[RP] Kingdom Hearts: Into The Dusk

Sanjia watched the heartless get eliminated and was not shocked at how it was done. He knew these people had powers beyong his wildest imaginations, so he knew that he would see it soon. After the heartless was gone, he followed Kaufman over to Raven. As he approached, another ship came in and landed, with one man stepping out. While they were talking, Sanjia overheard something about King Mickey, and he stopped short to not interrupt them.

"King Mickey. I know I've heard that name before somewhere."

After the brief conversation between Raven and the other person, they headed off, possibly to find King Mickey. Not even thinking about it, he turned and followed them, ready to offer any assistance he could.
OOC;Srry for crappy post. Sleepiness is killing me


A ship flew into where Kaufman's team mates were ad she instantly went on the defensive, rifle raised. She held firm until the doors lowered and humans came out of the craft. Seeing as they were friendlies, Kaufman sat down and rubbed her eyes. Fatigue was catching up and Kaufman had to shake it off. They were heading off to find someone by the name of King Mickey. The king sound pretty important enough so Kaufman shrugged her should and followed her employer.



"Alright, Chao! We won!!!"

Indeed. Heartless are already signed to hell the moment we step onto the field.

Luna began to talk with King Mickey and Chao was about to join when Phoenix decided to come in for a chat and tea
Doing rather well i see. A few close calls here and there, but passable i guess.

Rather passable?! I was on my game today. I dont know where you see from but its view must not be good.

It is a compliment, my girl. Please do refrain from such hostility to me. I'm hurt.

From the short while Phoenix had shacked up in her soul, Chao had gotten accustomed to the rather snarky and eccentric personality of Phoenix. So far, Chao was confused by the entity's personality. She could never tell if she was serious or not and it felt like her eyes always judged and disect her every movement.

Well my comrades seemed to have taken arms with your friends. I hope to do so too, but i guess that depends on you. If that was brilliant for you, i do worry that i might need to work overtime just to keep you alive.

Tch! Whatever. Dont talk to me.

Well, that may cause some difficulties, because im pretty sure that...

I said, dont talk to me..."

Oh well. If getting left behind is your type of thing

With that, the Phoenix retreated in her mind and just as she said, her friends were walking off, seeking to search for their allies.

"Oh shit!"

Run. Run like the wind, my girl.

A few seconds later, Chao pulls up next to Luna.

If we're looking for Laleth, we should just retrace ourselves backwards to when we got here and check for side passages. I mean, if she isnt in one of those, then they should be here.

Not taking this new heartless too seriously, Tsuki brought forth Oblivion as he stepped forward, with Oblivion on his shoulder he stepped over to the heartless. Dashing toward it he slashed violently at it's body but for some reason it didn't even flinch, and attack didn't even seem to deal any damage even though it cut through it's body.

"So, this thing must be the leader... Alright then..." In a flash, a second Oblivion appeared in his left hand, he then leapt forward and struck the heartless in the head. It seemed the increase in power had enough force to harm it.

"This thing is stronger than the rest, we'd be better off going all out on this thing, I assume you've got some trick up your sleeve too?"
Heartless Army Accountant:

"Oh no. See, my contract says I get paid by the hour. Not the job.
See my proof of contract? Now give me my pay before I lose my temper, little man."

"W-Wha..." The Accountant said sheepishly as he had a blade within inches of his neck. He reached under the desk, searching for something until he found a red button. 4 Invisible type Heartless appeared, surrounding the desk.

"Heartless! Take care of him."
The Accountant said. If Shadow wants his pay, he'll have to fight for it.


Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core OST-Mako City

Raven and Ash:

As the two task force leaders (and possibly the rest of their members) heading down to what may be the King's current location. That the two began talking.

"You know, I used to fight for the other side during the last war."
Ash said.

"If that's so, why are you fighting as part of this war instead of helping to rebuild your worlds?"

"When the war ended, as a token of good will between the rump Principality of Lucidia and the Realms of Light and Dark. A group of Lucidian Knights served as part of their respective armies."

