Multiple Platforms Soul Calibur V coming?!

Pretty sure that the critical edges are the "super" attacks. The ones that were shown in the trailer. So they kinda add a cut scene attack if they hit.. I believe. So twenty-thirty characters. Half are new. That is nice. I am expecting more old SC characters to come up soon. Ill keep updating whenever possible.
Soul Calibur V to be quicker than previous titles

Soul Calibur V producer Hisaharu Tago told gamesradar that the game’s design aims to be “faster, lighter, and more elegant” than its precursors.

Sould Calibur V will feature up to 30 characters, half of whom will be brand new. It’s due on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012; check out the latest screens here.


Soul Calibur V box arts, character artworks and renders revealed

Namco Bandai Games have revealed the official box arts for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of their upcoming multiplatform title, Soul Calibur V (also refer to as SoulCalibur V). The cover shows two swords with implanted faces standing side by side. One is emiting a blue aura while the other is giving off a red one. The publisher also provided several artwork pieces as well as 3D in-game model renders for the following four playable fighters in the upcoming fighting game: Mitsurugi, Patroklos, Pyrrha and Siegfried. You can check out the box arts, in addition to the artworks and renders for the characters (along with some gameplay screens) in the slideshow to the left of this article.

Soul Calibur V is being developed and published by Namco Bandai Games. The fighting game will be released for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 in North America sometime in 2012.






















Soul Calibur V’s siblings now slightly less mysterious

A couple of new details of Soul Calibur V’s new characters, Patroklos and Pyrrha, have surfaced.


According to Game Watch, the two children of Sophitia haven’t had an easy life. Their mother was killed and their father died of illness.

Worst of all, although both were born in Athens, Pyrrha doesn’t remember this. Kidnapped at a young age, the slightly older sister of Patroklos isn’t aware of her family ties.

Patroklos knows his only surviving family member is out there somewhere; perhaps he’ll recognised Pyrrha as they both use a similar style of fighting – short sword and small shield.

Hit the link above and auto-translate your way through a few more snippets, plus some sweet character sketches, like the Siegfried above.

Former favourites Siegfried, Mitsurugi, and Ivy have also been confirmed. The game will feature up to 30 characters at least half of whom will be new.

Soul Calibur V is due on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012.

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Soulcalibur V History Is Set In These Two Stages

An underground torture chamber and a naval battle scene are two of the stages in Soulcalibur V. Looks like the ship only has a little bit of room and an ocean to knock other players into…

If you really want to punish another player here use the walls. This caged arena appears designed for wall combos.

Sophitia’s children Pyrrha and Patroklos are two newcomers in Soulcalibur V. In addition to Mitsurugi (shown above), Siegfried and Ivy from the previous games return.


Spawn already posted the pictures in that article it seems.. so I am not posting them again

Speaking of Ivy... here is an interesting article about her SC V appearance


What Will A Middle-Aged Ivy Look Like In Soulcalibur V?

Well, first, we should get this out of the way: recurring Soulcalibur fighter Ivy will be in Soulcalibur V, producer Hisaharu Tago says, with the increasingly underdressed fan favorite to be revealed at some point soon. So I wondered "What will Ivy look like as a 49-year-old?"

Since Soulcalibur V takes place 17 years after the last chapter, that puts Ms. Valentine into middle-aged territory. Would it mean a more modestly dressed Ivy? Would the ravages of time have an impact on her vast... sex appeal? Tago offered some clues about what an Ivy Valentine pushing 50 might look like.

He implied that some unspecified mystical force, perhaps the power of the Soul Edge itself, might have an effect on her ability to return her youthful looks—her father, Cervantes, after all, stopped aging completely at 48. Tago also hinted that a plot point in a previous Soulcalibur game might explain what sounds to be a still youthful-looking Ivy.

So some things may change in Soulcalibur V with those passing years, but some may stay firmly the same.


I guess Ivy not aging like Cervantes will make sense.. since soul edge did the same to her father. :hmmm:
Patroklos Dresses Fancy For Player 2 In Soulcalibur V

SoulCalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, is being careful about the kind of costumes he’s putting into the game. He doesn’t want anything too skimpy, for instance, judging by some of his tweets on the matter.

However, that doesn’t mean you won’t get to see some crazy costumes in the game anyway. To the right is Patroklos’ Player 2 costume. Odashima tweeted it upon acquiring 4,000 followers on Twitter.

