Fan Fiction The SeeDs

the site activity does actually seem to drop, my activity has been fairly high recently though as i am trying to get upto a thousand posts
He better be right because I am looking forward to getting on so I can train and beat you and Skylear.

Oh and I heard that it was either going to be opened at 3:30pm or 4:00pm but that is with any luck.

Either way I am itching to get in there and start smashing some monsters and get my level up as fast as possible I cleared my day for this and have been saving energy for this battle.

What about you?

Oh and just for the record I'm willing to forget about yesterday if you are Majin Vegeta.

And also the battle is still on either way but whether its personal or friendly is upto you because to me it doesn't matter but if you fight with your heart filled with hat you will be worse than the Ronso Gerik and he got sluged by Kimary.
I am going to beat you up just for bragging rights, i don't care who wins and who looses, i am fighting for fun not glory
Same here but what about Skyler I think he is in it for personal resins and when you dont block out your emotions on the battle field then you will not be able to handle a battle or comand one but I actuly can controle mine when in battle by changing hatride and anger into conviction and deturmination.

I dout Rene Skyler has that kind of mental power so he might loose it so be ready to take him out if he should go to far and start attacking you out of the shear amount of emotion that would be clouwding his mind.

Are you ready to do that?

Sorry for that post I was still posting when you had posted all that.

Oh and its only a friendly match not a battle for anything in particular as far as I am conserned but I cant speak for Rene.
Desert Tiger, don't double post again, else you be infracted for it.
Sorry I just but the only way I could have edited it into one before it was by compleatly rewritting it and I didn't have time for that since I was behind in posts.
I may not be depressed but I keep getting streassed to the point where I feel like I am going to go Nuclear.

If my PS2 where in better condition Id be able to go on a Killing spreay on Black.

Oh and while I'm at it I am serverly ticked with that Fat TARG KKKOOOLLLOOOTTTHHH!!!
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