Raven thought about it. "If that is the case, was that one of the clauses for peace? Seems so heavy handed on the former Empire..."

"The King decided it was best to train the soldiers of his world as well as the various other worlds with permission from the world's respective rulers."

"Sounds like you're teaching them how to fight from experience."


The pair remained silent as traversed down multiple corridors, twisting and turning until they reached the destination. An empty hanger. The Hanger looked slightly damaged, as if there was a battle.

"Come on..."
Ash said, "...This is the only way in, which means the King might be somewhere else."

Raven nodded and continued moving.


Elaine, Luna and King Mickey:

If we're looking for Laleth, we should just retrace ourselves backwards to when we got here and check for side passages. I mean, if she isnt in one of those, then they should be here.

Luna nodded as she entered the corridor down the hall. "As much it is against my best judgment, I think we should stick together, lest we all get lost and make the situation worse."

"I think it's a good call, Luna."
The King said.

The corridor was long and winding, and there were multiple entryways. But Luna had a good memory of where they came from. There was an intersection to the left, with an arrow pointing towards the Botanical Sector. As Luna was about to turn left, Elaine asked, "Luna, are you sure you know where you're going?"

"Yes, why?"
Luna said seriously...

"Because we've been walking around for a while, I think we should have split up."


"You really don't know where you're going, do you?"

".....Just follow me and be quiet."
Luna turned towards the Botanical zone. The Corridor had no doors except for the one at the end. Walking towards the door (which opened by itself) their were huge stomps that shook the ground.

"Be ready to fight if need be."
Luna said.
Laleth stared in awe as the man dual weilded his keyblades and went after the heartless. She wanted that power as well.

"This thing is stronger than the rest, we'd be better off going all out on this thing, I assume you've got some trick up your sleeve too?"

Laleth had never unlocked any special powers of her own, but she wanted desperately to find something. Sure as a little girl who hasn't had her keyblade for more than a year would be a little amaturish at the weapon's hidden abilities, but Laleth wasn't one to be underestimated. She did have one major attack at least. "Gimmie a boost." said Laleth as she ran towards him and the heartless, her keyblade glowing a faint red. "We'll strike it together!"
OOC: Since this is my little show, I'll pick a theme. Let's see....

This'll do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCT1dmZRa4A

IC: "Heartless! Take care of him."

Shadow growled under his breath as the four Invisibles appeared. He hated people who didn't pay him what they owed.

"Fine. You want to fight? Then you shall die."

The four them lunged forward to stab him at the same time. It would have worked if Shadow was stupid. Shadow jumped and landed on the flat of the blades, since they were stupid enough to keep the blades horizontal. One slash, one decapitation via scythe, one Invisible disappeared. Shadow jumped back as they started to turn their blades in an attempt to cut him. The scythe spun, and it came up diagonally across his body.

One came up on it's own. An overhead slash whistled through the air, stopped by the handle of the scythe. Shadow grinned and slid underneath the floating Heartless, bringing his scythe with him, allowing the Invisible's blade to crash into the ground and stick their momentarily. All he needed was a moment, as Shadow stood, spun, and performed an upward sweep, cutting the Heartless in two just as it drew it's sword. The Heartless disappeared.

The other two approached, one on each side. Shadow scowled.

"Enough fooling around; time to end this."

The Invisible on the right suddenly found a scythe sticking out of his head; the other one was now dueling Shadow's jet sword. As the Invisible disappeared, the scythe clattered to the ground and bounced once. Shadow dodged an upward sweep by jumping back, grabbing his scythe, and sheathing his jet sword in one fluid moment.

Now, confronted by Shadow, who was obviously a lot more powerful then most gave him credit, the Invisible decided not to face such an opponent, and disappeared through a dark portal. Shadow, now thoroughly ticked off, drew his sword, and, holding scythe and sword in separate hands, jumped onto the table and put each blade at the Accountant's neck.

