[RP] Kingdom Hearts: Into The Dusk

(Okay I'll get Laleth to meet with him!)

Laleth walked cautuiously until she heard rustling again from behind her. As she turned she saw a man standing in the forest clearing in which she had just exited. She snuck through te trees to get a better view. He looked confused. She helf both her parisol over her shoulder and her keyblade steady as she revealed herself walking out of the forest clearing.

Her nerves had become calmed. In case of a battle she would have to calm herself. "Who are you?" she asked as she pointed her black spiderwebbed keyblade at the man's head.

The she could feel heartless in the air but didn't know who to trust. She could only rely on herself.
OOC: Right lets keep going then...


The sweeping side kick from Eliane did its job, crushing the armoured joint of the heartless to pieces. Even better was that it aimed for her rather than Chao. While seemingly rather cold to think like that, it provided more time for Chao to advance through the open and jam her keyblades into the exposed left leg joint. The heartless ceased moving anywhere, though its cannon was still active. Both Cleansing Touch and Heathen Flame was lodged inside the heartless' joint, leaving only Ultima for the job. Several quick and light steps got Chao up to its head and with a swift downward slash, the Keyblade bit deep into its head before slicing clean through its body, dissipating it into black mist once more.

Retrieving her weapon, Chao looked for their next target, the Darkside. Experience told her that they're presence was more a bluff. Their size was a psychological factor and anyone with a bit of know how would be able to take one down. Both Chao and Eliane was more than just "a bit". They were professionals. Through reading the situation, Chao hung back a bit, waiting for Eliane to cleave yet another opportunity for her to finish off the Heartless.


"I'm doing fine, just a few small guys here. Not a problem for me"

"Alright! Hang in there. One more thing to deal with and we'll just be left with mopping up small fries!"

It was instinctive of Kaufman. She was the President of an entire elite guild. She was used to command in the heat of battle. Her mind rolled in the way that she tried to make order in the midst of the chaos called battle. Right now, everyone else was easily holding their own against the swarms of foot soldiers. She had taken down a morning star and during that time, the ring tanks has been disabled. The Darkside seemed to be battered and wouldnt take much to topple. The only thing left with any major threat was the second morning star

"Ah, fuck!"

Kaufman turned and let loose three blast of shotgun shells at mid range, letting the pellets spread over and blanket the small shadows. It turned them back enough for Kaufman to trample her way through to Sanjia and grabbed him closer to her.

Up! You okay!? Need to move on. We have to deal with the wounded Darkside first then move on to the Morning Star. Sword boy over there seems to be alright, so he may be able to draw some fire from us... Ill try and pin the heartless' movement and hit him hard in the head till he falls! Kay? Lets go!

Before she even hears a response, Kaufman began cleaving her way through the small minions. No time to check if anyone is following. If he didnt, then she was alone and he is worthless to her on the battlefield. With her blade out, Kaufman launched herself into the air, shouting a Kiai as she sliced horizontally across the Darksides leg. It was a clean through and through cut, toppling it to the floor. Without hesitation, Kaufman leapt over to the other side, pinned it down with her sword like the first one she faced and began unloading her pistols into it's face.
As Tsuki walked through the trees, he quickly found himself outmanouvered and had his quarry pointing their weapon, which too seemed to be a keyblade pointed at him. Not yet preparing a reply he instead looked up to the quarry, how was it another bore the keyblade? Weren't the keyblades sacred weapons for the chosen? If there was another like him, such a meeting was no chance encounter...

"So, you too are a keyblade wielder, so there is more than one chosen... This is probably written out by fate that we meet" revealing his Oblivion keyblade in his right hand he continued "What say you to becoming allies, at least until we leave this place? I suspect you too are lost here, no?"

