[RP] Dissidia: War of the Dragon

Through pain and power
Open Fields

As Rydia continued to think of a way to get the man, he suddenly stood up, and started looking at the other two men, who were now in a mid of a battle. he slowly stepped away from them, and headed towards the grass she was hiding, along with the other man she saved. as he headed toward she looked at the man and said "Your OK, Guess your stronger than i thought" She then looked at the Two men who were fighting, the man with what looked like a Tube to her (As Rydia's home land never had guns) was now in a Ice Cage. "We need to get out of here now, before he sees that you two are gone, Follow me" and Rydia then started sneaking around the grass heading towards a Castle, but this one had a Door on it.

(OCC: I'm out for the night... if you need me to post.. mention me and i'll reply in the morning XD)
Distracting the Lion/Branding a traitor
Location: Discord/Chaos Throne

Squall See's darts come at him from the location of the Voices and jumps to the side,he see's a man with silver hair and a black coat and another young man jumping in with a huge sword

Squall:..Damn I dident think anyone was around here!

Squall uses Fated Circle to block the Darts being thrown,panting hard he isent sure he can fight these 2 and Chaos at the same time

Squall:Stay out of my way..!
Into the Unknown Castle
Open fields​

"We need to get out of here now, before he sees that you two are gone, Follow me" The young girl said.
"Good idea," Ramza said as he began to follow her very quietly.
Ramza turned around and notice the fighting stopped, Ramza began to look around for either the guy with the rare gun, or the one that controlled him. He continued to proceed very cautiously with the guy who faught with his fist and the young lady.

They ended up seeing a castle, and Ramza still cautious looked around to see if anyone was around at all, they got up to the door.

"Shall we go in and hide out for a little bit?" Ramza asked the other two, still looking around for either of the other two who were fighting earlier, hoping that they wernt followed.

The SOLDIER and the Gambler vs the Lion
Location Discord/Chaos Throne​

"Stay out of my way..!" Squall said with anger in his voice.

Setzer smirked at him as he got more darts, "Do yourself a favor, get out of here, I need Chaos alive so I can have my dream back!" Setzer said to Squall, "And I will kill anyone who stops me from getting my dream, Even you Traitor!"

Setzer grabbed darts in both hands and threw them at squall making sure that none of them would hit Zack, then Setzer ran around to get behind him whil getting more darts ready to throw at him.
the beasts new friend?
open fields
vincent wakes up with a headache wondering where the man who was lying next to him was then he hears a voice "well well looks like sleeping beuity decided to wake up" *vincent turns around and asks* where are we? *the man ses* were in a battle between gods our enemies are the forces of cosmos the goddess of harmony all we have to do is beat every cosmos crybaby and we get to go home thats all you need to know *vincent thinks of lucretcia* well whats your name? *jecht rubs the back of his neck* i guess we have to call eachother something im jecht whats yours sleeping beuity?*vincent starts to walk across the open fields towards orders sanctuary* *jecht* hey wait up sleeping beuity! *vincent*its vincent lets go
Flight or Fight
Zack Fair

Zack stopped feet from Squall, also trying to avoid Setzer’s darts at the same time. Pushing his feet forward, closing in on his enemy. His grip tightened on his sword, and then he prepared to swing. Stopping, he quickly slashed forward at Squall, at the same time opening his mouth to utter a low scream, hoping to distract his enemy.

Aerith’s Church

She wasn’t sure how she’d found her way here, but she knew it was fate. There was a reason she was here again, something or someone she was meant to find. It was still eerie that this place looked exactly the same as the place that was so dear to her. It made her shiver bit.

Sighing at the lack of events, she turned around, and began to church the whole search. She was determined to find something. She had to, or else what was the point of her coming to this world? She wasn’t a fighter, she had no hope against Chaos in combat.

(OOC: Hope that's okay. )
The Lion's Cowardice
Edge of Discord/Chaos Throne

Squall cut the darts but two hit his right leg and barely blocks the young mans sword flinching from his weakened state

"Do yourself a favor, get out of here, I need Chaos alive so I can have my dream back!"