"You seem to forget I'm a professional. Now, give me my money, or your head will be the next one to roll."
OOC: apologies if this is too god-moddy, if it is then let me know and i'll edit it :monster: also, apologies for shortness :sad3:

IC: "Very well" Tsuki lowered his right arm enough for Laleth to get a good footing on it, as her foot landed on his arm he launched her into the air, sufficient enough for her to be above the large heartless.

"And what's your plan then?" quickly, Tsuki jumped back to avoid the heartless trying to slam him with it's fist "won't be long till you drop so talk fast"
Julius was constantly being amazed by the young man he was following. The keyblade sure was a unique weapon. Nothing Julius thought he could handle. But it seemed now that the king was in this world. Julius had put his bow away. It was best if he follow. As of now, he had nobody to call a friend on this trip, but he was the new guy, what more could you expect.

Sitting down in a chair and kicking his legs up on a small table, Blade said,"Bah, luck is for the ungifted!" He closed his eyes. "Then if I leave at 10:45 I should make it there in perfect timing, but I think I'll show up and wait for the perfect opening, so I'll be there early. This body should help me out a lot for that." He then realized the major already left. Oh well, he would do what he wanted anyway. Now there was nothing left to do but wait...
OOC: perfect modding of god sir :monocle:

Laleth was in the air now. "Aim for it's head. Strike as hard as you can! We can do it at the same time to deliver a harsh blow" She told him while she flew above the heartless.

With a twist of her body, Laleth pumped the keyblade full of her will and determination, thus the power of her heart was in it. She let gravity take hold of her once more as she began to fall down. With both hands Laleth swung her Keyblade downwards, thus letting gravity take a part in her attack. Her strike to it's head combined with a strike of the dual keyblade weilder would hopefully finish this beast. "Die!"
OOC: ooo boy. i did not see the number of posts. So who is with Luna and who is with Raven?


As much as Chao liked Luna, it was hard not to agree with Eliane. The group had been walking around for a bit and even for Chao, her head has already been turned around and could not track the way they had came. However, her concerns for their whereabouts became secondary when they entered the botanical zone. The ground began to shake, which often meant natural disaster or something big was coming.

"Be ready to fight if need be."

Aw geez. Didnt we just finish the last one?

Alright. You said you'd help? Now's the time to wake up then.

Ohohohoho. Is that a request my dear?

Yes, it is. Now stop being so snarky and annoying.

I guess this is the first step to our good relationship, so here.

Chao felt her body begin to warm and the fatigue from the battle before was draining as she glowed with the Phoenix's power. As fast as it came, the glow subsided.

There you go. Cant give you too much or you'd become spoilt. Please do well this time.

The phoenix was incorrigible. She was soo wishy washy and different than when they first met. Whatever the case, Chao took out Rising Phoenix and formed it into her pole arm, following behind Luna into the botanical zone



Raven's chat with Ash did not really interest Kaufman. After all, she had no connections with this war, or any of the creatures. Not once in her life had she heard of these heartless and this war, but she had to earn her fare home somehow. The group entered a rather battered hangar, in which Raven commented on a King before continuing ahead. A question popped into her head.

Um... Raven, darling, dont mind me asking, but if you are searching for a king, why is he here in enemy territory the first place? Isnt he meant to be in some castle somewhere safe?

Hearing the command, Tsuki took a step back as he readied his right keyblade forward and his left keyblade behind him. Taking a leap for the heartless he performed an initial slash with his right keyblade, following up with his left cutting through the heartless as he performed a somersault, to slash through the middle of the skull as Tsuki fell back to the floor behind it.

As the girl brought her keyblade through the heartless, it faded back into nothing "Now that's done... Let's get going" Tsuki removed his Oblivions in dark mist as he began to walk through to the end of the forest, he wasn't going to miss this place in a hurry.
Heartless Army Accountant:

The Accountant Panicked when he saw Shadow killing his guards. As soon as he got onto the tabled, the heartless screamed like a three-year old girl.

"You seem to forget I'm a professional. Now, give me my money, or your head will be the next one to roll."

The accountant said, fighting back tears. "Take whatever you want, just don't kill me man."