While a risky move to try and ally with a stranger on the spot, working alone would get him out of here no quicker, in a group, though small his success of leaving here was increased as ground could be covered quicker.
Up! You okay!? Need to move on. We have to deal with the wounded Darkside first then move on to the Morning Star. Sword boy over there seems to be alright, so he may be able to draw some fire from us... Ill try and pin the heartless' movement and hit him hard in the head till he falls! Kay? Lets go!

As Sanjia watched Kaufman charge into the fray, he felt a little more inspired to fight. Gripping his sword tightly, he followed her into the action.

"She doesn't mess around." He said to himself.

He saw some small ones heading toward her, but he easily dispatched them. Then he turned to her and saw that she was blasting the Darkside's face repeatedly with her guns. He came across, closed his eyes, and stabbed the enemy in the side of the head.
"What say you to becoming allies, at least until we leave this place? I suspect you too are lost here, no?"

Laleth hesitated at this request. Thinking further, there was nothing a little girl like her could do. "Oh alright, we can team up." She spoke as her keyblade vanished in a flash of purple.

"You seem to be suprised I had a keyblade. Didn't you know there are more of us?" she asked.

Her interest seemed to peak and she was getting a little off topic. "I'm traveling with a group, can you direct me out of this forest?" asked Laleth.

She never knew a strange world could be so foreign from what she had already known.
Hearing what this young girl had to say a part of what she said shook him "What!? You mean there are more? Either the chosen aren't as scarce as usual or this problem in the worlds must be larger than anyone could've known..."

Removing his keyblade in a flash of black mist he looked around the area where he stood "Well i'm just as lost as you are here, it would be best we searched around the area, try to find out which way is out of here, perhaps you could ascent the trees to get a better vantage point?"

Before he could begin to look around some more he heard a strange sound all too familiar "it appears we're not alone..." in a flash of bright light he summoned the Oathkeeper and ran through to the clearing. In an instant he found himself surrounded by heartless, weak pureblood types, but a threat nonetheless. "You check the trees, i'll deal with these pests..."
Figuring the small fry were done for at this point, Julias focused on the rest now. Almost all the smaller heartless fell by his hands. Now it was time to assist his comrades. Taking up his bow, he loaded all the arrows he had in his hands on the bow and shot them at the larger heartless. He didn't expect it to kill it, but it would help. 5 arrows could do considerable damage. Now he was down to carrying 80 more bolts.

Blade listened to everything the major said and took note to simply call her major. It seemed simple enough for him to handle.

"Putting my skills to the test eh? Like an inauguration? Consider it done."
Blade had always had the attitude of a mercenary. "Just remember, tell me to do and consider it done." But he then realized one thing. This body wasn't as strong as he wanted it to be, but he was used to it. He wasn't scared, he knew he could manage.
"Well i'm just as lost as you are here, it would be best we searched around the area, try to find out which way is out of here, perhaps you could ascent the trees to get a better vantage point?"

As soon as she heard this Laleth gained instant dissapointment and determination. It was unfourtunat that this man was lost too, but she would have to work with him to escape. Jumping onto a low treebranch Laleth heard noises and in what seemed like a flash the stranger was surrounded by heartless. "Heartless." Laleth grunted as she summoned her keyblade at an instant.

"You check the trees, i'll deal with these pests..."

Laleth was fine with this and made her weapon vanish at an instant and began to jump up branches until she could see from the tree top. She looked both north, south, east, and west. As far as she could tell the forest ended somewhere northwest, She could see a strange land formation. Every other direction seemed to be endless forest. After memorizing the directions in her head and throughly examining the area, Laleth began her descent. Half way down Laleth jumped, using her parisol as a sort of parachute to land safely. "Save any heartless for me?" she asked playfully.
"I guess that leaves you all to me..." holding his Keyblade in front of him he awaited the Heartless attack. As one leapt forward to attack him with it's claws he slashed upward, cutting it in two, promptly making it disappear in black smoke. "who's next?" The rest then attempted to overwhelm him at once, leaping directly above them he performed a series of Unholy attacks, the mass of them causing a small explosion, destroying the entire swarm at once.

