Fan Fiction The SeeDs

Sweet, that means it'll be around 7pm when it starts for me meaning ill be there for the opening!!
oh dude, i hope it gets opened earlier than 7 Because i ain't got anything to do tomorrow and if it opens earlier i would get a nice head start on Rene LOL
*is now willing to hurt Majin* :D Lol only kidding (don't wanna look like im a bully now do I?)

If you get ahead of me I WILL DO AN ALL NIGHTER DAMMIT!
If i get too far a head of you i will come back and help you train, sound fair. (we wanna be the strongest in the game *Insert manacle laugh here*
We'll be a damn good team! A'ight! And if you do get that far ahead you better help me! :D
Absolutely!, We all help each other! Ha ha! I am so looking forward to clan wars!
@Rene skylar We shall be known as the twins of terror by Every member of FFF who is active on the RPG Mwuhahahahahahahahaha
Nah not of terror, we should be kind and helpful to all those who require help.