[RP] Kingdom Hearts: Into The Dusk

Hal stood up from the wall he was leant against...

"Just the one question... Why Deep Space? whats out there? and such a large crew going must undermine the defences in locations like this?"
"Right now, we need this world protected, since there is a hole in our defenses. Other than this, I don't know anymore about the situation, so be prepared for any further developments. Is that understood, Dr. Otacon?"


As Raven walked back to the Normandy, he saw a familiar face.

"So, I see you've become quite the popular hero."

Raven smiled and looked at the familiar face, "Pops? Wow, I never thought to see you here, where've you been?"

"Ever since Destiny Islands was taken, I've moved to Disney Town. The people there were real nice and I've met the King."

Raven put his hand on his chest, stroking it. "You've met the King?"

"Yeah, he and I go back a while, to just after the war was over."

Raven smiled, "So, you've been chosen to be part of the Normandy's crew?"

"Yup, as engineer."

"Glad to have you as a member." Raven extended his hands.

"Likewise, though I'm doing this as a promise to your father."
Hal nodded...

"Okay i'll get the normandy down and start some tweaks done to it and get it ready for combat"

Hal turned and left the briefing room and walked back to the port.

He pressed buttons on his new wristband and the ship started to desend to where Hal was
Raven and Pops saw the Normandy hover over the Control Tower near his location. The pair walked over in that direction, and gotten aboard (Raven had to help the mechanic since he had not did anything very strenuous in the 15 years since the last war.

Once on board, Pops said, "Thanks, I'm gonna talk with Dr. Otacon, see what he wants done before we head off where you need to go."

"Alright, Like I said, glad to have you on board, my friend."

Pops smiled then went off. There was still one matter left on hand. For that he headed to meet with Julias.

"Yo Julias, have you decided yet?" Raven said aloud.


Eliane was busy looking over her new quarters, it was generally spacious. Combing her hair in the mirror, she wanted to look at least a little nice while there was time that she wasn't on mission. After she finished her hair care, Eliane left her room and moved up to the 2nd Deck.

At the bridge, she noticed Desiree looking at the various space maps looking for her world. Eliane walked up to her and asked. "So, what are you searching for anyway?"
"I know space is a dangerous place to be. Chances are there will be Heartless out to attack us, but I am confident that we will take them down. Besides, it's not like we can't fight back?"

The woman's kind words put Laleth at ease right away. "Hehe! You're right!" Laleth said with confidence. "I bet we can take em!"

She went back to sit in her seat and put away her parisol. She clapped her black shoes together looking at the ground. For a moment she almost forgot the reason she came to join Raven's group in the first place. She had to find her mom...Staightening up she gazed out at the stars in a nearby window. Somewhere across this galaxy of heartless, she was waiting...
Hal was slowing tinkering away in the Command room on a attached panal, he unplugged and sighed

"Damn technology"

Hal hit the joystick with a wrench and then went back to work trying to remove it..

"Come off DAMN YOU!"

" IT Was so much easier getting you on"

Hal was getting redder and redder
Pops walked in to see Hal fustrated on the cockpit controls. He walked up and put his hands on his waist, "Don't try to hurt yourself Hal. I know this is your ship, but I don't want you to make a hassle to fix it."

Pops simply loosened it then pulled it, making sure the joystick remained intact.

"See, it's not really hard." Pops smiled, "Besides, don't worry about all the small details, I'll help you with keeping the ship intact."


"Julias, are you there?" Raven asked.

Julias awoke, "Yeah, I'm here."

"So, you've decided to come?"

"Sure, I'm willing to help."

Raven smiled, "Glad to have you on the team." Turning to Hal, he said, "Otacon, set a course for Deep Space, time to begin our mission."

OOC: Sorry for short post, I hope it sped up enough so we can actually have RP'ers do something. -__-
Hal looked at pops.

"Thanks, there isn't alot to do yet , but i'm sure as battle comes around the old girl'll need a few repairs"

Hal strapped himself into the controls
"Raven i've turned on INTEL.2 for the ship controls, means once we get out of the atmosphere.. she'll drive to the planet.. means we only have to ascend and descend and take care of any unwelcome guests"

"INTEL, plot course.Deep Space"

"Planet Selected Doctor, Ship required into outer atmosphere before movement can start."

"Thank you INTEL, Okay.. Lets go"
With everyone inside, Raven and the gang left off into the outer athmosphere of Unity Islands, the destination was Deep Space.

The Normandy shot out into the sky, with INTEL, the AI program installed into the Normandy now leading them in the right direction.

"Your first mission in over three weeks, huh?" Luna said.

"Yeah, this is probably also the first mission for a lot of other people here." Raven responded, looking out into space. "Do youn think they will be ready for such a mission?"

"No doubt they are, that is why they are here after all."

Raven nodded then announced "Celeste, Eliane and Sanjia, meet with me in the briefing room to discuss our current mission." Raven was also taking Hal, but he already knew the full details from Commander Hamilton. In the meantime, the Task Force leader walked into the briefing room, behind the bridge area.
Sanjia was standing inside the ship that was heading away from Unity. He was thinking about the past few years and the things he had accomplished. His thoughts kept drifting back to his home, and his efforts to rebuild it. He had found a few people, but the work was still taking a long time to do.

"Celeste, Eliane and Sanjia, meet with me in the briefing room to discuss our current mission."

