[RP] Kingdom Hearts: Into The Dusk


After hearing what Desiree said, Raven said, "Well, I'd believe that. It actually seems kind of fun how you say it." Raven smiled, it was nice to get to know his comrades better. As the pair got to the hanger where a pilot and his Falcon were waiting for the pair to be taken to their ship. "You said something of a rival who disappeared in the middle of a battle. Any idea who he or she is?"

Luna and Eliane:

"So much for girl power huh? You guys better believe he's getting a good thrashing from me someday!"

"I know you will!" Elaine said happily, Luna however knew that she was disappointed over the results of the battle with Tsuki. The only thing she could say to make her feel a little better was "You fought very well, I think you could give even Raven a run for his money."

"He's still at the castle with Desiree, he's not the gladiator type." Elaine said.

Despite that question, Luna did want to know something, "Laleth, how were you able to summon a creature like that? It did not look like a Summon Spirit I've ever seen before."
Laleth smiled as the group comforted her. She wanted to be just like these women when she grew up. She had never had much of a role model before.

"Laleth, how were you able to summon a creature like that? It did not look like a Summon Spirit I've ever seen before."

The girl hesitated. It's not a spirit, but more of a demon in another realm. She had three demons who she had met back in her home world and who she protected. "It's a demon." said Laleth. "In my world they can be summoned...But only by another demon or a half-demon."

This recent subject change took her mind off everything. "But I sometimes can't control myself if I focus on the demonic side of things. I guess you could say I'm not fully human but whenever I need to I call my 3 demon friends to help."

With that she waited to follow the group to wherever they would travel. Laleth began to feel like she was a part of a group for once.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Tsuki heard an announcement coming from the arena "And now for the final round! Our reigning champion, Prime Minister of Radiant Garden; Leon! And his opponent, a new addition to the tournament who has flown through the ranks... Tsuki!

Hearing his name being called, Tsuki didn't expect to have to take on who was essencially the ruler of the world but he didn't let it bother him. An opponent was an opponent after all, and he didn't exactly have to kill him...

Walking outside to the arena, at the opposite end he saw a man dressed in black, weilding a strange type of sword, the blade was normal enough yet the handle resembled a firearm. What was already caution to the champion was now increased, in light of this foreign weapon. bringing out his Oblivion keyblade he was about to charge his opponent when Leon took the first move, landing a heavy blow faster than Tsuki anticipated, he was on a whole other level to the others.

Barely able to throw Leon's attack off he tried to counter with his own slash which was easily thrown off, the force sending a vibration through it, almost forcing it out of Tsuki's hand. Barely holding on he tried to steady his grip as Leon struck again, forcing Tsuki to jump back, having no strength to withstand another disarm. 'This guy is on a whole other level... Fast and strong, moreso than i've ever seen. He has to have a weakness somewhere!' Tsuki thought to himself, as he leapt into the air to throw his keyblade, if not for a determined strike at least to find a path in his defenses was swatted aside as Leon lunged forward and cut down a defenseless Tsuki.

The force, combined with the brutal force knocked Tsuki to the floor without much effort. As Leon stood over the defeated Tsuki, he was about to turn around when a black pulse shot in a circle from Tsuki and his body began to rise, lifeless as it floated in the air. His body was then cocooned in darkness as his body gently touched down on the floor with 4 Oblivion Keyblades, 2 put together like double ended swords were in each hand. With a voice far colder, monotone yet agressive addressed Leon "The battle isn't over yet... Now it's my turn! Now you will find me... Unstoppable!"

As his body radiated a deep redness alongside the black and purple he charged Leon and with superhuman speed he easily disarmed him with a very brief exchange of blows before delivering a hard kick to his gut, knocking him into the arena wall. Even though the battle was over, Tsuki's darkness would not allow rest till he was dead. Floating up into the air he hurled all 4 Oblivion keyblades right at the downed Leon, unless someone jumped in now, odds were these would be Radiant Garden's Prime Minister's final moments...

OOC: Anyone nearby can jump in now :monster:

"You said something of a rival who disappeared in the middle of a battle. Any idea who he or she is?"

My rival?

