[S-U/D] Aina - The return of Sorvahr

Yeah, I know I'm getting old. I've already started saying "Back in my day....." :sad3:


Name: Theron Aina

Gender: Male

Age: 13

Race: Human

Occupation: Prince

Alignment: True Neutral

Appearance: Theron stands 5'3, and looks very similar to his brother Alex. He keeps his long red hair in a ponytail through out the day, even when he is not doing anything, and only takes it out at night, when he goes to sleep. His green eyes always seem to be sad, even when he is the happiest he can be. Alin wears a light green shirt, with blue gems on the collar, and long blue pants. He wears laced shoes on his feet, and rarely is seen in anything but that attire. He holds his longbow and quiver of arrows with him at all times, just in case there is an attack, and he is forced to defend himself.

Personality: Theron, commonly known as "T" among the people that know him, is a rather quiet kid, and rarely speaks up unless he is asked something. Seems almost sad most of the time, though that is not always the case. He doesn't pick fights, and knows when to speak up. He has been known to shift moods, although he doesn't shift as frequently as his brother Alex.

Abilities: Rapid Aim-The quicker he pulls the bow back, the quicker T fires out in front of the target. Most shots will hit, but some will end up too far, depending on the targets speed and reflexes. T has improved due to practice, and keeps getting better and better.

Magic: Unlike his brother Alex, T is not as adept in the magics, and thus, does not have any.

Skills/talents: T is a good swimmer. He works on it when he gets the chance, and tries to stay away from Alex after a swim.

History: Theron is a young noble, and the twin brother of Alexander. T has studied both with and without his brother, to give what some think will be a better education. He has learned much about the responsibilities of leading by watching his parents take charge. Theron doesn't think much about the future, since he is still learning, and knows that the future can change in a moments notice.

That's about as good as I'm gonna get without it taking 2 more days. I'll throw in some more details when they come to me. :mokken:
:hmmm: not really sure where to start without a first RP post.... sooo I'll wait for someone else to post first haha
yea.... i saw the thread but im kinda stuck on how to start. Specially since my character is a minor character
Don't worry, I'll have my post up tomorrow, I just had some unexpected plans, then I can get you all started.

Maybe we could start off by being acquainted. They could be collaborating on a minor mission.
ah yes.... i guess thatd be great. Yknow... like a liasion of sort with the army....

is the temple knight part of the army actually?
I've no idea. All I know is that the Temple Knight has equal authority to the Head of Military Forces, although the latter's orders overrides the former's. In that sense, I suppose you could say the Temple Knight is part of the army, and considered to be right under the Head in rank, but not under his command.

Lol! Complicated stuff. Best check with Squeenis eh
On a side note, will Matabei really have a sheathed katana stuck under her ponytail? lol. I'm sure my character will have a very nice first impression. :D
Indeed she does. Plus being 3 meter tall (well two plus a meter from her headress) and dual wielding two polearms and a two meter bow in a holster behind her back XD
The Temple Knight is an independant military position that has only the king as a superior, but is not superior to the head of magic or to the Head of Military Forces.
Oi, Derpmud, you derped. Only Kirile is in the library at the moment. Saylar left. :gasp: I'll probably write up a reply post tomorrow. I'm fuckin' tired at the moment. :gasp:
Name: Torek Aina
Gender: Male
Age: 238
Occupation: Sorvahr, god of darkness
Alingment: Chaotic Evil

Personality: Torek, aka Sorvahr, still goes by the name Sorvahr despite his regained human look because he feels that it empowers him. Calling him by Torek could lead to some blood, but he deals little with the peons that is human life. Sorvahr wants nothing more than to at least SEE Aina fall, but he wants to be the one to flatten it to the ground. He faced humiliation once long ago by them and he plans on making a destructive appearance yet again in the near future. He will show the people of Aina exactly what happens when you defeat a god

Summons: Sorvahr can summon small creatures that bend under his will and command

Hell Hound: A basic summon, seen in the picture of his appearance. He can create up to 50 weak ones that would vanish upon minor impact, but he can make up to 20 strong ones that can indeed kill a man if they had the chance. They are linked to him by blue transparent chains that fade into invisibility 4 feet from either end.