Luna, Elaine and King Mickey:

Aw geez. Didnt we just finish the last one?

Luna, taking a page from her friends playbook, immediately said, "What, are you tired already? I never expected that kind of behavior from you! Come on, let's go." She then went into the forest to look for Laleth.

"Luna, that was cold."
Elaine said before following Luna with the King.

Luna wanted to find Laleth first, since she was part of her team when the squad split up. Because of this, she wanted to find her, as she felt responsible if she got hurt. This wasn't how she normally acted, usually she would think things through, but now, it seemed as if she was acting out of instinct.

Luna steeled herself, her eyes and ears focused on everything around her. Her friends were following her at least, but she was not sure if she could find Laleth this way. She needed some plan, or some sign of her appearing.

"Now that's done... Let's get going"

"You heard that too?"
Elaine said,

Luna looked up and saw Laleth walking with a pale skinned-brown haired man with a trench coat.

"Yeah, I see Laleth is following, but I wonder who he is, or whether or not he could be trusted."

"Well there's one way to find out."

"Elaine what are you..."

Elaine came out of the bush right behind Laleth and the crescent-moon trenchcoat wearing individual. "Hey Laleth, who's your friend?" Luna immediately facepalmed afterwords.

As Raven's team traversed the hallway, Desiree asked, "Um... Raven, darling, dont mind me asking, but if you are searching for a king, why is he here in enemy territory the first place? Isnt he meant to be in some castle somewhere safe?"

"I really don't know...I did not even know that King Mickey was here, let alone why he's here...If Hamilton knew about this I am not going to be amused about it."

Raven and Ash entered the botanical zone. Apparently Ash knew what he was doing and where he was going cause Raven did not have a clue.

Task Force 8492 took the lead as they entered into the forest, with Raven and his half of TF 108 following. It was weird how the forest looked, it was completely alien compared to the interior forests back home in Unity Islands, then again, being thrusted into the war to search for his dad, it probably did not come as too much of a surprise.

One of the TF8492 members said, "Commander, I see someone up ahead."

Raven and Ash both ran up to the 8492 member and took a look at what he saw. Raven saw a familiar figure. "Luna? HEY LUNA!!!" Raven called out.

Luna was startled to say the least, she did not expect Raven to be here too. At least it was a bit of a relief, but still, don't they know how to sneak up on people...It just made her want to facepalm again.

"What, are you tired already? I never expected that kind of behavior from you! Come on, let's go."

Chao pouted. Truth be told, Chao wasn't tired per se, but her fighting spirit had dropped sharply in comparison to before. The lull in action really did a nasty number on her. Her blade has become dull and it was noticeable. Silently, Chao cursed herself and did a mental slap to wake herself up.

Luna apparently found Laleth and Eliane seemed to have gone ahead to deal with the situation, although not with the best of methods. Regardless, Chao let the other two handle it.

"Luna? HEY LUNA!!!"

Chao's ears perked at a familiar voice. A snarky and sarcastic smile slid into Chao's face

Well... arent we early today. Have a nice stroll Raven? its nice of you to join us.

Of course, Chao had no idea of the similar situation on the other side, but communications had been down between the two teams.

"Hey Laleth, who's your friend?"

Laleth had not seen them at first but at the tone of the voices she felt immediate relief. They were saved and she could finally leave this place. "Hey! Sorry I got separated." Laleth stretched her arm out to introduce her traveling companion. "This is another keyblade weilder."

She hadn't asked his name, but it still became embarrassing not knowing the fellow warrior who had fought alongside her. Turning back to him. "Um I'm sorry, We never introduced ourselves. My name's Laleth what's yours?"

As she said this she heard a noise nearby. "Luna? HEY LUNA!!!"

Laleth's ears perked up as Raven came strolling along nearby. The group would be back together again and she could rest herself for now.
OOC: Undercompensatingly short :sad3:

Tsuki, upon hearing a noise, followed by an unfamiliar voice was initially tempted to summon his keyblade, however he stopped himself as Laleth called back, it seemed this new stranger was an ally too, or at least not his enemy.

