Quina Boy or Girl

Truth being told. I believe that it is easily explained like this.
Vivi called Quan grandpa out of confusion and simplicity, Quina I believe got called a she right at the beginning before you even get to the forest, and lastly They keep changing the gender that they specify with.
Pft, I could have sworn there's a sentence somewhere in the game where the describe Quina as a she... but don't they have an in game argument over the gender? I dunno, it's been a while since I've played 9 but I was always under the assumption that Quina was a girl... how ever lacking in appearance she may be...
Pft, I could have sworn there's a sentence somewhere in the game where the describe Quina as a she... but don't they have an in game argument over the gender? I dunno, it's been a while since I've played 9 but I was always under the assumption that Quina was a girl... how ever lacking in appearance she may be...
Aye it was the first time you meet him that they call him a her, but they also call him a he. This is why I believe that it really isn't supported any other way then an "it" Seeing as how people will commonly call a item a she or a him.
I always thought of Quina as being a person with no gender, just there to entertain the player. Heck, I did not even put it into thought until I started re-playing it. I loved Quina too much to even care.
I'm pretty sure she was intended to be a girl, and the whole "s/he thing" is a joke about how ugly and weird she is and it wasn't intended to be taking literal to mean unisex or asexual. At least thats what I thought.

If it had no gender then it certainly had a feminine name and dressings compared to the more masculine Qu's represented in the game. Like her master. I honestly never thought for even a second that it was supposed to be anything but a female. I thought it was obvious a joke meant to amuse people. Many people make the same joke in real life. They'll see someone not very attractive or incredibly strange looking and make a joke like they are the opposite gender or that it is hard to decipher which gender they belong too. It's not the nicest joke to say about someone but I believe it was there attempt at humor at the expense of one of their characters. :)
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Well i refer to Quina as a female. "her" whole look was totally a femalish type. Unless of course your Kuja and your a crossdresser :wacky: And Apparent Amarant, never thought of it like that.. maybe they were just making fun of Quina and the way "she" looks XD.
Well Quina can wear both Male and Female armor. I don't know, I understand that the gender is indeterminate, but I have this strange feeling that Quina is a she.
Quina is a hermaphrodite.. get over it.

In response to Quina being a she it was from memory zidane's first preconception of Quina looking at Quina's odd yet strangely ascetically pleasing looks. Quina spelt a new dawn in Final Fantasy's gaming in the positive portrayal of a hermaphrodite in game... I'm willing to say this was a groundbreaking event that will never be repeated
Quina is a hermaphrodite.. get over it.

In response to Quina being a she it was from memory zidane's first preconception of Quina looking at Quina's odd yet strangely ascetically pleasing looks. Quina spelt a new dawn in Final Fantasy's gaming in the positive portrayal of a hermaphrodite in game... I'm willing to say this was a groundbreaking event that will never be repeated

I don't think it was a positive portrayal at all. Quina was obese and a glutton with looks resembling something more monster or animal than human, and intelligence level that could be considered educationally subnormal at best.

I don't have a problem with there being what could be a hermaphrodite in the game, and I dont think youll find anyone on this board who does, but I wouldnt exactly call it a positive portrayal is she is in fact both genders.
Quina is asexual, but notice that (s)he cannot equip the women-only items. Therefore, when I "act" Quina's lines, I do a male voice. I think of Quina as a waste of space and a poor attempt at comic relief, even though I love the game. Not to mention that Quina was not there to experience certain important events with the rest of the characters.
I like the fact that even the other characters in the game know if Quina is a boy or a girl. (Which is a bit odd in my opinion, since you'll probably notice after travelling together for a long time.) It adds to the weirdness and randomness of Quina's character.

Quina is asexual, but notice that (s)he cannot equip the women-only items. Therefore, when I "act" Quina's lines, I do a male voice. I think of Quina as a waste of space and a poor attempt at comic relief, even though I love the game. Not to mention that Quina was not there to experience certain important events with the rest of the characters.

Isn't that because it is optional to get Quina? I think I forgot to pick hem/her up in one of my first playthroughs of the game, so she didn't appear in some of the cut scenes. (But he/she still doesn't add much to the scene after all..)

And I also imagine Quina having a male voice :-)
It's optional to get Quina when you go from Lindblum to Gizamaluke's Grotto. If you don't get Quina then, you get him/her/it when looking for Fossil Roo later in the game.
I don't think it was a positive portrayal at all. Quina was obese and a glutton with looks resembling something more monster or animal than human, and intelligence level that could be considered educationally subnormal at best.

I don't have a problem with there being what could be a hermaphrodite in the game, and I dont think youll find anyone on this board who does, but I wouldnt exactly call it a positive portrayal is she is in fact both genders.

Well that is all very true but I was speaking positive in the sense that Quina wasn't ostracised by other characters on the game and Quina's intelligence on the IQ may be on the lower side of the social norm but you have to remember Quina was a genius and revolutionary cook! I mean who else would think and try to eat, cook and barbecue a rock?!?!... simply genius
It's optional to get Quina when you go from Lindblum to Gizamaluke's Grotto. If you don't get Quina then, you get him/her/it when looking for Fossil Roo later in the game.

Ah, now I remember. For some reason I thought that you didn't need to get Quina at all.

Also interesting: while Quina can't equip the male items, his/her name ends with an -a, which usually means that the name is female. Logically, Quina would be the female version of the name Quin.
Also interesting: while Quina can't equip the male items, his/her name ends with an -a, which usually means that the name is female. Logically, Quina would be the female version of the name Quin.

Well that's certainly not correct, if it were to be true would to be true then names such as joshua are female names and also within the game it's not true.. the main protagonist throughout the game is kujA, now I must admit I haven't played ff9 in years but if my memory serves me correctly kujA is a man.

Secondly Quina can equip male items (guessing that was a typo on your behalf) but the more interesting thing is zidane's spell protect (which can only be cast on females) cannot be cast on quina.. this therefore must mean that quina is either a man (very unlikely as most people i'm sure would agree) or just is a bit of both!
Quina is a male. I actually saw it in 2 separate parts of the game where Quina is referred to as 'he' and 'him'. And for the life of me I can't think of where one of the parts is at. >_< It's just been too long since I've played the game.
Well that's certainly not correct, if it were to be true would to be true then names such as joshua are female names and also within the game it's not true.. the main protagonist throughout the game is kujA, now I must admit I haven't played ff9 in years but if my memory serves me correctly kujA is a man.

That's why I said usually ;-)

And Kuja is a bit girly at some times too :P

Secondly Quina can equip male items (guessing that was a typo on your behalf) but the more interesting thing is zidane's spell protect (which can only be cast on females) cannot be cast on quina.. this therefore must mean that quina is either a man (very unlikely as most people i'm sure would agree) or just is a bit of both!

Oops, I meant to type can indeed.

In my opinion Zidane has the protect girls ability because he is a ladies man and protecting a lady is something you would do to impress the lady, and Zidane is clearly not a person Zidane is romantically interested in. This would mean that Quina is either a male or girl that nobody wants to date (awwww). No solution to the question either.
Quina always seemed more feminine. It would wear more feminine clothes, especially when compared to Quan, and yeah, surely it balances out the party in terms of boy/girl ratio.