Kaufman dove into a short trip through memory lane when Raven asked her about her rival. They did have a very deep history and an odd relationship

How do i say this....she knows me better than my crew. In fact, id say she is the person that knew me the most. Funny isnt it? We are both on the opposite side of the scale. She works for shady guild, we light. She uses knives, i use guns and we both try our hardest in killing each other on missions... but i guess they say, locking blades with someone lets you know them better than any words.

More memories of Amaya flood her head, the countless battles and quiet bar nights.

Amaya is a friend i guess. She works for a Shadow Guild that seems to like to go against us. So we fight frequently. Kinda got friendly in a sense after such a long time of butting heads with neither of us killing the other.

Well.... if you are asking if she is around here for the Heartless.... id say its not hard to spot her... if you're good. She is an assassin after all. If you spot someone in a cloak with a white half mask on her face, that should be Amaya. However, i dont think she would be...

If Amaya was with the Heartless, then things were going to go sour pretty fast. That was how much Kaufman respected her and any Light Base she wanted to get into, she would.

Afraid she'd show up on the heartless side like how i showed up on yours?

OOC: Ill jump in. I think i got something in mind.


"Is there something wrong Chao?"

Chao was about to answer when she spotted something from the corner of her eye. The opponent Laleth was against was going berserk. He was going to finish off Leon. On instinct, Chao jumped.

Four oblivion keyblades shot towards Leon. Just inches from him, Chao materialised in mid air. Heathen Flame in her right hand, blocking the right keyblade. Cleansing Touch had locked onto the left blade into the ground, being stepped on by Chao. Ultima, in her left hand deflected the back blade while the foremost one was caught in between Chao's teeth. There she stood for a second before she spat the keyblade to the floor.

I do believe that is enough.


How do i say this....she knows me better than my crew. In fact, id say she is the person that knew me the most. Funny isnt it? We are both on the opposite side of the scale. She works for shady guild, we light. She uses knives, i use guns and we both try our hardest in killing each other on missions... but i guess they say, locking blades with someone lets you know them better than any words.

Raven took time to process that information in her head. It made him think, if she and her rival was like that, would it be like the same relationship between him and Orion?

Amaya is a friend i guess. She works for a Shadow Guild that seems to like to go against us. So we fight frequently. Kinda got friendly in a sense after such a long time of butting heads with neither of us killing the other.

Well.... if you are asking if she is around here for the Heartless.... id say its not hard to spot her... if you're good. She is an assassin after all. If you spot someone in a cloak with a white half mask on her face, that should be Amaya. However, i dont think she would be...

"Amaya is her name then. If she is indeed one to show up on the Heartless' side, then indeed things will not be good, considering how good Desiree made her out to be."

Afraid she'd show up on the heartless side like how i showed up on yours?

"Well...not really. If she does show up then we have to fight her, simple as that. Though considering how good she is, I'd probably would be a bit concerned."

The pilot received a communication through his comm uplink headset and then said to Raven, "Captain, I've received a message for you from the Radiant Garden Defense Forces." The pilot gave Raven the comm Link, which he put close to his ear. "This is Captain Raven Otsdarva."

"We have a situation going on at Radiant Square Garden, we request the assistance of the rest of your team."

"Great, just when I thought I wouldn't go see the match, I still wind up having to go to the stadium."

"Understood, we'll be heading to the stadium.
" Raven finally said before handing the comm link to the pilot. "Pilot, set a course for Radiant Garden Stadium." The pilot acknowledged and got into the Falcon's cockpit, starting the engines. Getting on the Falcon, Raven finally said to Desiree, "Why do I get the feeling that every time we come to a world that has a sporting event, something bad has to happen?"


Luna and Elaine:

Just as soon as they were comfoting Laleth, there were screams going on in the stadium. Chao moved ahead forward to see what was going on already. Luna and Elaine looked at each other, nodded their heads, and went to the scene of the disturbance.

At the stadium, Luna and Elaine both saw Tsuki going berserk, and about to kill Leon. Had it not been for Chao's timely counterattack, Radiant Garden's ruler would've been just a corpse on the ground.

I do believe that is enough.

"Chao, we've got to stop Tsuki before he hurts any more people!"
Luna said, summoning her Mysterious Abyss Keyblade. Elaine got herself into an unarmed fighting stance.