Squall: Do you think he care's about your dream...Wake up..!
He's just using you!

Squall see's the Silver Haired man go around and stops behind him

"And I will kill anyone who stops me from getting my dream, Even you Traitor!"

Squall:...No use talking to you...but I cant die yet..!

Squall Pushes the young man back and uses Blasting Zone on the ground to cause a smokescreen,he then try's to run away..I cant win against these 2 in my weakened state all I can do now is Retreat and see if Cosmos can help me..He begin's running faster his leg bleeding from the wound the darts caused earlier
Chaos amongst the Light
Sir Fratley
Kefka's Castle

Fratley lept backwards a bit when Yuna started to go crazy. He could sense the magics start to change, perhaps under the influence of the dragon that resided at the top. "Nothing has happened to us. We are still here." Fratley called to Yuna before then looking at Tidus.

"This is most likely the dragon's influence. Dragons are masters of magic as well as being powerful physical combatants. She's your lover Tidus. If anyone can get through to her, you can. Try to calm her. I will push forward to the dragon. Come and join me as soon as you can." Fratley called out. WIth that, the dragon knight began to scale the inside of the booby-trapped castle.

Prelude to Madness
Kefka's Castle​

"So, the prey has arrived." Necron spoke as he looked into the crystal ball at the top. "The summoner's own allies have been poisoned by my dark magics, inviting her to take her allies into the comforts of the abyss, while the rodent makes his way alone to deal with the castle's defenses. Tell me creator of this world, what do you desire of me? Shall I crush the feuding lovers and leave the rat knight to you? Or shall I exterminate the rodent and then pick off the surviving lover?" Necron asked the dragon.
Into an Unknown Castle
Open Fields

"Good idea," said one of the men after Rydia suggested about getting away. then she and the two men started sneeking away from the two chaos warriors, who have now stopped fighting. "Them two are stupid, fighting each other even when they are both chaos warriors" she said as they carry on in the long grass. "We need to make sure that nobody following us, or they may take control of you again" Rydia said to one of the men she turns around and one of the men seems to be looking around, like he was worried about them coming back. Up ahead, she sees a castle, it looked like it was from a land that she didn't know. "Shall we go in and hide out for a little bit?" Said one of the men. "That sounds like a good idea" Rydia said. then she remembered, she don't even know these warriors names. "Oh, I not even asked for your names, My name is Rydia, and may I ask what your names are" Asked Rydia as they headed for the Castle in the distance

(OCC: i'm in college today soo I won't be able to post until tonight, but at least I been paid :wacky:)
Corrupted Mind
KEfka's Tower

Tidus had been walking slightly ahead of Yuna and Sir Fratley, when he blinked as he heard Yuna's voice of anguish. He wheeled around...but no-one was around the area. He frowned in confusion, before he heard Sir Fratley's words. "...Wait, so Yuna Is seeing as as some sort of enemy?...Ahhh man, I gotta do something about this!" Tidus said, rushing forward.

"Dragon's Influence?...Oh, as If I needed to hate something more than I already do!...okay, I'll see you later Dude..." Tidus then turned his Attention to Yuna.

"...Yuna, relax...there's no-one around, I promise..." He walked forward, wrapping his arm's around her body, holding her close to him. "...Does this feel like something an enemy would do? Really?" He asked, grinning at her, raising an eyebrow.


Injuries can Happen
Open Field's

After recognising that the cowardly Mage would not be returning, Balthier struggled up to his feet, his leg still Searing in pain from the Holy Magic that had Blasted it. He had one hand holding his gun, while the other hand was holding his leg as he looked around. He Noticed that all 3 of the Warrior's of Light had fled by now, though Balthier Understood it completely. "...Why get involved in a Struggle If It does you know favour?..." Balthier only got involved in Hyne's Buisness since He felt it wrong for him to be taking control of his enemies, rather than Destroying them as he had been instructed.

