Quina Boy or Girl

Isn't Quina supposed to be some kind of frog thing? If so, some frogs change sexes so Quina is most likely both.
Isn't Quina supposed to be some kind of frog thing? If so, some frogs change sexes so Quina is most likely both.

Wow I've never heard that. :O

Well that sure makes this a whole lot more interesting, and I do like that explanation. :)

But poor Vivi. :D
I don't think it matters really, to me Quina is Quina, I think Square made it that way so you can make up your own minds.
I think a girl, if only because of the marriage event.
Okay, Quina did not have a gender, even it's Master said that he didn't know, it's always a he/she.
I did have that question through the game a lot but then I decided to drop that, I mean even it's Master called it a he/she.
I mean, it did have to marry Vivi, but they did that only to gain passage. I don;'t think it would have happened other wise e.e;;
I thought Quina was a girl, as Quera is and Quan a guy... and in the game she sometimes looks to get much intimate with Zidane lol. Maybe because my game was all in Spanish and i didn´t understand everythig... the frog theory is wrong i guess.
i always thought quina was a girls name so i just assumed it was a girl...and the girl/boy party balance would be broken if it was a guy...
Don't they call her "She" or "her" in the game? I distinctly remember that happening.

I believe Quina's a she, because it just FELT that way for a lot of the game XD
I always see Quina as being a boy oddly enough, despite it wearing a sort of dress, and marrying Vivi. I can just imagine it having a dumb boy voice like Big The Cat from Sonic :P
I always seem to view him as a male, I dunno why but he just seems to give off that male vibe (always eating and shizz :wacky:)
Exactly. The protect girls ability affecting Quina, and also the fact that she dresses like a girl makes it pretty obvious that she is a girl. O, and the name? Wouldn't the name suggest that Quina is a girl?
Exactly. The protect girls ability affecting Quina, and also the fact that she dresses like a girl makes it pretty obvious that she is a girl. O, and the name? Wouldn't the name suggest that Quina is a girl?
Yeah, I could see it being a guy if its name had been Quino or something, but names that end in 'A' tend to be feminine.
I always thought Quina was a girl because in the spanish version they refer to Quina as "she"(maybe to avoid confusion h/she is shorter to put that "el" "ella" the equivalent words in spanish).
when I started to read about Final fantasy in english I came across the "it" thing, so I don't know, but for me she is a girl.
Translations to another languages are so unfair, they really make the game lose a lot.
I think we're better off leaving s/he as gender-less... Not like his/her gender could be verified unless his/her creator back in Square Enix finally reveals it?
I have always thought of Quina as a she. I know this sounds really sexist and bad but, it's mainly 'cause she does the cooking. And i know nowadays there are more male chefs exposed in the media, but still it seems to me that Quina is a she because of the cooking.
I've always refered to Quina as a he-she, it could be both it could be genderless, we don't know and that's what makes Quina i suppose, you don't know if you like it or not becasue you never know what you may get.
Well the game refers to Quina as a s/he so I'd guess a hermaphrodite would be my guess, I think its best not to question these things and go with the flow