Multiple Platforms Soul Calibur V coming?!

"Daishi Odashima mentioned on his twitter that he would like to add Final Fantasy characters as guest fighters, therefore hinting a possibility for the first time that Final Fantasy characters appears in the upcoming game."

Reading through the SCV Wiki.

i came across this quote.

After some Searching:

I found his Twitter:!/Daishi_CALIBUR

It's all in Japanese and my Translator is not working. If anyone knows Japanese can you Read through and see if this quote is true?

Anyway. This seems like a Very interesting Quote. FF in MY soul calibur?

I vote on Cloud getting In. Because we all know Daishi will do that.
Just a more clear article I guess. Expands more

Xianghua’s Daughter, Leixia, Enters Soulcalibur V

A couple of weeks ago, Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, was asked on Twitter whether or not Xianghua would be in the game. At the time, Odashima replied: “You’re tempting me to spill more secrets lol.”

Now we know what he meant. While we still don’t know whether or not Xianghua herself will be in Soulcalibur V, her daughter, Leixia, will.

The character was confirmed at EVO 2011, making her yet another character that has ties to the old cast. After returning to Japan from EVO, Odashima also touched upon Natsu, who is Taki’s disciple on his Twitter feed:

“Natsu’s moves are based off Taki’s but she can move faster and can transfer to the Possession stance quickly to fake the opponent,” he wrote. “Her CE fires 3 blasts and can be followed up with the possession stance to apply additional attacks. She’s very fast. Highly recommend.”

Meanwhile, Ivy will be closer to Soulcalibur and Soulcalibur II. “Her basic moves will be in sword form and by holding the button down, can be turned into a whip,” Odashima revealed.

Thank !@#$ing god she dosent have that Retarded Coiled State anymore. That was way to complicated. Even for me. an Ivy mainer.

And Basically Natsu= Faster SCII Taki?

Welp. I'm glad their turning o SCII for the Movesets. In terms of Gameplay SCII is the best. SCIII is the best in everything else.
Soulcalibur V Director Explains The Game’s Critical Edge Combat System


Now that Comic-Con and EVO 2011 are both over and done with, Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, is back to tweeting about his game. He starts out by talking about the Critical Edge system, and attempting to explain it in a simple manner.

“Critical Edge is a new attack system that delivers high damage to the opponent. Can be used in combos. Requires 1 Critical Gauge bar,” Odashima writes. “The Critical Gauge can be charged up to 2 bars. So some characters can connect 2 Critical Edges in a row.”

He continues: “A small portion of the Critical Gauge can be used to perform Brave Edge; a powered up ver. of standard attacks (character shines when used). The properties change depending on the move; increase damage, adds additional attacks, gives advantage on block, changes hit property etc.”

Odashima then talks about defensive maneuvers.


“There are 3 defensive systems. Quick Move can be performed by tapping the same direction twice. Kind of like a faster version of the [8-way Run] 8WR,” he writes. “Similar to SC2’s evasion but doesn’t have invincible frames. It’s very easy to do and can be used by beginners too.”

Secondly is Guard Impact,” he continues. “It’s still being adjusted but it’s the system everyone’s familiar with from previous series. Lastly, Just Guard is a system for high level players which is performed by inputting guard at just frames. The guard stun frames reduces.”

Voldo, Maxi, Hilde, And Tira Return For Soulcalibur V

The "V" in Soulcalibur V could be for Voldo since the creepy clawed fighter crawled his way into the game with another strange costume. Maxi (with his Soulcalibur IV look) is confirmed too along with Tira and Hilde in this trailer from Gamescom.


Following the release of the Soulcalibur V Gamescom trailer, Namco Bandai released a new set of screenshots and artwork of the fighter. Depicted in the batch are new characters Hilde, Maxi, Tira, and Voldo, all who make their way from previous entries in the series.

I actually cant wait for the next one, the new character thats like taki looks interesting, she might be the first one i try out. The biggest thing for me is just waiting to see what the music,stages,soul system, and how good they will do on Taki,Tira and Seung Mina :x
I don't think there's been word on either of the three, though I believe Taki was confirmed as being out of this one I believe.
Do you guys even read anything/look at anything I post? Tira was confirmed a bit ago. Sheesh, why do I update this thread if you guys are not even going to look before you post? :hmph: As for Seung Mina, she is not confirmed yet. Taki is in Soul Calibur V, yes. Playable? I do not know.
Not my fault the page teleported me to the bottom :hmph: and is it just me or does Tira look... Younger? O_O