He also posted some more art from the older games, while restating that he still couldn’t comment on whether or not Taki will be in the game:
Patroklos May Dress Even Fancier For Player 2 In Soulcalibur V


Earlier in the week, Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, revealed Patroklos’ Player 2 costume in the game. Now, he’s having second thoughts.

“I got a lot of comments saying Patroklos’s 2P outfit looks like Saint Seiya so I might go with design no. 2,” Odashima tweeted recently, with the image to the right attached to his message.

That’s quite an interesting change. If you look at his sword, it looks more like a regular weapon in this design.

Okay, *This* Is Patroklos’ Final Player 2 Costume Design For Soulcalibur V

Last week, Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, revealed concept art for new lead character Patroklos’ Player 2 costume. The outfit, he later commented, looked too similar to Saint Seiya from the popular Japanese anime, so Odashima decided to go with a more royal-looking backup design instead.

However, Twitter feedback indicated to Odashima that the first design was proving to be more popular with Soulcalibur fans. In view of this, the development team are reverting to the first design, with a few modifications, pictured to the right.

“Seems like the Saint Seiya-ish design is more popular. I’d like to add both outfits but the model designer will kill me!” Odashima joked on his feed. He later followed up with the above illustration, elaborating: “After much discussion we’ve decided to go with this outfit. People in the team think I’m a Saint Seiya fan now lol.”

One follower expressed that he’d like to see 3 or 4 outfits per character in Soulcalibur V. To this, Odashima replied: “That’s very difficult to do!”

As you would expect, he also made the time to comment on a few other aspects of Soulcalibur V. Win poses, for instance, might be skippable, judging by Odashima’s comments on the matter. “Agree,” he tweeted to one fan that suggested the idea of skippable win poses. “It annoys me each time. Why can’t we skip them?”

The subject of Weapon Demonstration videos came up as well. These were in Soulcalibur III, but weren’t included in Soulcalibur IV. Odashima explained: “Personally I like them but they take a lot of time to create. After motion capture the animators must hand create them so if we include them, we need to sacrifice a few new moves.”

Finally, with regard to more interesting stage designs in Soulcalibur V, Odashima simply stated: “I have some ideas brewing in my head!”

Soul Calibur V Custom characters look likely return

It was disappointing for some fans that the custom characters seen in Soul Calibur III were absent from Soul Calibur IV, well it seems the game's producer Hisaharu Tago has listned to the feedback.

We asked him whether characters like wavesword, knife or bomb would be returning and he said,

"That's a very good question, and you'll be pleasantly surprised." (with a coy smile on his face).

This will be great news for fans wanting to add a more personal touch to proceedings. You can read our full preview of the game here.
Soulcalibur Devteam Wants To Make Soulcalibur 6, 7, 8 And 9

Namco Bandai have posted a video shot in the Project Soul development office, with a message from the Soulcalibur V development team. Soulcalibur V producer, Hisaharu Tago, says the team doesn’t want to stop with the fifth game; they’d like to make Soulcalibur 6, 7, 8, and 9.

The video also introduces development staff, such as the illustrator, lead animator, art director and composer and gives you a quick look around the Project Soul office.


This is pretty crazy if you ask me. I thought this would end at V :gasp:

Soulcalibur V’s Director Can’t Tease Anymore Or He’ll Be In Trouble

Namco Bandai will have Soulcalibur V news in two weeks when San Diego Comic-Con kicks off. At least two characters will be announced and Daishi Odashima, Director, shared silhouettes on Twitter.

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Sorry for the double post. One of the silhouettes was revealed.

This Is One Of The Characters In Soulcalibur V (She’s A Ninja)

A couple weeks ago, Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, teased silhouettes of two characters in the game who would be “officially” revealed at Comic-Con. Then, he decided to show one of them off a little early to his Twitter followers anyway.

Fans voted for the female character (naturally), and Odashima revealed what she looks like this morning. That’s her on the right.


A ninja? Related to Taki, perhaps? When asked whether or not Taki would be in Soulcalibur V last month, Odashima stated: “Is Taki returning? Well you know, she’s getting a little old. But then again ninjas are like super humans… hmm..”

It won’t be long until we find out who she is. Comic-Con is next week.