As Tsuki was about to remove his Keyblade a small swirl of black smoke appeared before him, revealing a stronger form of heartless, their leader perhaps? Regardless, it didn't seem particularly strong, little more than an animated suit of knight's armour.

"Save any heartless for me?" Turning around he found his newfound ally back on the ground "Just the one, once this is dealt with, let me know what you found so we can get out of here"
OOC: Kevin, Chao waiting on Eliane


The heartless tried to shrug off the two warriors, but its hand was stuck truly down. That and besides the fact that it was getting its face shredded and hacked drained it strength and before long, the monster gave in and collapsed into a heap, dissolving away into black mist.

Good job. Thats the easy one down. Take down that swinging chain and ball and we are as good as done.

Kaufman scanned the area for anything that they could use. The first morning star she took down was only stopped by sheer luck that it charged at her when she had a wall to her back. This one was going to be trickier.

Hey, you got anything that can stop that thing in its track?

Kaufman hoped that he did as she reloaded her guns because if not, the fight was going to get a scooch more harder.
OOC: I AM SO SORRY! IRL SUCKED SO MUCH! I post now, you get less :rage: at me!

IC: This was funny. Raven was forced to run up a wall and proceeded to throw his keyblade and revolver at the orbs. Though the revolver only hit one (and proceeded to get destroyed by the resulting explosion), the keyblade was tougher and longer, and knocked out the other 4. However, it kept spinning towards him, so Orion did what any sane man would do: he used Coat of Purity on his left hand and caught the keyblade with it. With his right, he brought his spear back and smiled grimly at his opponent.

"This is getting tiresome. Good-bye, Raven."

That said, Shadow focused, and unleashed a wave of pure energy in Raven's direction. One that was not going to be dodged, since A. Raven lacked a weapon, and B. You can't maneuver off a wall that well. Pain is painful. Orion turned away from Raven, curiously examining the weapon he had heard so much about: the keyblade. It was similar to a sword, except it had the power to open locks, and it was blunt. Orion wasn't impressed.

"This is the legendary weapon in the stories? My spear trumps this."

Tossing it behind him, he opened a portal, which was uniquely silver instead of the black color the dark forces used, and stepped through, shutting behind him as he disappeared from sight.

And so the dark wall fell and Raven was left battered and disarmed.

- Shadow's view-

Shadow hit the ground and then flopped onto his back, the swing from Luna's keyblade just missing him as his body angled to fall. Once he hit the ground, the roundhouse kick soared above him. He wasn't finished, though. Sheathing his sword with his right hand, his left hand reached out and grabbed his scythe, using the momentum from before to flip backwards and land in a battle stance, none the worse for the wear. He then tilted his head, as if listening to something.

"Hmm. It seems our time must be cut short, Ice Mistress. Here's a gift from the Dark Messenger."

That said, a heartless appeared out of a miniature portal. It was a Mini-bomb, and it was about to go boom right in front of Luna. Meanwhile, Shadow allowed a portal of darkness to form underneath him and he sank into it, sealing as he disappeared and the Mini-bomb went boom.

-At the other end of the portal-

Dark Heaven Castle of Nekros. The nerve center of heartless. The castle was ancient, yet still stood, and is as sinister, if not more so, then Hollow Bastion.

Within a small room, a dark portal formed in the air and out dropped Shadow, landing on his feet gracefully. Brushing himself off with his left hand, he sheathed his scythe with his right. Walking to the door, he opened it and shouted.


OOC: Shadow is going to be doing a little fun narrative between him and a few heartless, but Orion shan't be appearing till next boss.
The Phantom and Nott Hrimfaxi:

"Putting my skills to the test eh? Like an inauguration? Consider it done."

