Multiple Platforms Soul Calibur V coming?!

Oh come on. They totally ruined the game! I really did not like them at all. If they did something unique instead of copying every critical finish of a previous character for a bonus character and.. not just change the color of it.. I would have been fine with it. Well guys. Expect more character reveals soon.
I hated SoulCalibur IV completely. It was so... slow compared to SCII (my favorite one), and I didn't enjoy SCIII much either. Hopefully, they can keep going in the right direction. Taking out Critical finishes was a GOOD FUCKING MOVE in my opinion. Hopefully, they can cut the skimpy out of a lot of the female armor.

Seriously, take a look at Ivy in SCII, then in SCIII, and then in SCIV. LESS DOES NOT EQUAL MORE, HOLY SHIT, MY PENIS WAS HAPPY ENOUGH. THANK YOU FOR THE EFFORT, BUT IF YOU REMOVE ANYMORE, YOU'RE MAKING A HENTAI SIMULATOR (that just so happens to feature a fighting game on the side) AT THAT POINT.

I really hope they salvage the series with the SCV. :sad3:
I hated SoulCalibur IV completely. It was so... slow compared to SCII (my favorite one), and I didn't enjoy SCIII much either. Hopefully, they can keep going in the right direction. Taking out Critical finishes was a GOOD FUCKING MOVE in my opinion. Hopefully, they can cut the skimpy out of a lot of the female armor.

Seriously, take a look at Ivy in SCII, then in SCIII, and then in SCIV. LESS DOES NOT EQUAL MORE, HOLY SHIT, MY PENIS WAS HAPPY ENOUGH. THANK YOU FOR THE EFFORT, BUT IF YOU REMOVE ANYMORE, YOU'RE MAKING A HENTAI SIMULATOR (that just so happens to feature a fighting game on the side) AT THAT POINT.

I really hope they salvage the series with the SCV. :sad3:

Well Ringo.... She is going to be like.. 48 years old. I do not think it is going to turn into a hentai simulator. I know in Soul calibur IV... Ivy had only a strapless bra and the usual. I think now that she aged so much.. we could be possibly seeing no Voluptuous body this time. Ivy does get less clothes every game yeah. If they do that while she matured a bit.. it would be quite weird though... Hentai simulator fighting game... Taki's outfit was see through in IV... What do you mean? :lew:
Well Ringo.... She is going to be like.. 48 years old. I do not think it is going to turn into a hentai simulator.

That, my friend, was called sarcasm. They're obviously aren't going to turn it into a hentai simulator. :mokken:

I know in Soul calibur IV... Ivy had only a strapless bra and the usual. I think now that she aged so much.. we could be possibly seeing no Voluptuous body this time.

Unless they want to have Ivy running around with a walker and granny panties in the next game. :rofl:

Ivy does get less clothes every game yeah. If they do that while she matured a bit.. it would be quite weird though... Hentai simulator fighting game... Taki's outfit was see through in IV... What do you mean? :lew:

What do you mean, "what do you mean"? :ahmed:
It's been a long time since the announcement of the Soul Callibura fifth. Despite this, Namco has revealed only a few important details about this production. First particulars are expected only at E3. In any event, to develop a little surprise you can find news, and that is the first picture of the game of Mitsurugiego struggling with (and here we have but two options) Cassandra, Sophiti or daughter, who is rumored to appear in Soul Calibur V.
Ill just leave the original source of that article here.

EGM teases first Soulcalibur V screenshot

The next issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly’s digital magazine, EGMi, will have a full-blown reveal on Namco Bandai’s upcoming fighter, Soulcalibur V. In the last pages of their current issue, they’ve shown a single screenshot teasing the reveal.

The images shows Pyrrha Alexander, the daughter of Sophitia and Rothion Alexandra, going up against another fighter. A quote from senior visual designer Hideo Yoshie is displayed on top of the screenshot: “Since it’s designed by a Japanese staff, we’re obviously influenced by anime and manga. With that as a base, we’ve focused more this time on the concept of light and shadows.”

A formal gameplay reveal for Soulcalibur V is planned for tomorrow’s pre-E3 GameTrailers TV special. Stay tuned.


Edit: Daishi Odashima has confirmed Hwang will not be returning. OK, I’ll be straight with everyone. Sorry but Hwang won’t be in this time round. I slipped another secret…

Well I can't say I am surprised but Mitsurugi. Not only is he an old favorite but honestly he is one character I can't see just putting his sword down for good and retiring. :lew:

Pyrrha on the other hand... honestly I thought she was Cassandra at first. :confused: Not that it really matters considering they both possess the same genes so it doesn't really matter.

I guess it's safe to say that since both the Cassandra and Sophitia now have their replacements, they won't be returning. I hope they recycle their fighting styles into Patroklosand Pyrrha since I can really use Cassandra well but I'm only decent with Sophitia. Though for some reason I can see them giving one a primarly new movelist and the other becoming primarly a mix between Sophitia and Cassandra.