Luna got to work, firing off several Blizzard spells from the palm of her hand. If they connected, it would freeze Tsuki in place.

Elaine on the other hand rushed forward moving to hold the guy down before he caused more damage.
Mission Objectives:

(M) Subdue Tsuki: Luna, Elaine, Chao, Laleth
Tsuki has lost control of his body to his darkness. Subdue him, and try to bring him back into control as soon as possible:

(M) Get to Radiant Garden Stadium: Raven, Desiree
Get on the Falcon Chopper and head to Radiant Garden Stadium to help your comrades.
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Seeing his attack stopped, Tsuki let out a maniacal laugh, his voice building a sinister echo as he spoke "More prey, huh? Well bring it on!" Dark Tsuki summoned his keyblades back into his hands as several blizzard spells charged at him which he cleared with a simple spin of his keyblades in a barrier position. His eyes then caught another target, this one unarmed, without wasting time he blasted an unholy spell at her and phased into thr floor with a dark portal.

Appearing behind Chao he fused the four Oblivion keys into one 4 pronged 'wheel' as he spun it above his head and swiped at her.

ooc: Apologies for shortness :sad2:

"Well...not really. If she does show up then we have to fight her, simple as that. Though considering how good she is, I'd probably would be a bit concerned."

Hm....id say she would give you a run for your money. That one packs so much heat that she's like a human Doraemon.

Kaufman wasnt sure if her joke was lost with Raven, but she continued anyway. If Raven wanted to ask about it, fire away. They had all the time in the world in any case.

Why do I get the feeling that every time we come to a world that has a sporting event, something bad has to happen?"

After talking through the comm, the time factor didn't seem to be the case as they seemed to need to redeploy again.

The strong attract trouble maybe? We do have plenty of strong people present. In any case, lets jet and pick up the rest of them.

Quickly, the gunslinger hopped into one of the empty seats in the Falcon, ready for lift off.



Tsuki managed to get into a perfect behind position on Chao and in her distracted mind, it was quite obvious that she would bear the brunt of the strike. Even before she began moving, she knew it was to be a deep and critical wound.

Your lack of confidence in your power is detrimental. I shall make my point in regards to your stubborness and that the longer you reject my presence, the more risk you are placing on your comrades.

Phoenix's thoughts coursed through her head in an instant and from the base of her soul, the dreaded feeling of immobility resurfaced, reminding her of the last time Phoenix took control. The blades bit into Chao, but instead of flesh and blood, the blades tore through flame. A pillar of flame encapsulate Chao, firing straight into the air before it snuffed out, revealing Chao... or the Phoenix in a new form.

Watch and learn, my vessel... watch and understand the purpose of your family and the fraction of power that lies within your fingertips for your task.

Rather than internal dialogues as usual, Phoenix's voice spoke rather than Chao. Within its many hands were three Ultima, heathen Soul and Cleansing Touch while in her actual hands held Rising Phoenix. With a right palm raised, a large raging torrent of fire erupted from thin air scorching all in its path, with Tsuki in the middle of Phoenix's sight.
Laleth looked surprised and wondered if she should summon a demon against Tsuki. "Should I summon a demon?" She asked to herself as her key blade appeared in her hand.

The parisol in her hand had been closed and tucked away. Laleth was ready to fight the rougue Tsuki for personal reasons and to back up Chao. "Take this Tsuki!"

She had never thought that her revenge against Tsuki would come so suddenly. She fired round after round of energy arrows at her enemy not taking time to pause. She wanted to fight him hand to hand and personally break him down herself. But she still composed a positive facial expression hoping this endless volley of arrows would end.
Hm....id say she would give you a run for your money. That one packs so much heat that she's like a human Doraemon.
"A Doraemon?" Raven thought, "I'll ask later, let's just focus on the mission on hand."

After Desiree climbed on board, the Falcon took off and headed as fast they could towards the Stadium. Hopefully, they would make it in time before any casualties are inflicted.

Luna and Elaine:

Dissidia 012 Duodecim: Final Fantasy OST-The Final Battle (from Final Fantasy IX)

"More prey, huh? Well bring it on!"

