After hearing what Desiree said, Raven said, "Well, I'd believe that. It actually seems kind of fun how you say it." Raven smiled, it was nice to get to know his comrades better. As the pair got to the hanger where a pilot and his Falcon were waiting for the pair to be taken to their ship. "You said something of a rival who disappeared in the middle of a battle. Any idea who he or she is?"
Luna and Eliane:
"So much for girl power huh? You guys better believe he's getting a good thrashing from me someday!"
"I know you will!" Elaine said happily, Luna however knew that she was disappointed over the results of the battle with Tsuki. The only thing she could say to make her feel a little better was "You fought very well, I think you could give even Raven a run for his money."
"He's still at the castle with Desiree, he's not the gladiator type." Elaine said.
Despite that question, Luna did want to know something, "Laleth, how were you able to summon a creature like that? It did not look like a Summon Spirit I've ever seen before."
After hearing what Desiree said, Raven said, "Well, I'd believe that. It actually seems kind of fun how you say it." Raven smiled, it was nice to get to know his comrades better. As the pair got to the hanger where a pilot and his Falcon were waiting for the pair to be taken to their ship. "You said something of a rival who disappeared in the middle of a battle. Any idea who he or she is?"
Luna and Eliane:
"So much for girl power huh? You guys better believe he's getting a good thrashing from me someday!"
"I know you will!" Elaine said happily, Luna however knew that she was disappointed over the results of the battle with Tsuki. The only thing she could say to make her feel a little better was "You fought very well, I think you could give even Raven a run for his money."
"He's still at the castle with Desiree, he's not the gladiator type." Elaine said.
Despite that question, Luna did want to know something, "Laleth, how were you able to summon a creature like that? It did not look like a Summon Spirit I've ever seen before."