Balthier of course, was wondering whether He really wanted to be doing this. "...Warrior's of Cosmos...Warrior's of Chaos...All cut from the same Fabric of Life...I don't care who's side I'm on, I've never been good at following order's...I'll do what I please. A Sky Pirate is free to Roam the Skies as he see's fit..." He then glanced around, and saw the Castle that Rydia, Zell and Ramza had begun heading towards. "...May as well see how this little Twist in the story affect's me though...time for some Recon." Balthier then began heading toward's the castle as well, though of course, He was seriously limping due to his injured leg.
-Tactical Withdrawal
-Zell Dincht
-Open Fields

Act 1 scene 5

[The girl he was now walking away from the battle with introduced herself as another warrior of cosmos and gave the name Rydia before asking him for his own Zell thought momentarily wether he should be so trusting, but any help right now was greatly appreciated, he still hadnt gotten over being beaten so quickly]

Zell - Zell Dincht Formerly of Balamb SEED currently of the warriors of Cosmos

[he said with an atempt at his usual tone of excited cheerfulness however half of it came out as a wince due to the immense pain that moving was causing his battleworn body]

Discordant Dreams
Edge Of Discord

Act 1 Scene 1

Kadaj - Time to wake up i suppose

[Kadaj thought seeing as he seemed to be floating around almost endlessly while his eyes were closed The moment he opened his eyes fully the magic seemed broken and he dropped to the floor at a sickening pace, though with his catlike reflexes he easily managed to land on his feet before taking in the swirling mass of purple and black clouds all around him. Then he spotted the lord of chaos ahead of him]

Kadaj - I guess there is a reason you have brought me here instead of where i should be?

[he raised a questioning eyebrow at the figure]
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Into an unkown castle
Cultists' Tower

"Zell Dincht Formerly of Balamb SEED currently of the warriors of Cosmos" The male said.

"My name is Ramza... Ramza Beoulve" Ramza said being friendly, as he opened the door to the unknown castle, "Looks like its clear in here for now."

Ramza walked in carefully looking around, and let Rydia and Zell inside, then closed the door.

"So what are you two going to do now?" Ramza asked.

Ramza himself wanted to still find a peaceful way to end this fighting, but he also wanted to find out why he was able to get controlled as he did, he didn't know where to go for answers though. Ramza thought Talking to Chaos or his minions might work, but after what he just went through he wasnt sure.

(OOC if LY or Kitten if you wanna change the place where we are let me know and I can change the location.)

The Lion's withdraw
Location: Discord/Chaos thrown

Setzer watched as Squall withdrew, Setzer thought of giving chase but decided it was best to let him go, he was already weakened, and Setzer didn't like the idea of killing anyone yet, and Squall was no longer a threat to Chaos at this point in time.

"Lets let him go Zack" Setzer said, "No point in chasing a coward lion" though Setzer knew it wasn't because he was a coward, it was two on one, and even if Squall did defeat the two of them, there would be no way he could defeat Chaos in his weakened state.

Setzer looked around at the darkness of the area, then looked at Chaos
"Just remember to hold your end of the bargain and I will continue to protect you." Was all he said before he walked away "Lets go Zack, we need to find a place to rest and discuss our plan of action, things aren't going get any easier from here on out."
The Lion's Request
Edea's Orphanage/Santuary

Squall was bleeding from the wounds the Silver Haired man gave him and bleeding from the injuries that Chaos gave him

Squall:Am I really that weak...I dont know if I can make it to Cosmos in this state..

As squall looked around the area to find a place to rest he see's more of the Stigma in the area..Damn..I cant fight those in this state I need to keep moving..He turn's and walks towards the pillar of light again,As his long detour across the field's he manages to get to Santuary..

Squall:Ugh.. Cosmos are you here..?