Luna saw Tsuki block all of the Blizzard spells, which only served for a distraction for Eliane to launch an attack. But Tsuki saw that coming. He fired off a Silvery Light Energy Blast that Elaine barely had time to counter before she was hit with the attack, knocking her back. She did a backflip and landed on her feet, before going down on one knee and panting hard.

Luna was worried though, as it brought back memories to when the Pheonix took control of Chao. Those facts caused her to summon all her energy and transform into her Drive Mode, Eclipse. Her irises turned into a light blue color instead of the purple she normally had. She felt a cold sensation going into her hands as she began charging her ice magic for a Blizzara spell, an orb of ice to knock Tsuki back to his senses.

"Make your move....now!!!"
Shiva said in her head, and Luna responded almost immediately. "BLIZZARA!!!" She said as she fired off the large Ice Orb at Tsuki. If it doesn't work, she'll continue her magical onslaught.

A Helicopter came within distance of the stadium, the pilot looking down saying, "Sir, it's getting hot down there." Raven responded by saying "I don't care, land inside the stadium and get out immediately, me and Desiree will handle this." The fighting was getting intense, but the pilot was very skilled. He took the Falcon down and looked down at the center of the stadium. Raven pointed the DMR at the presumed target. It was only after looking at the shadow did he realize who he was fighting.


Mission Objectives:

(M) Subdue Tsuki: Raven, Luna, Elaine, Chao, Desiree, Laleth
Tsuki has lost control of his body to his darkness. Subdue him, and try to bring him back into control as soon as possible.
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Shadow The Hedgehog - I am all of me

Watching his opponent start to undergo a change, Tsuki leapt back as she changed to a new form and prepared an attack. Even with his speed his leap into the air to avoid her fire attack was a narrow evade "Well, a worthy foe... Lets get rid of the distractions then!" to almost hit him was a strong enough show this new form of her's was powerful to give Tsuki reason to try. Turning to the others he watched them all scuttle about, trying to harm him, prompting laughter "don't even bother you fools!"

Watching the smallest of them launch arrows he spun his keyblades in a 360 arc to shield and repel them into the arena, right back at everyone as another began to fire larger ice spells while in a new form. Switching from his defensive attack he launched a charged unholy spell which exploded on impact, shattering the spell and hurled a keyblade at her, cutting through all the ice in midair as it charged at her.

As he was about to turn his attention to the fiery woman he heard a sound from above, seeing a large airship descend on the arena his face became more angry "just one disturbance after another! Get out of here!" throwing another keyblade he struck it's tail, promptly setting it alight as the flames threatened to engulf the now damaged Airship.

"And now that drama is over... Where were we?" Tsuki returned his gaze to the fiery woman "maybe I should show you what I can do..."

Tsuki lifted his free arm into the air as darkness from the near vicinity began to be absorbed into Tsuki's body, including a strange rock which quickly became engulfed by the darkness as it entered Tsuki's body. He then began to radiate a black aura as his eyes became completely white and fangs grew in place of front teeth and his Oblivion Keyblades became razor sharp. The moon on his trenchcoat became completely eclipsed too and his clothes in general looked more worn and ripped as his air began to flow upward on generated wind.

"Well... How do you like me now?" maintaining his agressive grin he summoned all four of his new Oblivion Keys and lunged at the fiery woman.
Laleth had become frustrated. There was no absolute way that Tsuki could fight all three women at once. She had become enraged again. Enraged enough to feel anger. She formed a hatred in her heart for this Tsuki. Not only had he embarrassed her but he had somehow mocked her by supposedly dodging every attack she'd thrown. "I'll kill him!" She told Luna angrily.

Laleth had taken on giant heartless before in the past by herself. She had begun to think that this man was faking it. There was no way that he couldn't feel pain. She didn't care about Tsuki's one on one. She wanted three on one. She wanted destruction. She wanted to grind Tsuki's bones with her bare hands.

She could taste blood now. Whether it was real or in her mind it tasted delicious. swishing her tounge in her mouth she could feel her teeth, the gums bleeding from her unknowingly grinding them in her rage. Laleth dropped her parisol, for her focus was on one person alone. She enjoyed the taste of oral blood, especially her own, but these facts registering in her mind did not scare her, they only made her angrier. She lunged toward Chao, her speed at her maximum without little effort. She stopped immediately just behind Chao and to her right.

