Fan Fiction The SeeDs


The real ending of Moby Dick

"Fuck this shit! I'm outta here!" *kills all his crew then takes life boat before being eaten by big ass whale*

Happy now?

I was not talking to you I was talking to that total idiet who was acting like Ahab incase you haddent been reading the several page long conversation we had since she didn't know when to quit.

Oh and all humans are a bit crazy it might as well be an offical requierment so cool it and dont you loose it with me because I was not going to loose in that big long talk that lasted most of the night.

I hope you calm down now or when we end up meeting on the battle field we might get our back sides handed to us on a silver platter because we keep nigling and nit picking and I dont want any part of that.
I know that's what you say and you part of that role is acting like a total idiot and that's why I put it in but also you didn't know when to quit.

Oh and as for my last post I apolligise for the crazy bit I didn't notice it was part of his sig.
For gods sake. Dincht, as your superior I order that you never insult Zeria Iiyasei again or suffer the pain.

Oh and Zer, nice pic.
Yup, that's the thing. Oh and DESERTTIGER, we usually don't have any such discussion hear, XD and it usually is just a mere joke and randomness... just sayin... XD

Well, and Dincht you know what will come next week, :evilgrin:


Well, well Me has to leave as for nao

and MR. Inuuendo, now you're female, XD?
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He's a she now. :gasp:
And I played Triple Triad game for almost all the time until there was no card left to take well before I had gone that is.