The Three to BE

Mine allways had Nanaki in it, but I alternated between other characters, I've had everyone in my group at least on one playthrough. But my favourite teams were:

Cloud, Red XIII and Aeris
Cloud, Red XIII and Vincent
Cloud Red XIII and Cid
The party I mostly in Final Fantasy VII was Cloud, Barret and Tifa. They were stronger and they worked well as a group.
My most lethal combination was Cid, Cloud and Barret. Vincent featured sometimes in place of Barret due to the elemental materia set up differences.
My favourite party would have to be Cloud,Red XIII and Aeris but since Aeris is killed i would have to replace her with vincent( his limits are ace)
I'd say Cloud, Cid and Red XIII. I've played this game so many times but I always use them.
i have recently began playing this game over again for like the 100th time and after having all of the character combo's possible i have settled on Cloud, Vincent and Nanaki who are actually my 3 main characters but occasionally i will swap nanaki for Yuffie
I always use the same party when i play: Cloud, Tifa and Vincent.....i usually use Nanaki or Yuffie before i get Vincent....
3.RED XIII/Caith sith/yuffie

cloud i didnt have much choice about being on the field as he had 2 be, vincent was my strongest character and then it was which eva was the next strongest character, as barret and tifa were really low levels i just forgot bout them and didnt use them till the end of the game or if i needed them
Well, my favorite people to use were: Aerith, Cloud and Barret. After the ' incident ' I used Cloud, Vincent and Cid alot. So pretty much those people. I enjoyed their limit breaks, the most, and they were fairly reliable in battle, strength wise.
It changed a bit when Aeris died, but before she died she would always be included in my party. But for the rest of the game it would be something like:

1. Cloud
2. Tifa
3. Vincent or Yuffie

After Aeris dies, I don't care much about the last person :/ I know I used Cid a lot when I initially played, but I think now I stick to Yuffie.
when I play Disc 1, I never take Aeris out of my party. *I vowed to never advance to disc 2 untill I find the answer to the ultimate cheat...Reviving Aeris!* (I don't understand why my friends find Aeris to be a burden) *Sure her Ultimate weapon (princess gaurd) May only have 52 attack, but...*
1. Cloud (you have no choice, but who cares)
2. Vincent (Chaos is just insane)
3. Barret (He has a good final weapon compared to others)

THis team is cool and I like it alot. I use it against Sephiroth alot.