Laleth didn't notice Chao's changed form, for all she cared about was revenge for her last fight. She summoned her keyblade, the spiderweb accents upon it becoming more sinister with a purple glow. With a point of her keyblade she summoned yet a new demon. A portal from just above her shot out a being in a dark cloak holding a scythe and wearing a mask of a skull. It was the demon Laleth often called "Death".

The summoned being looked at Laleth and spoke to her in her mind. "THE SITUATION?"
It asked.

"Destroy it"
Laleth replied gazing at rogue Tsuki with revenge in her heart. She didn't have to control herself now. For Death shared her mind and her abilities, making the two almost exact copies, possessing the same lust for blood.
Chao/ Phoenix

"And now that drama is over... Where were we? maybe I should show you what I can do..."

Phoenix watch unperturbed at Tsuki's transformation. Even when he launched counter attacks against Chao's allies, Phoenix did not raise a hand in assistance, but continued to observe. When he returned his attention to her, he seemed more formidable and as if to prove this point, lunged at her.

"Well... How do you like me now?"

As a human, she would have to commend him on his power. It indeed was of high caliber on the same level as Raven, Luna and Chao. However, she was the Phoenix, the Fire Scourge of the Planes and no mere mortal would possess enough power to kill her. Of the nine blades that floated around her, four went and clashed with Tsuki's blades. Now within a closer range, Phoenix let off yet another blistering blast of fire effortlessly, her face never changing.

Only when she felt the summoning besides her did Phoenix divert her eyes to the side for a split second.

A demon,,,, Death too at that....

Whatever the case, this Laleth girl was quite impressive, but her bloodlust was slightly concerning.



The tail of the Falcon copped a hit and it was beginning to destabilise and catch on fire. They would have to bail, pilot inclusive. He would have to run the moment they hit the ground.

Raven! We gotta bail! Falcon's not going to stay airborne for long! Pilot! Hand over the controls. Ill stabilise for you and raven to jump.

The height was definitely not one that normal people could withstand jumping from. Kaufman was confident she could survive it. She lived by heights and this was nothing. Quickly slipping into the pilot's seat, Kaufman held the stick steady for as long as she can.

Hurry! The tail is desintergrating!

Raven! We gotta bail! Falcon's not going to stay airborne for long! Pilot! Hand over the controls. Ill stabilise for you and raven to jump. Hurry! The tail is desintergrating!

"Alright, don't die on me Desiree, you hear me?" Raven said as he grabbed the pilots by the arm and jumped out the Falcon as it started to spin out of control. In a flash of light, Raven's clothes turned to a deep navy blue and his crimson red eyes turned as blue as the sky. Raven entered his drive form, the first time in weeks.

He began floating down to the ground, his ability to glide helpful in slowing down his descent. He touched the ground besides Luna and Elaine, and the pilot, who was ringing his orders from Desiree quickly ran out of the stadium. "What's going on?" Raven said summoning his keyblade.

"Tsuki gone mad, what more do you want to know?"
Elaine said, annoyed over the tough enemy everyone had to face.

"He's apparently utilizing the darkness in his heart to strengthen himself. We need to calm him down somehow, it seems that Chao is a match for him." Luna said pointing at Chao and her new drive form. A fact that made Raven's heart sink, if this kept up, no one from his team would be fit to fight in Operation Footprint. In addition, she saw Laleth, who was acting a bit funny herself.

"I've gotta stop this fight now."
Raven announced as he ran forward, towards Tsuki, the run then became a low glide as he attempted to close the distance between him and the now crazed Keyblader.

Meanwhile Luna's attacks were destroyed and she saw a Keyblade being thrown at her. Luna quickly did a combat roll to dodge the throw before she began casting a Water spell. A surge of water appeared underneath Tsuki, ready to shoot up and knock Dark Tsuki into the air.
OOC: I do apologise if i'm starting to act too OP, i've not RP'd a boss before so i'm not sure how far too far is :wacky:

Seeing everyone's attacks not letting up Tsuki quickly decided to try out his new powers. "Let's see what you've got... Zeromus... Black Hole!"

