the band

Get him to replace SaShman. He is australian so he would only know 3 chords and he would turn up in a school uniform. This would guarantee that Geoffrey would attend. But when we have solid gold lyrics like "EVERYTHING, IIIIIIIIIIS A BROKEEEEN GLASSSSSSSSSSSSSS." Do we want people like him in the audience?
Get him to replace SaShman. He is australian so he would only know 3 chords and he would turn up in a school uniform.
I'd be more inclined to get rid of you as I'm sure you make shit tea.
he's just a co-writer. he doesnt get any extra money and he still has to make tea under the supervision of our favourite paddy cunt, dire.
I don't answer to people as low down the hierarchy as you.

Sorry, I was only in prison for 2 weeks.
You've been there 20 years, plus the 9 months you were in your mother.