"Um I'm sorry, We never introduced ourselves. My name's Laleth what's yours?" Tsuki hadn't realised they were still complete strangers to one another "... Tsuki" after a swift introduction he turned to the stranger as another turned up shortly afterwards. "Just how many are there here? Who are you anyway?"
"Just how many are there here? Who are you anyway?"

"About 9 others are with us, though other than me and Laleth, we have 3 other Keyblade Wielders..." Raven said after a bit of contemplating. Meanwhile, Luna came out of her hiding place when she figured that Tsuki meant the guy no harm, either that or to bail Raven and Elaine out for being too trusting...

"By the way, my name is Raven..."
He pointed towards Elaine to his left, "That's Elaine over there..." Elaine smiled as Raven then pointed to the right, knowing that Luna came out of her hiding spot. "And that is Luna..."

"A Pleasure to meet you."
She said.

"I can say the same to all of you."
King Mickey said, who finally caught up with the trio.

Well... arent we early today. Have a nice stroll Raven? its nice of you to join us.

"Oh, haha Chao..."
Raven said, visibly annoyed. "Anyway, Your Majesty...what brings you here?"

The King sighed, "I am on a top-secret mission. You see, I was a headed towards a world called North Point to meet with an old friend of mine. She was a former Arbiter of the Heartless..."

"An Arbiter?"
Luna asked.

"You're familiar with them?"

"Had a bad run in with an Arbiter. Nearly killed a friend, and put me and Luna in a hospital bed...even with magic and the best medical technology, it took a week and a half to fully recover from that."

"Well this Arbiter is different...to tell you the truth, she had that title 15 years ago, I'm not sure if she still is now..."

"Your Majesty,"
Elaine said in a calm voice, "I've got a question to ask you."

"What is it?"

Dissidia Final Fantasy OST-Keeping the Peace

"The Arkbird...the Bird of Peace..."

"What about the Arkbird, Elaine? Wasn't it always a warship?"
Raven asked, surprised. Luna responded, "Not exactly, the Arkbird was originally designed as an airship built by both the Realm of Light and Darkness to be shared among the two. When the war started, and we had control of the Arkbird, it was converted to a warship."

"I wanted to know. Did you really have to use that beautiful white bird for this war? Do you understand what I am saying?"

Mickey thought for a moment, then said "I understand."

Elaine continued, "It's just...I wanted to see your...your bridge of peace, span between the realms."

Raven walked up and placed his hand on Elaine's shoulder, amid Luna's hidden feelings of disappointment.

"It's still possible you know."
Raven said, trying to cheer her up.

"She's right. As long as we have the bird, we are on even terms now."
King Mickey had a point, the Laser Cannon that the Arkbird had was strong enough to penetrate the shields and armor of even the Heartless's Heavy Command Cruiser, that and the fleet that is protecting it now prevents it from being a casualty of war.

"I'm trying to get to North Point, because I believe we have a chance..."
Mickey said calmly.

"To hold talks in neutral territory?"
Raven said as Ash and his team appeared behind Raven.

"Right, Communication is vital to achieve peace."

"So I can still believe in you then?"
Elaine said, clutching her chest. "I want this war to end, I don't want to see any more men and women lose their lives. We suffered enough as it is."

"Me neither."

Raven started hearing a ring from his waist. Pulling out a small disc, he held it out with his stretched out hand, it start floating in mid-air and a hologram of the Gummi Ship's AI, INTEL appeared. "Raven Otsdarva, Commander Hamilton requests that your team rendezvous with the invasion force."

"Where are they now?"

"At Radiant Garden"

"Understood, we are on our way..."
The disc shut off and it floated back into Raven's hand. As Raven put the disc away, Ash said to Raven. "We'll take the King where he needs to go, you go ahead and take care of your mission."

"Understood, take care of the king for us, 8492."

"Sure thing Raven, good luck."
Ash responded.

"I hope this will not be the last time we meet, Your Majesty."

"I hope so too, you take care too Luna, Chao."
With that, the King left with Ash and the rest of Task Force 8492.