Seemingly on command, a large near-invisible vortex swirled before him, absorbing all the attacks in the area into it from Luna's Water spell to Phoenix's attacking blades sending all to distances far away from the area.

The Demon however, remained unphased, seemingly unaffected. For now Tsuki would leave it be, after all, what could it possibly do to Tsuki? He was far too powerful for any minion to handle.

Turning his attention to Phoenix he began to spin his keyblades defensively as he charged her, as he closed the distance he leapt into the air and in a rapid spin slammed all four Keyblades over Phoenix's head.
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(OOC: Short action post :sad2:)

Laleth stared, standing still as Tsuki came charging toward Phoenix. He jumped into the air, just the perfect moment for attack, no the one mistake that could possibly take this man out! When airborne you can't move in the air without a propeller of some sorts, Laleth knew that her chance had come. As he came close to phoenix she charged herself, Death right beside her.

In perfect harmony Death swung his scythe towards Tsuki as Laleth jumped above Deaths weapon to deliver a swing form her keyblade aiming for the man in the air. She landed with two feet upon the ground and ran to greet her summon Death who quickly ran to stand slightly behind her. The creature looked like a large shadow behind the little girl.
OOC: lets hope this subdueing battle doesnt take too long


The cyclic began to vibrate dangerously as Kaufman held on as tightly as she can. The moment she lets go of the cyclic, the Falcon would spin out of total control and plummet straight towards the ground, right on top of her friends in the arena. Gritting her teeth, Kaufman planted her boots straight onto the console, shattering the glass on the dials. That was the least of her concern, for this piece of junk was finished. Bracing herself, Kaufman pulled back on the cyclic and slowly, the Falcon pitched backwards and began to roll to the left, descending relatively quickly. Kaufman was now short on time. Yanking the pilot's seat belt, she anchored the cyclic in that position before making a mad dash towards the open bay of the Falcon. Already, it was beginning to make uncontrollable spins. Pausing only for a second to get the timing right, Kaufman leapt out the bay door, a mere 4 meters from the ground, landing inside the arena before the Falcon burst into a ball of flame in the empty stands behind her.


The explosive shock shook her brain a bit, making her limbs inoperable for a few seconds. Her world swirled around as she attempted to get back on her feet. Clumsily, Kaufman cocked Arc and swayed and stumbled towards where everyone else was



Her blades disappeared into a cortex which Tsuki had summoned but that wasn't too worrisome. Inside the dimension where they had disappeared to, her keyblades dissolved into flames before reappearing within her hands once more. As she was about to engage Tsuki again, when she saw Laleth coming up from behind. Phoenix was not so arrogant to waste a probable opportunity over her pride. Just as the blades came down on her head, Phoenix tilted her head to the right and the blades bit into her body, going down straight to her chest. While this would usually be an instant death wound, Phoenix wasn't Chao. Her body was pure flame for a second allowing it cut through before she reformed it so that it was trapped within her body. Granted it was not the most comfortable sensation to have blades stuck in your chest, but at the very least, it stopped Tsuki's attack.

Whilst he was still in his mid air slash, Phoenix also took the opportunity to surround him with her nine Keyblades. All floated in mid air and just as Phoenix trapped his blades, all 9 flew inwards from different angle while Phoenix attempted to stab Tsuki from close range with Rising Phoenix collapsed.

OOC: going to have Tsuki collapse from the power surge in the next post, so not too long, at this point he's overexerting himself :lew:

Cutting through the woman of flame his blades made contact with her, cutting enough to have Tsuki believe his attack held weight yet a moment later he found himself completely surrounded by her keyblades as the demon and child attacked from the side.

For once, Tsuki had to plan his attack quickly, coming up with something he charged up an Unholy spell and blasted it at the child, using her as a base for an explosion to throw some of the blades off target. Barely able to block the demon's scythe in time before the remaining blades around him charged at him. He attempted to dodge but 3 still found their mark, stabbing him clean through the back and partially ripping through his stomach. Looking physically unharmed he proceeded to remove the 3 blades one by one, hurling them at high speed to the fire woman, whether it struck her or not would vary on her reflexes.