"Good, I like your attitude already. Now, the Realm of Light is set on their invasion soon. Chances are, they will attack the Heartless' least defended position, Destiny Islands. I want you to go in their newly constructed fortress and liberate a few of their blueprints and supplies under the cover of the invasion."
The Recon Major added, "According to the army's intel, the invasion is set for tomorrow morning." The Phantom pulled out a glowing red rock and handed it to Blade. "This is a summon, containing the spirit of Ifrit. In case you ever run into too much trouble, use it to get you out of it. You are cleared to attack either Heartless or Light Army soldiers if you encounter any."

Hrimfaxi walked in later on, she said "Phantom, you have a guest waiting for you, he is from the Valahia's Kronos branch HQ."

"Alright, tell him I will be there to meet with him."
Turning towards Blade, "You have our orders, you may leave when ready."


"Hmm. It seems our time must be cut short, Ice Mistress. Here's a gift from the Dark Messenger."

"What the..." Luna said as she saw a Mini-Bomb type Heartless dart towards Luna. Thinking fast, Luna used her Water spell to create a few water spouts, then quickly froze them with a Blizzara shot. Because the Mini-Bomb was traveling to fast to change trajectory, and thus exploded in front of the makeshift barrier. However the force of the blast knocked Luna back, out of the dark wall.

Shaking it off, she saw Chao, King Mickey and Elaine tackling a Darkside.


Luna, Elaine and King Mickey

Getting up off her feet, she saw the King using his Holy spells at the Heartless, they were having some effect, but were not doing as much damage as he had hoped. Meanwhile Elaine was waiting for the Darkside's opening. That opening came when the Darkside punched the ground. Luna ran forward, then leaped into the air. Her keyblade glowing blue with ice magic. Luna threw her keyblade to the ground, in the dark pool where the Heartless's hand lied. The energies froze the Darkside's hand in place.

As the Darkside tried in vain to release his hand, Luna called out to Elaine and Chao, "He can't get out, finish the job so we can go home."

Elaine said, running towards the Darkside. Attempting to emulate Raven's attempt up. Elaine jumped up on the Heartless's arm, and started scaling up towards it's head. Although her staff wasn't sharp, it was blunt enough to do some damage. Upon reaching the shoulder, Elaine got her staff ready and did a full swing, hitting the Darkside in the eye and making it real back considerably.

It was up to Chao to launch the finishing blow.



Raven got caught in an attack that he wasn't able to dodge. Though it appear the wall took more damage than he did, he dropped a considerable height that pretty much negated it, landing flat on his back and recoiling to land on his chest.

"This is the legendary weapon in the stories? My spear trumps this."

Raven was dazed when he heard this. When he fully came to, Orion was gone. "At least I'm a fast healer, damn." Raven thought as he slowly picked himself up. The dark wall separating him was gone, and he could see his allies attacking a Morning Star.

Raven slowly picked himself off the ground, he wasn't too badly wounded, (at least he hoped so) and slowly walked over to his Keyblade. Using his ability to transform his Keyblade, his Keyblade transformed into a Personal High Powered Laser Cannon. Picking up the Cannon, he aimed it at the Heartless. Raven took a deep breath and charged the laser, a Red Dot appearing at the Target's torso. The beam took three seconds to charge, but it appear the Heartless was dealing with an unfamiliar weapon, and did not know what to do till it was too late. At the final second, Raven said "Nighty, night."

The beam fired at the Morning Star, burning a hole right through both sides of the Armor where the Heartless was. The Morning Star dissipated into black mist immediately afterwords, the last target eliminated. Raven fell flat on his rear, exhausted.
"Just the one, once this is dealt with, let me know what you found so we can get out of here"

"Lets finish this shall we?"

The little girl ran headfirst towards the heartless flicking her wrist as he keyblade appeared. She made one slash at the monster through the middle and brought her keyblade back up. The heartless staggered. "Wan't to deal the finishing blow? or shall I?" Laleth asked.

It seemed that she may as well get used to this man if she were to be traveling with him. Laleth paced around the heartless and decided to deal the blow herself with a thrust through it. As the heartless vanished Laleth stared in the direction they out to be headed. "There's an opening this way." Laleth said pointing towards a northwestern direction.