And I thought Taki was taken out because she was old? :hmmm:
Guess thats my fault for only reading the description, no wonder the last paged takes me an hour to load just looked at all the pics and yup once again it looks like im going tob e editing Tira cause her SC 4 attire looks better than that -_-
Not my fault the page teleported me to the bottom :hmph: and is it just me or does Tira look... Younger? O_O

And I thought Taki was taken out because she was old? :hmmm:

No, she was confirmed at San Diego Comic Con by Hisaru Tago if you payed any attention :hmph:

Tira looking younger? Hmmm well her age is unknown at this point. Possibly has a new body and new watchers of course. :hmmm:
She does look alot younger, older in 4 and younger in 3, but she looks older in 3 compared to 5? I just hope customization is still the same so I can correct her look, thought they did well in 4 and I loved her hair, even her model in 3 looks better but now its just not as good as it was.
Soulcalibur V Producer Discusses Fan Feedback And Character Changes

Soulcalibur V producer, Tago Hisaharu, was interviewed by a member of the Soulcalibur community, Kayane, and answered questions pertaining to several characters such as Hilde, Tira, Maxi and Voldo, all of whom were revealed at Gamescom:

Characters such as Tira, Hisaharu reveals, are still in development and feedback from fans will be implemented while balancing them during further development of the game.

I thought I'd heard, when IV was released, that it'd be the last numbered title. Ha, anywho.

I'm actually pretty excited. The series has such a great story, and a wonderful cast of characters. Now we'll get a taste of a new generation of fighters, too, and delve more into the swords' stories/histories/ties.
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Soulcalibur V Producer Discusses Fan Feedback And Character Changes

Soulcalibur V producer, Tago Hisaharu, was interviewed by a member of the Soulcalibur community, Kayane, and answered questions pertaining to several characters such as Hilde, Tira, Maxi and Voldo, all of whom were revealed at Gamescom:

Characters such as Tira, Hisaharu reveals, are still in development and feedback from fans will be implemented while balancing them during further development of the game.


Thanks Milla thats what I needed to know xD Now that I think about that gameplay really does look like its going to be better, They just make me hate voldo more every year and he looks uglier than the last model. I liked hilde but hope to see some new things happen for her.

I really like Tira's pose, I dont like that outfit but its not "THAT" bad, I can still be satisfied as long as they keep evil instinct of her just right, and I love that pose xD
“Scream For Me!” Says Astaroth In A Soulcalibur V Trailer

A new Soulcalibur V trailer shows off Astaroth and Viola. Viola is a new character who doesn’t remember where she came from. She’s travelling with Zwei for the moment. You can watch it below:

Source: Siliconera
Whoa Viola looks really impressive Im excited to see what else she has to offer, interesting weapon of choice too btw. Looks like I have one of the first characters Im going to be playing with. And Im pretty sure I saw some sort of side stepping feature, I see the Ai spamming me with that cant wait :wacky:
New Soulcalibur V TGS Screenshots and art

Source: Gematsu
Interesting Images I cant get my eyes off that mystic orb/ball thing she has and I love how its purple <3 I really cant wait to play as her and the graphics look the same of course but i like looking at their hairstlyes mostly. As for the first pic kind of reminds me of how they did in soul calibur 3, I actually dont mind that story mode coming back. Can't wait to see what the other missing characters look like :D
Uhm, I still will continue updating this thread. I really had no time to do so in the past weeks. Ah why not? Ill still do my part.. even if I was starting to lose interest in doing this.

Ezio Auditore a guest fighter in Soulcalibur V?

Requiescat in pace, Soulcalibur V.

Ezio Auditore, everyone’s favorite assassin, will enter the arena as a guest fighter in Soulcalibur V, if an assumed slip-up is to be believed.


Live blogging a San Francisco Soulcalibur V event, posted an image of a guest character unveil–Assassin’s Creed‘s Ezio Auditore–but shortly took it down. Not before the net could grab it, however.

The live blog also mentioned a release date of January 31, 2012, as ‘confirmed’ at the event.

At the end of their live blog, the site posted: “no further information can be released about this game due to the embargo surrounding the game itself.”

Put two and two together, and we can determine the Ezio guest character reveal was put up at a time when it wasn’t supposed to be.

Of course, consider this a rumor until Namco Bandai says anything official.

Source: Gematsu

I am honestly not surprised at all. Odashima said the guest character would seriously surprise everybody. Ezio is a given xD

Same release date as Final Fantasy XIII-2? Weird much? I hope Lightning does not get in... somehow.