Squall limped to the center of the santuary and collapsed at the pedistal in the center..thinking how he couldent even defeat 2 enemies on his own and thought at how he could possibly survive in this world as his eye's close as this final request goes through his mind..If you can hear me Cosmos..I wish to fight alongside the Light..Give me the Strentgh to end this Battle..

Lady Yuna
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The Way of the Dragon
Sir Fratley
Kefka's Casle​

Fratley didn't want to leave his companions behind, but he had to have faith that Tidus would snap Yuna out of whatever crazy magic was being worked on her. To him, they were either close friends or lovers, so Tidus would have a far better chance of bringing Yuna back to normal. All he needed to do was to do the one thing he specialized in: slaying dragons.

Fratley used his powerful legs to propel himself over, around and through the trapped areas, his ears and eyes ever sharp to the hidden dangers all around him. The climb upwards was treacherous at best, but it only made sense. The target was so close, only a fool would leave the way unguarded and not have traps in place of guards.
"Kefkas tower"
Yuna screamed as the being imbraced her. This wasnt Tidus! This monster Took Tidus!

She struggled and broke out of Its grip.Get away from me! She Prayed for power and Summoned Valefor. A spinning Glyph of Magic formed in mid apir Calling ouut the Torso of Valefor. Bairded Hair flying back and wings out strechted. She commanded Valefor to attack.

"Valefor! Sonic wings!" Vale obidient ly carried out the attack. spinning in order to create wind. and Blowing the wide Horizontal Funnle at the oppsing enemy. These things would pay for taking her freinds.

(OOC: *uses Phoenix down* REVIVE LE RP PLOX~)
Giving the Light

As the war carries on, Cosmos remains to sit in her throne at Sanutray, as she sits and think of her next move, she hears a noise in the background, talking maybe. "Ugh.. Cosmos are you here..?" she looks up to see a man. to her surprise, it was Squall again, but this time he looked hurt, like he just came out in the wrong end of a fight. 'hmmm, it the warrior of chaos again, I wonder if Chaos punished him for seeing me'

just then she heard something in her head, a thought from squall, a request before he fell to the ground. "If you can hear me Cosmos..I wish to fight alongside the Light..Give me the Strentgh to end this Battle.." she sat there,and thought about what squall did, did he really want to fight for chaos in the first place... 'Soo all this time he wanted to fight for the Light' Cosmos got up and castes a healing spell... in the process this spell did something else.. "Squall.. you been givin the gift of Harmony, now use it to save the World from Discord" she sits back down to see if the warrior gets up

(OCC: sorry for the last reply.. i'll do rydua in the morning XD
The Lion's Rebirth

Squall Open's his eye as the water splashes him in the face,his eye's focusing as he begins to stand up..Ugh...Am I Alive...?He Stands up and looks at his body..I'm healed..

"Squall.. you been givin the gift of Harmony, now use it to save the World from Discord"

Squall:So You actually helped me..Do I now have a Chance of Defeating Chaos..?

He walks over to her and looks at her,feeling stronger than before,he looks at her and waits for her answer

((OOC:Sorry for the short post just keeping up))
"Kefkas tower"
Yuna screamed as the being imbraced her. This wasnt Tidus! This monster Took Tidus!

She struggled and broke out of Its grip.Get away from me! She Prayed for power and Summoned Valefor. A spinning Glyph of Magic formed in mid apir Calling ouut the Torso of Valefor. Bairded Hair flying back and wings out strechted. She commanded Valefor to attack.

"Valefor! Sonic wings!" Vale obidient ly carried out the attack. spinning in order to create wind. and Blowing the wide Horizontal Funnle at the oppsing enemy. These things would pay for taking her freinds.

(OOC: *uses Phoenix down* REVIVE LE RP PLOX~)

Kefka's Tower

"W-whoa! Yuna!?" He gasped as She Breaked out of his embrace, and gulped as Suddenly a familiar Sight Appeared before him...although usually he had found himself fighting BESIDE the Large, Winged Creature. Even though only part of it was showing, it still looked Threatening.