Opening her parisol Laleth began strolling forward hoping the man would follow.
So all he had to do was recover some blueprints and take out anyone in his way? Simple enough. He was then handed a glowing red stone. Apparently it held a summon of fire inside of it. "Nifty" he commented. Now the phantom had to go because of a guest.

Now blade looked at the Major, since the Phantom had already left he decided to ask her instead. "So, when does this show get on the road, I'll leave the second it starts." He said this with a cheerful manner. He was excited to get such an easy job for something like this.

OOC: I think I'll wait with Julias, he doesn't have a particularly important part right now...
Good job. Thats the easy one down. Take down that swinging chain and ball and we are as good as done.
Hey, you got anything that can stop that thing in its track?

He looked up and saw what she was talking about.

"This thing is huge." He thought to himself, then replied: "I wish."

Gripping his sword tightly, he took a couple of steps away from Kaufman, looking for a reaction from the enemy.

Kaufman froze for a second. The Heartless had burned away after a charged beam shot punctured the round monster. She traced the beams straight path backwards to Raven, who was sitting on the floor, exhausted. The area was pretty much clear now that the big guys were gone. The smaller black buggers were still around, but Kaufman ignored the little ankle biters. She could just stomp them if they got close. Arc in hand, she jogged towards Raven, gun in a ready position in case something else popped up.

Fancy piece of weaponry there, these little blades you and your companions have. Well, what next? We dealt with these buggers. You drove off that oddball? Do we continue deeper into the base?



Constant battle have trained Chao to see opportunities as if they shone out from the background. Her eyes saw things normal people didnt. Chances, such as this one, jumped from the environment. The Darkness' hand was pinned to the ground by Luna, who seemed to have become free from the wall that trapped her. Eliane had launched a strike at its head, snapping its head back. What shone like a light was its neck. Stretched out taunt backwards, a quick downward slash was all that was needed to slice through the neck. Ultima was her best physical keyblade, so with that in hand, Chao ran up the other side of the Darkness, springboarded off the Darkness and sliced downwards at the neck. Ultima sliced cleanly through the flesh before the head separated from the body.

I think....thats it........
OOC: Apologies for the delayed reply, one shall post now :mokken:

IC: After the final heartless fell and vanished, Tsuki followed the other keyblade wielder, while he still needed to ask questions, he needn't bother with them yet, after all... Who is to say she can truly be trusted yet?

Regardless of what he thought right now, the priority for the time being was escaping this labyrinth made by nature. If this girl could be trusted, good. If not, he could always cross that bridge when he came to it. It was pointless to instigate an interrogation to her intents until he was able to get by on his own again.

Removing his keyblade he continued to follow her through the forest, hopefully the exit wasn't too far, after that he could question her regarding these 'other keybladers', there has to be a greater threat out there than any of them could possibly realise, for so many to be needed.
The Major:

"So, when does this show get on the road, I'll leave the second it starts."

"According to my recon, the invasion is set for 1100 Hours Tomorrow Morning. If at all, try to get to Destiny Islands close as close to the invasion time as possible."
With that tidbit, everything was set for the operation. "Good luck." The Major said gleefully with a smile before going her own way.


Luna, Elaine and King Mickey:

Luna, Elaine and the King saw the Darkside go down in a mist of darkness, Luna's closest friend being victorious in battle.

"Alright, Chao! We won!!!"
Elaine exclaimed.

"Control yourself Elaine!!"
Luna yelled, trying to ascertain the situation. "The Dark Messenger, what could that assassin mean?"

Shiva spoke from within her mind, "He's referring to Diablos, the Dark Messenger, I'm not surprised that he figured out who I am."

"I apologize for not knowing."

"Well now that you know, you will have to think of a way to defeating him. Don't be afraid to use my power when need be."

"I understand, Shiva. But I don't know how to tap in to your power as of yet."