At this moment Tsuki found himself tiring, was his weak body beginning to reach his limit? Beginning to catch his breath he returned to the ground in an attempt to conserve energy.
The Battle had now been grinding down, as it appeared that Tsuki was getting exhausted. By now Raven has got within a good distance for him to start attacking with Fire Magic. Yet he didn't, as he wanted to see how it would've played out. This was much of a surprise compared to Luna, as she would've thought he would've probably be the next to fight.

Perhaps Raven knew he wouldn't be able to stand in the way between him, Chao and Laleth's Demon, though he did not want anyone to die on him. Raven felt helpless, a loss of what to do. It was the same kind of helplessness he felt back when Unity Islands was attacked, back when his father disappeared.

"What's up with Raven? Luna?" Elaine asked.

Luna didn't know what was going on in Raven's head. But something was indeed wrong with him. "I...I don't know."

A wave of dark energy surged around Raven's hand, a fact that was starting to worry him. Closing his eyes, he put his focus to his job, and the dark energy dissipated. After that, Raven ran forward, moving to attack the now weakened Tsuki with a knee to the face, hopefully trying to knock him out.
Phoenix/ Chao

The three blades that had impaled Tsuki were sent straight back at Phoenix, but it was a futile attempt. They were HER blades and she was the master of them. She did not even bother with dodging as each blade disintergrated into flares and rearming all her hands. From the position of Tsuki, it looked like the combine attacks were beginning to show some results as he took position to recover some strength.

Heh.... Attack when the enemy retreats... Very basic tactic. Take this!

Phoenix raised her right hand above her head and flames twisted in a tornado around her before gathering at the palm of her hand. It condensed into a small ball of pure fire the size of a golf ball and with a rather sinister smile unbefitting of Phoenix's position, took aim at the boy.

I pray for your incarnation...

For an instant, just before firing, a sharp throb surged straight from Phoenix's stomach to her head, severe enough to veer her aim to the left and forcing Phoenix to cough up blood. The golf ball shot out a pure intense beam of flame so hot that it was blinding white. Easily sliced through the air, its pressure caused the ground beneath it to shred up and burn into glass before it cleaved cleanly through the stands. All along its path was glass. Blood dripped from Phoenix's mouth onto the floor, a grave expression on her face. Along her arm were crack marks that were bright white. Chao's body was not withstanding the force and power that was pouring out.

Ugh... Not good.

Phoenix used Ultima as a support, breathing deeply in order to calm herself and to control the power surges. She could not go on the offensive just yet. If she did anything reckless, Chao could lose an arm. Until the last second when Tsuki moves, Phoenix decided to wait it out, hoping that Laleth attacks and distracts him.
Laleth stood staring at the fight, waiting to find a good chance to strike. She saw the Phoenix in action and watched in awe as she witnessed its power for the first time. As Tsuki battled also it seemed as if his breaking point was soon. He attacked Chaos and had seemed to catch breath. Laleth knew if she could knock him out somehow the battle would be over. While it was so tempting to kill, especially with Death at her side the girl hadn't completely killed a person herself before.

As Laleth watched the fight she not only stared but had suppressed every violent urge inside of her. She could feel the surge of energy filling in her chest just waiting to burst out. This was something she didn't want happening. If she were to let things go as they were she would loose control over Death and her own humanity. The girl was almost broken in her body but her will was stronger than any normal person, as she had to deal with this.

Ugh... Not good.

This phrase uttered by Phoenix snapped her out of her glazed stare and her struggle altogether. "Oh!" Laleth spoke seeing a pause in the fight.

"Bloods dripping from you."Laleth said seeing Phoenix. As soon as she saw this she ran towards Tsuki."Death!"

The tall demon with his scythe had come to the battle and both were charging for Tsuki. Laleth stopped just out of Tsuki's reach and jumped back, waiting to land on the handle of the Demon's Scythe as it twisted it's weapon. Laleths feet landed on the handle for only a brief second as the weapon was being spun backwards by Death who propelled her up into the air. She went straight up for a distance, gathering whatever energy she could, both dark and light from inside her and tried producing it through the keyblade. Laleth rocketed back down She would strike a fierce blow if Tsuki were to stand there. If not she could count on Death catching her and tossing her towards Tsuki. Either way she would bash his head until he could move no more.