Role-Playing Tournament 2008 Discussion

Hera Ledro

FFF's resident Furry novelist
Oct 16, 2006
Last edited:
I just wanted to mention that if you need any more help you just need to ask. Also I would like to encourage everyone to participate in this, for it will not only help you to work on yours skill, but it will also help you to become a better RPer.

An advise for everyone: Learn to take a hit. A player that always dodges the attacks tends to make the battle tedious, boring, and quite monotonous. The ability to learn when and how to take a hit is very important, and it could make the difference between a good battle and a bad one.

Also, do not abuse of your magical spells unless your character concentrates on spell casting only. If you are a melee character, try to use your fighting skills more than your spells. In addition, remember that, when casting a spell, you'll consume energy, thus reducing the amount of damage you can deal due to fatigue, not to mention that it will slowly decrease your speed due to losing your stamina.
STL Speaks logic, people; leesten to heem!

So, is anybody psyched or anything for this, or will this go down without so much as a hooray?

I, too, strongly encourage people to participate in this. I also want to iterate the real reason for this tournament: TO HAVE FUN! Role-playing isn't meant to be work, it's not meant to be tedious, it's meant to be fun. Don't play for the prizes (hence the distinctive lack of prizes), play for the experience and the enjoyment!
Yes, I encourage all of those great role players we have here to participate. Maybe it would be a good idea to add a link to this thread in our sigs. Unfortunately, my sig doesn't have any more space left :shame:
That would be an excellent idea. I'm ashamed to see that our RPers aren't taking more interest in the idea :mad:
Well, I think the main thing, is that it is not that simple to see the link.
As the announcement is not that "LOOK AT ME" effect, and the main link is further down on the page, then I tend to scroll down.
Ill link to it in my sig for ya, though, I'm not that active outside the RP section. Though it is the RP'ers you want ^^

I like the Idea. but perhaps not all the RP'ers care for the prize.
I for one, don't care at all for a Keyblade. And in the RPG as well
Not all RP'ers even bother with the RPG. I for one, MIGHT not even restart it as it starts again. Have that in mind. that the prize itself might not be alluring enough.
Well, Im having a Dilemma here.
Should I enter as a Judge. Or as a contestant. Or both.

IF I enter as a Judge. Do I feel that I'll do a good job? Will I do errors and miss details. And how will this affect it in the end.

IF I would enter as a contestant. Am I a good enough RPB'er, I know for a fact that I have slight problems with RPB's in all. (it is my weak side in RP'ing)
And even if I enter, which char should I use?

I know that this might seem weird to you. But It is hard to word the dilemma I really feel.
I want to enter, but, I also don't want to.

Sorry I haven't posted in this sooner! Absolutely, I love the idea! I just need to decide which character I should use, and probably update their bio (in the cases of Wylliam and Skaol). Or maybe I'll create a new character altogether. Anyway, I'd love to help with the judging, as long as I can compete and judge (obviously, not my own battle). Know that this has my full support!
No, I'll be opening sign-ups soon ^_^ We're just getting a few things sorted out before we initiate sign-ups.
PM me when the sign-up thread is up peeps! Looks like Rene Skylar is gonna have some fun! :D
Same, if I have enough time I might get my recent character finished and ready, otherwise one of my already made characters will have to suffice. :)
Well I for one am hella excited about this!
Bring on the battles!
I'll need to create some new characters of course... and maybe update some older ones...

MWAHAHAHA, time to plot...

And can someone PM me when the sign-up thread is up so I dont miss it... thanks!
Helmraking said:
and anyone is free to join correct?

As long as your bio has been approved by the RP Mods (currently myself and Contra Fates), then you can participate. Otherwise, you'll have to make one.

Rene Skylar said:
Yo Throttle, when are sign-ups startin'?

To squash any further questions similar to the above (with extreme prejudice :neomon: ), the sign-ups will begin shortly. We are just getting some things sorted out with the RPG Directors, so that we can actually give you guys a prize instead of a simple piece of writing :wacky:
Here i am at your summons, though still undecide on who to use. Either Vex or Zerex is what I am leaning towards. Though I am considering making a new bio entirelly. Though since I myself think I am not that great at battles themselves unless others think otherwise, I might just be a judge.
We apologise for the delay and any inconvenience it has caused. Not only are we waiting on the Prize for the RP Tournament, but we are also working on expanding the RP Section. Once the prize has been created by the RPG Team, we can finally begin! But, here is hoping that when we do begin the tournament, IT WILL BE IN A NEW SECTION!

Hera Ledro: The Eternal Dragonic Allsie
FFF Role-Playing Moderator