The worst FF game ever?

Well, dur it's easier than FFT xD. In FFT, deaths are like permanent unless you revive REALLY fast. Plus, the only perm. death places were the Jagds.

IMO, FFXII was based off of FFTA. The races, the places, all the interesting faces! :D (sorry, had to)

It's a great game, methinks, but it can't be compared to the other FFs due to the entirely different genre.
I have to agree that this game, on some level, for me anyway, was the worst FF. It was pretty much a rip from Tactics Ogre, which was a great game, which was not a rip from FFT. The two games have glaring differences. When I first played FFTA I enjoyed it but as time went on my interest waned. I just had no inclination to use any other race, or character for that matter, other than the main character.
I personally loved the game. The gameplay wasn't deep, but it wasn't lackluster for me either. It was lighthearted fun, and I absolutely loved having the different races. This is definitely my favorite GBA game by far.
Unfortunately, this is one of the first FFs that I ever took a stab at...which may or may not have been a good idea. Back then I thought it was stupid and way too hard, but I think I would enjoy it more now...if it wasn't $100+ dollars at the game store. <__<
Absolutely in no way is this the worst Final Fantasy. Sure, everyone complains about the judges just because it's that little extra challenge not to just use the same old "blow up everything with fire and anyone who doesn't is a noob" tactic.
The storyline and music are good, it's fun to play and I just love it in general.
no this is definitely not the worst but Final Fantasy Tactics for the Playstation is the worst in my opinion, i'm stuck in it!!!
I'd have to say I actually enjoyed it. much better than some of the earlier ff games. but of course I do enjoy good tactical games.
Yeah I enjoy tactical games also but for an FF game this was poor, It didn't feel or even look like an FF game, I think SE took a VERY big risk with these games and for me it just didn't pay off with regards to gaming quality
Eh, it has pretty solid gameplay, possibly better then the original Tactics. The story really leaves something to be desired though. Hopefully they will improve this aspect of the game in FFTA2.
i dont really like tactical games so this wasnt my cup of tea but it wasnt bad. i wouldnt call it the worst FF game Ever. i reserve that tittle for X-2 or XI
im not sure as i've never played tactics or the othr one but the ones i think are the worst are ffx and x-2 because in ffx i didnt like the levelin sysem and in ffx-2 although the levelin system was put back to normal they took out alot of vital things like the victory music and i agree that ffXI was no main feet either
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FFX2 is the worst I have played. I havent played Tactics advance but if its anything like tactics I disagree.
I actually really like this game because it has a pretty good story like all Final Fantasy games and it was good to see FFT come onto a handheld console.
I still play the game on my DS but i am stuck :mad:
Not sure if i'll get the new one coming out for the DS because of the lack of WIFI capability.
Final Fantasy Tactics was DAAAMN GOOD
but this...... is a disscrase to the word final fantasy and tactics
it failed and being a FF game and a Tactics game