Ice Fiend: A being made entirely of mobile ice. It stands at 470 feet and can create ice at it's whill provided there is moisture to do this. If there is moisture in the air, it will regenerate it's wounds. Link

Wind Fiend: Made of only air, while it cannot regenerate, injuring it can only be done by cutting the wind as solid and liquid objects pass right through it. It can change it's size as it pleases. Link

Fire Fiend: As long as there is an energy source, this fiend can be reborn until permanently sealed within a object. It's size may change at will. Link

Earth Fiend: Taking the shape of a large humanoid beast, this fiend can shape the earth and has a tough exoskeleton. It is physically and magically a brick wall, so to speak, but has no real attacking advantages other than it's massive size of about 678 feet tall. Link

Akuma: Taking on human shape, Akuma (meaning demon) is essentially an orcale under the command of Sorvahr. The only difference is the demonic look. Link

Skanta: A krakhon version of a horse, this is an ugly animal used as a fast mount, not very agile, but very fast. Link

Ignore damage: For a temporary time of 3 minutes, while rendered immobile in both legs and arms, a black barrier around him makes him completely invincible. He cannot be damaged, both magic and matter will simply slide through him. He cannot move during this time period and can only summon weakened magic.

Flight: Sorvahr is capable of flight. While flying, a magical barrier surrounds him that protects him from making too hard of contact with anything, although he does still take some force from objects.

Blazeburst: Sorvahr can lay down small orbs that are only about 1 inch in diameter that coat the surfaces around him. These orbs glow a red-yellow color, some spots red, with yellow moving through them. When they touch anything other than the surface they are set on, they explode with little force, but a lot of fire and therefor heat. The very heat could melt rocks when close to the center, but after 18 inches out of its reach, the heat is not that intense. Firing off one can cause others to explode if they are close enough. Sorvahr is unaffected by this.

Darkness: Extending up to four "limbs" of a viney nature off anywhere in his body, they are black, misty objects, yet they can hit objects directly as if it were all solid. They can extend up to 300 feet as well.

Everywhere Sorvahr seems to go, there is always darkness in the sky and snow seems to fall no matter where he is.

Ignore status: Sorvahr cannot be poisoned or paralyzed in any manner. No power restrictions can be placed on him, no seals, nothing that will supernaturally effect him negatively.


Vacuum flair: Starting as a small ripple in space, the longer it is charged, the stronger it gets. The start of the flair that happens during charging sucks in objects to the center of where Sorvahr focuses. The center cannot be moved once placed. When he finishes charging, the vacuum effect stops and creates an explosion of equal strength outward that had previously happened inward.

Shattering the skies: The sky will literally fall apart, leaving solid shards of it that almost look beautiful fall from above. Behind these shards lies the pits of hell, making it capable of being seen by all. Sorvahr sees this all the time. This spell takes 15 seconds to charge with little energy drain.

Lucifers Angel: After a certain charge time, Torek can become inhumanly strong, fast, and have incredible endurance. The time period of charge is equal to the time period of the effect.

Will finish in time
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By the end of this week, Sorvahr will have started a raid on Aina using his four titans and Akuma. Akuma will go off to an NPC battle, the rest of you will be paired by my choosing on which fiend you fight. There will be one fiend paired with each of the superior officers (Head of magical arts, Temple Knight, Head of Military Forces) and one to be fended off by the rest. Unless someone wants to make an Oracle character bio then Akuma will be sent off to fight the Oracle as an NPC with a mini bio made by me, which will also still be available.

So get yourselves all situated because come next Friday it will have to be morning and be ready to make your characters face some true hell. During this, everyone will have to be busy, even the princes and princess, especially the great healers.
I actually forgot I had a post due up in here. :ffs:

I'll try to have it up sometime tomorrow. As for the upcoming battle, I'm looking forward to it. It should be exciting to see how Kirile reacts to all of it, especially now that her confidence is at an all time low thanks to that shithouse, Ruexian. -__-
Not sure how the battle will be turning out, but I can't wait, either way.


On a side note, I'm waiting for your character to follow mine so we can both be back in the city for the next major event.
Yea, my bad. i kept meaning to post but things IRL keeps popping up, like right now. ill get it up within the day