and Eiko made babies o_O or they cloned Vivi/made more dolls.

I think Quina is a guy. If you've ever had a boyfriend, you'll know that all men think about is food.
But maybe in Quina's tribe/race they are too stupid to comprehend gender xD