Tidus, in true Dissidia Fashion, quickly Jumped back and Ran across the Walls to Avoid the Wind Burst from Valefor. "Yuna! Stop It! Don't you Recognise me!?" He called out to her, but he was quickly understanding the cause. as another spray of odd, Red Gas Vented from the Pipes, He grimaced. "...It's this wacko Gas! It's confusing her and her magic Aeons...Oh Great, I don't know Jack about Magic, what do I do now!?" He complained, as he quickly jumped to a Higher Level, Trying to stay out of Yuna and Valefor's Sight as he tried to think of a Plan.
Rend Asunder
Kefka's Tower

"As you wish. I shall deal with the two inside. I leave the approaching knight to you." Necron spoke. The dragon's silence was nothing more than a means for him to stuff words into the dragon's mouth. He had a premonition of death. Of course, being one who exists to destroy all life, he cared not who lived or who died. All life exists for one purpose, and that is to die. The dragon could no more escape this than a moth could. With a glowing blue light, Necron teleported himself into the entryway.

As Tidus as jumping to reach a higher plane, Necron was emerging. right in front of him. With a thrust of one hand, he unleashed a Bounce spell, a telekenetic pulse of psychic energy with the intent of knocking Tidus back to the ground. "Welcome, young boy to the true depths of madness." he spoke, his presence hidden from Yuna for the time being. "It seems your companion no longer recognizes you. No need to worry though. Your pain and hers will end soon enough as you both blissfully enter into the peace of oblivion." he spoke with calm and reason, as if he were justified in all that he did.

"You can try to fight me, but I am not your only opponent. Her eidolons, or aeons as you call them, are under my influence. They see the truth of all things. And all things exist only to die." Necron spoke before he waved his right hand and arm arcing to the left, expelling a ripple of explosive Firaga to sweep along the ground at the two quarelling lovers.

Enter the Dragon
Sir Fratley
Pinnacle of Kefka's Tower

Fratley leaned himself against a wall as he stood on a spiraling staircase. Ten floors of booby traps was enough to take the wind out of anyone's sails. Removing a potion from his belt pouch, the Burmecian took a swig in order to restore his energy. He could smell the dragon's stench just beyond the stairs. The pouring rain could not hide it, not from one who has lived hunting non-peaceful dragons and taming the peaceful ones.

Fratley knew better than to just go charging in. He needed his body to be rested and his mind focused. Fratley sat on a stair, closing his eyes to meditate. His ears and nose were still on alert. After a few minutes, Fratley, now fully recovered, stood up. He looked at the reflection of his blade. "This dragon shall be felled for the good of all. And I will keep my promise to return home to you, my beloved Freya." Fratley spoke quietly before twirling his lance so that it rested against the inner side of his arm as she charged up the stairs.

As Fratley exited the stairwell end entered the outside top of the castle, he could see his prey. Fratley poised himself ready to attack. He spoke nothing. No idle boasts, no banter of good vs evil, nothing but a death stare. He was sizing up his foe and waiting for the dragon to acknowledge his presence, either by words or by combat. Either way, he stood ready in body and in mind.
Impostors II


Kefkas Tower

Yuna watched as the shadow dodged her Attack and ran around on the walls. She looked nervous as she Prayed tot he heavens. "SHIVA!" she yelld as the glyph appeared right in front of Him. Shiva's Torso appeared and summoned a chunk of Ice to attack The shadow with.

"Bring! Him! Back!" She yelled as she ran off to put distance between them. So it was easier to fight it.

(OOC: "RENERVATE!" Connor yelled as he pointed his wand at the Theards Heart. Sir fratley and Lightshock looked on fearfully as Connor attempted to revive the half dead topic.
((ooc: "animus corpus" Yaoi chanted over rydia, trying to force her apparently dead boy to post so that my character can move))

Act 1 scene 2
Impatiently waiting for an answer

[[need a little more inspiration and then this will be a second kadaj post.... probably by later tonight]]