Each time Odashima reveals a new character, he changes the hair style on his Twitter profile picture. Here’s what it looks like after today’s reveal:



So this one of the two silhouettes I posted above. The other will be revealed at comic con.
I have to say I'm surprised. I wasn't expecting Taki to get replaced of all people. I expected her to be like Mitsurugi and still be fighting well into their 50s :lew:

Though the first silhouette I must admit it looks like Raphael a bit. Though I guess we'll find out when they announce it.
More news about Miss Ninja

Soulcalibur V’s Ninja Is Taki’s Disciple

Soulcalibur V director, Daishi Odashima, is in a giving mood. Last week, he revealed a new character (right) for the game, ahead of her “official” Comic-Con reveal, and today, he tweeted a bit more about her.

While Odashima didn’t provide a name, he did say who she was. On Twitter, he wrote: “She is the disciple of Taki. Wanna know her name? I’ll stop that for now so I won’t get busted, lol.”



“Thanks to guys who are already loving her,” he continued in a later tweet. “And for those who might not like her as much, I hope you love her like all the other SC character.”

Odashima’s also in the mood for reaching out to fans a little further today. “Do you know the Quick Battle mode in SCBD? I’m thinking to use fan’s name for the character in those modes,” he tweeted. “Randomly selected fan’s name will be used in the game. How is that?”


Posted her pic again for the hell of it. So she is the disciple of Taki? Interesting! I wonder if Taki will even be playable then.
I was so pissed off when i went to TFG and saw that my beloved Taki's replacement was Caucasian. She better be damned good or i will stop playing soul cali. seriously, from Edge/Blade up, Taki has been my main and to see her tossed aside and my enemies hero still around, it's infuriating.
More news at comic con

Soulcalibur V SDCC screenshots


The returning Ivy and new character Zwei are confirmed for Soulcalibur V. A new set of screenshots outed by Namco Bandai this morning, as part of their San Diego Comic-Con display, reveal the two characters, as well as a stage with no ring-outs.


Sorry if it is image heavy. Looks like Ivy got covered up a bit :lew: Of course.. she is getting old. New characters Zwei and Natsu(Ninja girl)
I'm glad to see Ivy wearing more clothes. I hated her costume in SCIV. :gonk:
Natsu looks waay better in-game than in her concept art. And Zwei looks pretty interesting too.
So far, i'm liking what I see. I hope Namco releases a gameplay vid soon.
Soul Calibur V new comic con trailer

SC V comic con stage demo shows off new characters+ Ivy

Enjoy :monster:
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Soul Calibur V: Say Good-Bye To Xianguha and Hello To Her Daughter

During Evolution 2K11 a new character to the Soul Calibur line up was announced. Her name is Leihua, the 15 year old daughter of Xianghua. According to those who attended the event Xianghua herself won’t make a return to the fighter.


No gameplay footage of Leihua was shown but Namco did show off fresh gameplay of Zwei and his ”partner” Ein & Netsu ( see below ). At the close of the presentation Namco Bandai Community Manager Rich Bantegui confirmed that there will be a playable demo of Soul Calibur V during the Tokyo Game Show in September.


I'm sad to hear that Xianghua won't be returning. She was my main. D;
I wonder whose the father of her daughter? :ahmed:
Wow I can not believe Xianghua is not returning as she was pretty much a major character in the series. Her fifteen year old daughter? I wonder if she married Killik or someone. :hmmm: If her Daughter is more or less the same play style as her like Natsu is to Taki, then it shouldn't be a problem. Xianghua may not be a playable character, but I can see her in the story for sure. I think it will mostly have new daughters/sons of previous SC characters.
But wasn't Xianghua meant to die or 'disappear' at the end of IV? So how does a 15 year old daughter appear in a game that is 17 years later? :hmmm: Goddammit Namco, why is continuity so confusing in this series. I suppose Kilik would be the most obvious father, though it would be kind of weird, since Xianghua looks near identical to Xianglian.

I liked the gameplay though, the new characters look awesome so far, and the returning ones still look pretty tough, so I'm getting more optimistic about this game. I'm also really interested in the beginning of the comic con trailer, seems to show Sophitia's voice coming from Soul Edge and trying to influence Pyrrha; does that mean Sophitia is the new Nightmare? Is that why Daishi is being so quiet about her?