Square-Enix asks fans about Remake of VII

I can say honestly that a remake for the sake of graphics would sort of kill it for me. I played that when I was 11. I still have the game, the case is a little beat because Ive moved so many times. i even have the Brady guide my parents got me. i used to bring that to school and obsess over it. I would draw everyone all the time in class. It was my first RPG that I really remember. (note I didnt say favorite). I still boot that game up on occasion just for nostalgia. If I really try I can crank it out over a weekend, but hey.

Would I buy it if it was remade? probably. I have no faith that they will do it though. I would rather see a new one. XIV or hopefully another single player (XV?!?!).

Doing that really causes problems. Then there is a precedent, sure they have remade/re-released I-VI, but they havent done VI in current gen graphics. A lot of people consider VI to be the best. Hell a ton of people really like VIII. If they have to remake all the other ones, then we will never see a new one. Its like the problem people have with bands, they always want what they already did. The artist wants to grow. Let the artist grow and make something new.
A remake would obviously benefit Square a lot considering the interest and love people still have for FFVIII is huge. They would make so much money from it I don't see why they wouldn't. Unless they're just scared about defiling the legacy of the original? I can't see it happening any time soon though, because Square has got its hands full with other projects. But yeah, I'm all for it. I just wish they would stop teasing us with this "we are exploring the possibility" crap and just say that they're either remaking it or not, because I've had enough of having my hopes dashed over the years from seemingly never-ending erroneous rumours.
They've already remade FF's I through VI. Some of those they remade more than once. Granted, none of them were in PS3 graphics or had voice acting.
VI doesn't count. All they did was adapt it to the GameBoy...that's not a remake.

We need a remake for VI and VII that has completely redone graphics and translations.
I think we can safely say that it is coming, it is only a question of when.
look it's really numbing now takes me back to that clip for a 7 remake and everyone screaming remake! remake them SE- ahhhhh april fool cunts

i kinda loled over it seeing alll the FF7 fangirls and boy my friends reaction was funny

anyway stuff 7 good game but far to used

8 that would be awesome great game main reason a make would be good is they might update the story so people stop debating and know what it actually means if it don't get made still good means SE havn't forgotten about 8 while milking 7
it wouldn't require too much resources there are many decent fantasy rpg's for the ps3 so why cant the jus get their fingers out and start making it once and for all. it's not as if they have to worry about losing money on it or anything, i think everyone i know who plays FF would love a remake of VII (excluding some of the people on this forum haha). also the resources needed are massively reduced by the fact that they already have characters, story and the battlesystem and such is already sound. all they really need to do is update the graphics and add more video clips and voices.
I agree with all this Square-Enix teasing, it should stop really. First we expect a remake, they hint it, then Nomura recently says it's not in plan IIRC, then others hint it and even Nomura suggests it could happen.

Is it really closer than we think?

I would sure like it personally, as long as they don't change it too drastically, so long the fans can't have much of a reason to complain after wanting it for ages.
Yea, SE is def proving to be a tease with all this "We ain't remaking it. Whoops! We lied, it's coming now!"

Show some respect for your fans, you douchebags. >.>
I think most of you are either over-analyzing this or not observing carefully. Look at what Square has actually said:

- A remake will be done.
- Problems with doing the remake have been listed ie the towns would be difficult to do, and it would take 12 years if we started now.

Really, I'm not seeing how Square is "screwing" or being "douche-bags" at all on this matter. They've said they'll do the remake, just not anytime soon due to some technicalities. I don't see the contradiction at all.
Is Square just screwing with us?

Yes...yes they are.

That's what SE has always done to the FFVII fans.

@ the above poster, where did you get that 12 years thing from?
I wish Square Enix would make up their minds, but then again it would take a long time, the game on the Playstation has 3 disks, the PS3 alone could take a disk but imagine having to redo all those towns, the map, make sure every detail is almost exact but better than the original. I think they'll most likely do it in the future, by the time they've finished Playstation 6 would be out!

Though in my opinion I don't want to remake, I really hope they don't make one. I think they should just leave the classics alone, we loved the game for what it was, the story and the graphics, and yes they did look like lego figures but we loved the game for what it was, back then we didn't really care for the extremeness of graphics but now everything has to look so much better. I think it would look amazing seeing the FFVII world in today's graphics, but I think it would take away the whole aura of their world. I loved the characters cute lego anime faces. I think the main reason I feel this is because I played Dirge of Cerberus, and the rest of the FFVII complication, except a few that are only available in Japan and I didn't feel it was very Final Fantasy VII because it was wierd seeing the characters look more human. ;A;

But yeah, I've said alot, but I'm done now! >.<;
Have you made a game of that length?
What length. VII isn't THAT long.

Besides, if they have a large staff on making the game then it shouldn't take THAT long. SE is over dramatizing it.
I think SE is mostly concerned with the graphics. If you want a free roam game with towns/cities full of people, you probably will have a hard time making it look good. One of the best free roams is Grand Theft Auto IV, and that game looks really ugly compared to Final Fantasy XIII. XIII is one of the best games (cutscenes not included), but the reason why you have minimal tearing and flat bitmaps is due to the extreme linearity. Final Fantasy VII allowed you to run pretty much anywhere and fly pretty much anywhere, but it still had pre-rendered backgrounds. A current generation game doesn't have those, or else it'd be called technologically inept.

That's why it'd take a long time to re-illustrate VII, because you want to keep all the old things but make it look consistently good. Who knows, maybe the new towns will be even larger than before.
No, one of the best free roam games would have to Assassin's Creed I & II. Those games are insanely large and very interactive.

And that didn't take 12 years to make. It didn't even take five years to make. So SE has no excuse to make it last THAT long.

What they'd try to do is put news on the remake in things people will have to buy in order to get unseen footage. That way they get money.
It's a question of making the game large or interactive. It's a question of looks: which is the only reason for VII to be remade. Neither Assassin's Creed, GTA, Oblivion, Red Faction, etc. look as good as XIII and those are one of the larger mapped games today. If SE dropped to those standards, then there wouldn't be a point in making a remake on the console that looks worse than the current generation Final Fantasy. It took SE what...4 years to re-release Advent Children under high definition and only ~30 minutes of extra footage? That's an insanely long time, but we can't deny the results. If people don't care about the remake looking better than XIII, then they can pay $10 for the one on Playstation store. It's the same game with a better translation and sharper quality. Otherwise, we have to be patient.