The Glorious Revolution Against Tifa

Lol yeah Rydia ive had that happen - on this website infact - if you go to the most over-rated character thread you'll see that a flaming war got started because some people put Tifa as most over-rated character but still even after it settled down a load of people put tifa as the most overrated character.......wonder why :lol:
Yeah, I may have started that...
People on that thread seem to not understand what an overrated character is...

A few years ago, I was on some board and I just kept typing after flame fest after my original "Tifa is a dull character", All I would type was "But she's boring!" It was like the on switch for several flames to come in. This was back when I way too much time on my hands. And I'll admit, I was trolling. Funny thing was, was that no one ever got that I was enjoying all the anger directed towards my one sentence.

My sister is a big Tifa fan and she's a lot of fun to piss off. Oddly enough, she is a big Cleris fan. Tifa is her favorite character though. Maybe she's secretly a lesbian and has the serious hots for her... and she'll kill me if she happends to read this.
Is she blind? sorry but thats the only way she'd ever have the hots for tifa - who i have decided is mutated - seriously in KH2 it looks like shes showing off her ass crack - turns out its her back >_< what an ugly girl tifa is.

Also in KH2 it doesnt help that she running everywhere shreiking CLOOOOOUUUUUUD IMPREGNATE ME!!! MARLENES SUCH AN UGLY CHILD - BECAUSE SHE ISNT MINE AND YOURS!!!!!

CLOOOOUUUDDD!!! *cloud voodoo doll falls outta tifas backpack*
I can see it now.

SuperclingyTifa!: CLOOOOOOOOOUD! ::wraps arms around Cloud's waist and doesn't let go for the entire game::

I stumbled across some message board that said that Cloud, Tifa, Denzel, and Marlene were like a family. They said that Cloud was the daddy and Tifa was the mommy.


You see, Tifa is the kind of girl you have a one night stand with. Not the type you marry. Although I can see her being like an ex girlfriend that won't take a hint.

::Goes on a massive rabid!Cluffie rampage!::

You probably stumbled across StrifeHeart and their whole 200 members with like 5 active ones xD
No I don't think she actually does. And I don't think her boyfriend would appreciate her going lesbian on him. lol! I just like to make fun of her. She calls me the evil twin because of that. I think she likes her because Tifa is a martial artist, and so is she. I tell her to play V and make one of those girls a monk.
5? so you mean Rosie ISNT impersonating everyone? funny i thought all the posts belonged to her and her vile little henchcreature Tana......but still 5 is a VERY BIG number for Rosie - *puts on nursery teacher voice* Yes it is isnt it!

Seriously though about 3 of their threads has tifa <3 in them the rest are Aeris bashing, Cleris Bashing, La luterina and FF_G Bashing.

Clotis = Lame.
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But my dear Aeris, don't you realize that they have nothing better to do than to go onto teh netz and bash teh Tifa haterz! HOMG!! j00 hayte TEEFA! YOU SHALL DIE!!!!1111EVELENTYONE!!1111
Do those girls realize that Tifa, Aeris, and Cloud are just video game characters? Fandom is fun, but some people can make it embarrassing to be a part of.
Rydia, they call Cloud "choco Fuxx" so yeah it is embarressing.

And those rabid Tifa Lovers are prime examples of why you cant say that Tifa is your least favourite character in FF7 or why she sucks...and they say we take things too seriously -_-
They do, they just take it way too seriously. Especially Rose. She's bent on consistantly bashing Cleriths and has nothing better to do. It's fun to ship your own pairing and I love Cloud and Aerith, but I also love Cloud with my original character in my fanfic I'm writing too ^___^ Fun is when you enjoy writing about it and drawing it and chatting about it with others, but these people take it way too far. They are EXTREMELY rabid.
Choco Fuxx... *headdesk!brainexpodes!*

So are they into some kind of weird beastiality now?

And people wonder why others find the VII fandom annoying.

Ah but if you say Tife is not a good character you can watch the volcano errupt! Then it dies down... the you can make it errupt again! You don't even have to troll. You can say it in the nicest possible way.
if you take a look at some of the anti-cloti videos on youtube you'll see Rosedincht and Duckophile - known as Rose and Tana the Rabid Tifa lovers - have completely spammed up the comments - its Rabids like thos that piss me off - Rabids that cant accept that other people may not like there pairing.
They do, they just take it way too seriously. Especially Rose. She's bent on consistantly bashing Cleriths and has nothing better to do. It's fun to ship your own pairing and I love Cloud and Aerith, but I also love Cloud with my original character in my fanfic I'm writing too ^___^ Fun is when you enjoy writing about it and drawing it and chatting about it with others, but these people take it way too far. They are EXTREMELY rabid.

These girls need to seriously put their video game controller down and go out and smell the fresh air. The fact that Rose spends her time bashing Cleriths shows that she absolutely has no life of her own. She's probably some lonely girl who has no friends and spends most of her time on the internet or playing her video games. And obviously if she spends so much time bashing Clerises, that only shows that she doesn't have any faith in her own pairing.

BTW, I love your Clerith fanart Lady Aerith! Although I don't particularly support any VII pairing, I do prefer Cleris over Cloti.
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Yeah Choco Fuxx *headdeskbrainsplodeswithRydia* Can you honestly say Cloud would appreciate being called Choco Fuxx if he were real and able to see what these rabid psychos do to him?
so true Rydia and also you = the awesomness :D i added you to my buddy list :D

Anyway i agree - i think that - if challenged - in real life Rose would wet herself run home grab her tifa dolly and grip her laptop sweating profusely, all the while crying into her tifa doll and throwing darts at Aeris pictures - and missing as im sure rose has the physical strength of a puppy :D
I can honestly seem him walking looking very annoyed and sighing. Although I like to picture him omnislashing them! I don't see Cloud doing that though.

EDIT: Ok I gotta start quoting. This is a response to Lady Aerith just in case anyone gets confused cause I would have.
I Also think that Cloud would appreciate being Called choco Fuxx about as much as he'd enjoy being tied together to sephiroth for a day....

And rydia you might not be able to imagine Cloud omni-slashing them but i sure can XD
that would be a beautiful sight! I'd make that my wallpaper xD
Yay I got a buddy!

Hmm... If I think hard enough, i can imagine him doing that. But I can also see Cloud controlling his anger and walking away to hang out in Aeris's church.

God I bet these are the same girls who think Cloud would say:
"Tifa! I love you so much! You are my angel! I could never live with out you! Let's share our lives together!"


I'm going to have a massive headach tomorrow.
Thats one of the few things that annoyed me about AC when Tifa walked into AERIS' church HER theme was playing!!!!


And Yay the 100th post is MINE *dances*