As Luna and Elaine began heading out of the forest, Raven said. "Best we head off ourselves, come on guys. Let's head back to the Normandy. Tsuki, you're welcome to come with us if you like."
Last edited:
OOC: apologies for shortness, couldn't think of much more to add :sad3:

"It's not like I have anywhere better to be, fine... I can tag along for the time being"

Tsuki then extended his hand for everyone to shake "So, I guess for the time being we're allies, you can count on me not slowing anyone down"
Laleth was bored. It was obvious that this world did not contain what she was looking for. She stood gazing around wondering where the next journey would take them all. "Normandy? What place is that?" she announced loud enough for the others to hear.

She wondered what other places the crew would be heading to late rin their journey.

The team has suddenly reunited with each other after they went their separate paths during the mission. While Chao loves to jab at Raven, she was rather glad that he made it through relatively unscathed, as far as "unscathed" in combat would allow. At the very least, he was not missing a limb. Raven, Eliane, Luna and King Mickey began to talk. Chao gravitated towards them, listening in.

"I am on a top-secret mission. You see, I was a headed towards a world called North Point to meet with an old friend of mine. She was a former Arbiter of the Heartless..."
At the mention of Arbiter, Chao's muscles tensed. It was a reflexive action. Two very close brushes with an arbiter had taught Chao well to be cautious. However, King Mickey seemed to have confident with this ex Arbiter, so Chao would just have to trust his judgment. The talks went on about the Arkbird and peace talks. While peace was the best solution, Chao scoffed at its slim possibilities, but before anything else happened, Raven's phone rang and INTEL's voice came up.

"Raven Otsdarva, Commander Hamilton requests that your team rendezvous with the invasion force."

Ha. Thats my cue.

Leave the talks to the brass (even tho she herself is one). There was a fight to be getting to.

"I hope so too, you take care too Luna, Chao."

Gracefully, Chao gave him a slight bow as King Mickey left. It was time to get back to the Normandy, in which the group began to walk

"Normandy? What place is that?"

Upon hearing the question, Chao strode up to the girl.

The Normandy, is our ship. I guess 108 (?) Taskforce's special carrier. There it is.

The ship loomed ahead and Chao hastened her steps up the gang walk, strapping herself into the seat she came in on.



While not really interested in eavesdropping on this particular information, Kaufman's sensitive/enhanced ears picked up what was said. There seemed to be aims for peace talks, which was good for Kaufman. The faster the war ended, the less she had to fight and the more time she gets to find her way home. As much as she wanted to help these guys, the moment the bullets stop flying, Chao had no obligations, but she will see through till the end.

"Best we head off ourselves, come on guys. Let's head back to the Normandy. Tsuki, you're welcome to come with us if you like."

And with that, a new objective. Joining the invasion force. Kaufman made her way quietly back, her guns holstered and followed the rather gaudy warrior princess, or what she deduced from the conversations, up into the ship and planted her own behind down on the opposite chair of Chao, waiting for the rest to board. The silence was a bit too much, however.

So.... you royalty huh?

"So, I guess for the time being we're allies, you can count on me not slowing anyone down"

"I'm not worried about people slowing us down."
Raven said, upon reaching the ship. Luna and Elaine already entered, and it was just those two and Julias that had to enter. While Julias went towards the 3rd deck to get something to eat, Raven sat at the Captain chair, while the AI, INTEL slowly piloted the Normandy out of the world of Deep Space and on course to Radiant Garden.



-March 26, 0094
Radiant Garden

A little over two years passed since Raven was born, and Erieste was walking towards the home of his old friend from the Realm of Light Military, a man by the name of Captain Alvin Jameson Ford, he was the commander of Task Force 108, and had requested to meet with a few Keybladers he knew.

Upon reaching the house, Erieste saw a man leaning on Nixon's house. He was not much younger than Erieste was. He had jet black hair and blue eyes. He was also wearing what appears to be fancy armor, entirely navy blue, with a billowing light blue cape and an emblem on the right shoulder piece of the armor.

