Tales of Avlear

Dracus smiles and whisper "You can take more than you knwo Bon."

Dracus turns to Bon and says "Okay let go easy this time go 20% and start to inc it until you start to lose it Bon."
"Aye!" Said Bon-Bon as she took her hands out of her Pockets. "Demon Seed 20%!" Said Bon-Bon as a dark Arua glowed from the jewel on her head. A Cold arua surrounded Bon-Bon's body.

"40%!" Said Bon-Bon as the jewel glowed darker. The pony tails in Bon-Bon hair changes to two long rabbit like ears, her hands became claw like. Bon-Bon pused alittle, "Okay...50%" Said Bon-Bon as the demon seed on her head shine with a dark arua.

Bon-Bon grew fangs, she grew three long fox like tails and her cold arua grew icy cold. "Okay...so good so...AH!" Siad Bon-Bon as she held her head.

Bon-Bon fell to her kness, the dark arua of the seed began to wrap itself around Bon-Bon's body and her eyes changed red in color. "N-no, I...can do this." Siad Bon-Bon as she closed her eyes. The drak arua around Bon-Bon's body faded away and Bon-Bon's eyes change back to there noraml pink color.

Bon-Bon stood up, "Okay, that was close, how is this?" Said Bon-Bon as she shifted her tails from side to side.
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"Ah, I can't go any father than this. an more an the demon seed will control me." Said Bon-Bon as she looked at Dracus.

Maybe the only time I can go any higher is if my life is in danger, but I don't think he would do that.....whould he?
"Why you!" Growled Bon-Bon as she threw Dracus. Bon-Bon then ran for it, she ran into the forest they were near. Bon-Bon hid in the undergrowth of the forest. I can't go any higher, awww, man I'm gonna die...

Bon-Bon heart started to beat faster.
Bon-Bon tail bushed up, "Quck Freeze!" Yelled Bon-Bon as Dracus became incased in solded ice. Bon-Bon heart was racing, "I can't die yet." Said Bon-Bon as she ran deeper into the forest. As she ran, "60%" Whisppered Bon-Bon, Bon-Bon grew three more tails and her icy cold arua truned into a freezing one.

The trees Bon-Bon ran by began to freeze. "Ah, my head is began to hurt." Said Bon-Bon as she stopped to hold her head. "I have no time for this I got to keep moving." Said Bon-Bon as she began to run again.
Bon-Bon stop when she got to a cliff, "Oh no, I can't run anymore, w-what should I do?" Said Bon-Bon as she looked down at the drop from the cliff.

I can't jump it'll kill me and its too wide for me to jump. Bon-Bon was in a little of a paniced state of mind. "Crap." Said Bon-Bon as she turned to the woods with her back to the cliff eadge.
Bon-Bon gripped Dracus's hands gaspping for air. "I...C..Can't...do..it..." Siad Bon-Bon as she struggled alittle. Bon-Bon heart was racing and her eyes was filled with fear.

Bon-Bon tried to scream but she couldn't. Is this the end am I going to die?
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Bon-Bon fell fast down the cliff, the wind cut though her as she closed her eyes. I'm going to die, there's no way I can do it.....But I have to I have to find Lanheart.

I have to live so I can get Lanheart back, I have to live. I can't die now I can...can I? No I can't.

Bon-Bon open her eyes and the demon seed on her head begaon to glow bright with a dark light.
Bon-Bon quickly filpped and landed on a rock edge that was sticking out on the side of the cliff. With a cupple of jumps from some rock eadges she made her way back up the cliff.

Bon-Bon landed with a flip in front of Dracus, She had 9 long fox tail, slight purple skin tone, here eyes were still pink in color and her fangs were a litte sharper along with her nails. "This is 90% of my demon seed." Said Bon-Bon. "AND WHATS THE BIG IDEA THROWING ME OFF THE CLIFF!" Yelled Bon-Bon as she folded her arms.
((The monster doesn't have armor. It's weak spot is it's tail.))

The monster glaned of the attack. KG was asleep on the head, half of his body in the monster. Shukaku roared and part of the stand collapsed. The sound was deafening. Shukaku swung the sword again at Josh.

Josh noticed how the once mighty monster desperately swung its sword once again against him. The demon rised his baled and brought it down with agreat crushing force lifting a huge cloud of dust. After the mist began to vanish and the arena began to reveal itself once again, everyone noticed that the demon's attack landed on the ground, with Josh nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, the sillence that was triggered because of demon's confusion was now shatthered by Josh's battle cry. "Here I come!! Get ready to meet your doom demon!!!" Soon after that, Josh rised his sword and then he came down, piercing once again the demon's tail with the edge of his blade.