He heard this, then headed for the briefing room. He didn't know much about what was going on, so this might be one of the only chances to find out how bad the situation was. He stepped inside the briefing room, then stood over by the door, waiting for the others to arrive.
Hal unstrapped himself and put the ship into auto defense and walked across the command deck

"don't touch anything :P it's auto everything at the moment"

Hal opened the briefing room door and walked in and stood at the top of the desk and sat down onto desk waiting for Raven and the rest to arrive

"Ready for your first mission then Sanjia?"
"Celeste, Eliane and Sanjia, meet with me in the briefing room to discuss our current mission."

Celeste nodded and smiled as she followed Raven too the briefing room. She then as he opened the door walk in quite swiftly past Raven and sat down on a nearby chair. She was quite exited and worried about their mission, but it was good too know that she would get too know very soon.

Crossing her legs so her underwear was not showing and crossing her arms under her chest she relaxed in the chair she was sitting in awaiting for the briefing. However thou, she was still scared if they would fall into a situation where they would need too have too fight a lot of heartless. The thought made a shiver run down her spine, but she shook it off quickly.
Hal looked around

"Oh we are taking seats are we?"

He stood up off the table and walked to the entrance where he turned the lights up and sealed the windows from the bridge

"Raven, If you would like to brief and we can formulise a plan"
"Celeste, Eliane and Sanjia, meet with me in the briefing room to discuss our current mission."

Laleth heard this and watched as others got up and hurried to the brifing room. The young girl suddenly felt apoald that she wasn't included. After all she came to join Raven's crew too. She got up and followed the others to where the brifing room was. She marched inside and stared up at the man called Raven. "Look sir, I'm offering my services too. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I can't handle anything." she said in a sudden rough tone as she went to take a seat at the desk.

"That goes for you too captain!" Laleth said looking at Hal in a cheery expression.

She crossed her legs and observed another woman sitting crossing her arms. Laleth took this habit to practice as she too crossed her arms trying to look as ladylike as possible. She took out her parisol as the light in the room was a little harsh for her. Raising it over her shoulder and resting it there in the chair beside her, she popped the black parisol out to cover her in it's shade. "So, I'm going on this mission okay?" she said to everyone.

She had to invite herself on this mission. She had to keep searching and in her journey this would be a great oppourtunity. Nothing would stop her.
Eliane was the next person to enter the briefing room. She quickly sat down and waited patiently for the briefing to begin.

"Alright then, lets...."

"Look sir, I'm offering my services too. Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I can't handle anything."

Raven looked at Laleth with the same stern look that she gave him before she sat down.

"So, I'm going on this mission okay?"

Raven sighed, then said, "Fair enough, let's begin the briefing."

Automatically the lights dimmed, and a holoscreen showing all of the worlds in both the realm of light and the realm of darkness were shown.

"With the situation at Olympus being how it is; Reo Hamilton, Commander of the Armies of Light, has diverted troops from the world of Deep Space. Due to pressing circumstances, he has ordered us to defend this world."

Luna who was leaning on the wall with arms crossed, responded, "Is that it? We don't know what is out there on that world."

Raven slumped to his chair "I understand your sentiments exactly, that was why I wanted to send a small force in. I don't know what to expect out there, and Commander Hamilton never told us much about the situation either. So let us be prepared for any scenario and be cautious of what is going on. Any questions?"
"I understand your sentiments exactly, that was why I wanted to send a small force in. I don't know what to expect out there, and Commander Hamilton never told us much about the situation either. So let us be prepared for any scenario and be cautious of what is going on. Any questions?"

"Yeah, I have one. Is there anything in particular that we should be looking for out here?"

Sanjia walked over to where Laleth was at and stood next to the girl. He was a bit nervous, since this was his first real mission with this group he had heard so much about, so he pulled his hood on and waited for the reply.
Hal stood up

"Intel has a provision of a slight map of the area"

Hal pressed a button on the wall and the map popped up

"Its expected that the Heartless would come from thier side of planets - not from where we are.. But they've surprised us before - so be on your guard - don't let them get behind us"

Hal pressed a button and sat back down..

"Once the ship has landed and we are departed- it will go into space to not be damaged in the battle but can provide some cover fire towards any heavy fighters that come in.. That's the last thing we need.. Other than that. we are on our own"
Celeste had no questions too ask as everything she wondered had been answered. Her question would merely be what the mission was and nothing more so she sat in the chair with a pleasant look on her face wile she was listening too what they were talking about.

Not responding too anything she shivered at the thought of heartless, but she knew that if she was going too assist them to the best of her ability then she knows she have too face the enemies that she are helping them defeat.

For every second she sat there she grew more and more ready for the mission they had too do. She knew that even defending a world could make a big change in the battle against the heartless as she herself and her mother befor her protected their little home.
Raven nodded then spoke aloud, "Alright for some of you, this will be your first mission. But I know that will do well. Treat each mission with care, and be sure to protect your comrades as well as yourselves."

"Raven, we will be landing in Deep Space in 5 minutes."

Raven said "Thanks, INTEL." Then turning to the rest of the crew, "Alright, in order to cover the whole of this world, we will split into two groups. I will lead the first group, while Luna will take the second group, we will be able to cover more ground this way. You have 5 minutes to choose which group you wish to come with. Til then, you're dismissed."

With that Raven walked out of the breifing room.