Walking up to the man, Erieste said, "Well, fancy armor you got there."

The man opened his eyes, and looked at Erieste. He too was wearing armor, a silver looking armor that was a bit rusted, most likely from missuse, but also possibly signifying experience. His was more like a robe, complete with hood, and both colored in white. There was a black belt that went across one shoulder and around his chest to his waist.

The man scoffed, "Can't say the same about yours."

Erieste laughed and smiled, "Now, now, let's not make fun of our outfits..." He then leaned on the wall, next to the armored figure."I assume you're here for the same thing, huh?"

"Meeting up with the Captain? Yeah, what's it to you?"

"Same here."

"So you're going to join in on the war, huh?"


The day before, the Lucid Empire declared war and immediately invaded worlds from the Realm of Light. The local defenders, despite their stubbornness to give in, were defeated by the might of the legendary Lucidian Knights, the 300-strong elite of the elites of the Empire.

The door opened and a man with graying hair appeared, he was wearing what an officer's uniform, obviously one from the Realm of Light's Navy. "Good evening gentlemen, I see you two have gotten yourselves acquainted, but if you didn't..." Nixon walked over in between the two men. "Mr. Otsdarva, this is Mr. Maximillian Thermidor, one of the nobles of Twilight Town and a dedicated Keyblade Master. Mr. Thermidor, this is Mr. Erieste Otsdarva. He is a Keyblade Master, trained by Master Eraqus."

"Nice to officially meet you."

"Heh, Likewise."

"Well then gentlemen. Now that you two are together, we will discuss our Task Force's role in this war."

“I rather wait for my apprentice to show up first.”


“Yes, ah, here he is now.”

A young kid with blond hair and green eyes appeared. He was about 16 years old, compared to everyone else in the group who were at least over 20. “My apologies for being late, Master Thermidor.”

“At least you are here. Gentlemen, this is my apprentice, Reo Allen Cicero Hamilton.”

“Nice to meet you, sirs.”

“I see you train your apprentices well in etiquette.”

“Alright, gentlemen, it is time we discuss Task Force 108’s plans for the mission we’ve been ordered to.” Captain Nixon said as he led the four into the house.


Ace Combat 5 OST-Sand Island

“Raven, we have arrived in the world of Radiant Garden, we should be landing in Five Minutes.”

“Alright” Raven said as he stood up. He wasn’t really at a hundred percent, but he could still put up a fight.

“Hamilton also sent a message. He requested that someone escorts you to Radiant Garden Castle.”

“Great, like I need someone to hold my hand.”
Raven thought “Alright, alright…” he finally said.

“Is something the matter?”
Elaine asked,

“No, nothing is the matter, Elaine.”

The last time Raven, Luna and Chao went to Radiant Garden, there was a battle going on, as they had to defend the city, and more importantly, the Heavy Command Cruiser Kestrel, from a Heartless Preemptive Attack. Although the Shipyards were repaired as a result of the war, the winds of war were still as fresh as they were one month ago. With the exception of 4 Commonwealth-class Frigates, the yards were empty, perhaps to prevent the Heartless from attacking a vulnerable target.

The Normandy landed in Dock 5, ironically the dock where the Kestrel left port to head off into the Lanes Between. As soon as the airlock opened and Raven and Luna stepped out, they were greeting by at least 5 female soldiers. Luna quickly recognized one of them. “Geminia…”

“Well, well, it’s quite a surprise to see you here, Luna.”

“I could say the same for you.”
Luna gritted through her teeth.

“Alright, alright. Jeez, you women all act hostile to each other.”
Raven said

“My name is Geminia Galbados, skilled Sorceress and Commander of Task Force 596. We are the escort for Task Force 108. The members that are with me is my Sniper, Maria Long, my Hand-to-Hand combat specialist, May, my Lance Combat Specialist, Joanna and my Berserker, Heraclea.”

“Thank you, my name is Raven Otsdarva, Commander of Task Force 108, and this is my crew.” He said as he waited for his crew to come and introduce themselves.