Well I would not say Sophitia would not return. As far as I am concerned she will be part of the story and also.. they said The whole roster would be half new characters and half old returning characters. If you have been keeping up with the news in this thread, Daishi wants 26 characters in the game. So I would say it is going to be a complete mix of all new characters and old ones. Oh and no that is definitely Pyrrha! xD
Double post. More news incoming so I apologize.

Patroklos, Pyrrah And Mitsurugi Have At It In A Soulcalibur V Trailer

We’ve seen a teaser trailer for Soulcalibur V and a single in-game screenshot, but today, Namco Bandai released a proper E3 trailer for the game. Take a look:

Game director, Daishi Odashima, said a few days ago on his Twitter feed that you would see hints of new combat systems in the trailer. See anything that stands out?

Soulcalibur V is currently slated for a 2012 release on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.


Looks like we have some form of "super" attack. Which is thankfully not a critical finish but a really damaging hit.. it seems.
I'm not sure if I like the "super" attack business just yet. I've never been a fan of moves that interrupt gameplay for the sake of a nifty short scene and some extra damage. :hmmm:

I'll have to see how that plays out a bit before I make up my mind on it. It's more of a personal preference, really. In a fighting game I like the fights to be smooth, fast paced, and action packed. The "super" move looks as if it'll slow gameplay a bit with a cutscene making the seamless combat pause and not so smooth... :hmmm:
Rem Tokimiya said:
On Nightmare and Siegfried in Soulcalibur V:
“They get stronger each time so I gotta be careful.”
That made me :rofl:

and speaking of nightmare, is it me or does he seem to look more and more human? I know he came from a human, but he was sooo evil, but he seems to get more and more powerful with each title too :grin:

But special character a FF character? I don't think Square-Enix would let them touch there precious FF characters *rolleyes* .

If it comes down to it, I'm afraid they might pull something like they did with Star wars, grab somebody from a movie...

And the trailer... looks... interesting to say the least gameplay looks a lot faster than IV which is crazy.

And who were the characters fighting? new characters?
The characters fighting in the trailer were old and new. Old being Mitsurugi, and the other two new ones being Patroklos and Pyrrah. Well they were just minor characters in the previous SC games. Sophitia's daughter and son. You could have just read the description. :wacky:
...Is that fifth picture... Sigfried???
He looks a lot younger from the last game..or maybe the armor looks younger... not sure...

But I'm kinda looking forward to this game, even if it's not as good as II or III. New characters, hopefully a good side game or whatever you wanna call it.
Yep that is Siegfried. I think he looks older than the last game actually. After all they are supposed to be older. It takes place seventeen years after Soul Calibur IV.
/double post. Sorry =[

Here is the character Pyrrah's gameplay video from the demo that was show at E3

Here is an interview on how the gameplay changed

Enjoy :monster:
Half of Soul Calibur V’s roster will be new fighters

Soulcalibur V will feature between 20 and 30 fighters, and over half of theses will be new, according to Team Soul.


Speaking with D’toid during a demo at E3, it was also revealed to the site that the game is now 15 percent complete – up 5 percent from what it was in May, and while not ready to talk about many of the fighters in the game, a few familair faces were spotted.

Mitsurugi, Siegfried, Patroklos and Pyrrha were all shown.

More of the roster will be revealed in the coming months, and some “shifty glances” were passed around when D’toid asked about any planned console-exclusive fighters like with the last outing.

Soul Calibur V is out next year.


Soulcalibur V Director Explains The Game’s Critical Gauge

Soulcalibur V
has something called the Critical Gauge (pictured above), which was demonstrated in a recent E3 video. Game director, Daishi Odashima, recently explained its inclusion in the game in a series of tweets today. Keep in mind these explanations are for players familiar with the series’ intricacies.

“The gauge was added to add a "high point" or a "decisive moment" to each match,” Odashima shared. He continued:
“Firstly the gauge can be used to perform Critical Edge. When fully charged, it can be used twice,” he explained. “The activation is similar to Critical Finish and the effect is like Critical Edge (from Soul Edge). It’s an evolution of the SC & SE system! The gauge can also be used to add extra powerful attacks to the standard moves. The commands will be different for each character.”
He then posted a set of images to illustrate via an example:

“E.g extra B is added to Paroklos’s 66A when the gauge is used. Some moves give you advantage frames on block and some allows you to chain combos. Each move has different properties. There are also other uses for the gauge. I’ll let you guys know as they get decided.”

Finally, he also confirmed the presence of Guard Crush in Soulcalibur V: “I’ll answer one more question. There were many questions regarding Guard Crush. It will remain in SCV. The name will likely change tho.”
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As I feared it looks like Sophitia's style will be more dominant in Pyrrha. :sad3: So long Cassie.

About Critical Edges. To anyone who has played Soul Edge/Blade, can you tell me what a Critical Edge is? Sounds like a Soul Charge-enhanced move but more powerful.