"You will be able to soon enough."

With that out of the way, Luna walked up to the King, "Your majesty, are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I can't say the same for my ship though."

"I'm sorry about that, your majesty."
Elaine spoke up. "Where were you trying to go? Maybe we could take you there."

"I appreciate it, but don't you have a mission to attend to?"

While Elaine and the King were talking, Luna looked around, only to realize something. "Has anyone seen Laleth? I think we've got separated." Letting her Keyblade disappear, Luna said, "Come on, we've got to find her!" Luna started to run towards the door, entering the hallways.

Eliane said, following Luna.


Fancy piece of weaponry there, these little blades you and your companions have. Well, what next? We dealt with these buggers. You drove off that oddball? Do we continue deeper into the base?

The Laser Cannon reverted back to the Keyblade once again, as Raven slowly picked himself up.

"Drove him off? Dude, practically kicked my ass a bit. Doesn't matter though, he's gone."

Raven slowly stood up, he was injured but not to badly, "As for continuing to patrol the base, I think Luna should be back with the details. Let's head back to the Norman...."

Suddenly a ray shield started to activate on the far side of the wall as the wall opened up. As the wall opened up, a ship, roughly 2/3 the size of the Normandy started coming into range, slowly descending into the hanger. After a few seconds, the ship entered the hanger, and touched down on the surface, right by the Hero of Unity Islands.

The hatch opened, and an individual exited from the ship. He had short blond hair and blue eyes, just like Reo Hamilton, but his facial features, including a mustache and beard combo meant that it wasn't him, but a figure older than even he was. He was followed by a black haired individual carrying a Longsword and two silver haired men, one carrying a mace and the other a Halberd.

The blond-haired man spoke up, "We've received a distress call coming from this world, it came from a ship belonging to King Mickey."

"The king is on this world?"
Raven said.

"Yes he is." The man spoke. "Lieutenant Commander Ash Heimroth. Commander of Task Force 8492." Ash extended his hand.

"Raven Otsdarva, Commander of Task Force 108."
Raven shook the Commander's hand. "You need help finding the King?"

"All the help would appreciated Keyblade Knight, we'll head in the direction where the distress beacon was activated." The members of TF 8492 started walking down the hall, with Raven following them in tow.


Heartless Army Accountant:

The accountant was busy working with the numbers, trying to see how much munny can be used to build more dark foundries so that Prisoners of War can furnish weapons of darkness.

Unfortunately for him, nothing can prepare him for what was going to happen next.


Hearing the door open, the Accountant saw Shadow, visibly angry.

"S-Shadow!?! Who the hell you think you are, barging in like this?!? And what the hell are you talking bout pay. Your contract said that you get paid upon success, so unless you have the head of the Thermidor child, you ain't getting one cent off of me!!"
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Shadow grinned evilly at the accountant.

"Oh no. See, my contract says I get paid by the hour. Not the job."

Shadow advanced, and, despite being shorter then the accountant, was still a threatening figure. He jumped up to the desk and landed on it, crouching down in front of the accountant with his scythe out. The very tip of it was at the accountant's neck.

"See my proof of contract? Now give me my pay before I lose my temper, little man."

This coming from a 3 ft. tall moogle.
The forest seemed to grow hot with time as Laleth walked on in silence. She could see alight up ahead. Perhapse they were closer to the exit! Excited Laleth ran full speed ahead, almost forgetting about the stranger behind her. "Lets go." She shouted back before stopping at the edge. All she could see was land stretching out before her in a grassy plain. Laleth took this time to run out onto the feild to survey her surroundings. It was beautiful and green.

As she did this she heard noises, in a flash of black she felt a heartless rise from the ground and hit her hard causing her to fly back toward the forest. Getting up and opening her eyes clearly she could see that it was a giant heartless. Laleth summoned her Keyblade at an instant and looked back at the stranger. "Well, looks like we're not out just yet! Let's smash him!"