Tifa and Cloud

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I know you are but what am I?
Apr 27, 2007
Up there!
So Aerith has died. What a tragedy..... But Tifa and Cloud have a childhood connection and something else.... Do you think they could be a couple?
They could be...but they wont be - neither couple will ever be canon, its all up to fans opinions.

Personally i think they have a more of a Parent/Child or a Sibling relationship than anything else.
yes i know there friends. im talking about feelings of love. IMO i thnik that there love for each other is more brother/sister style than lovers.

But hey thats just my opinion.
Whatever you think ^ ^ See I just wanted to ask this question cuz I'm like Tifa (i did the charachter test ^ ^) And you're like Aerith. I can already say. Even if you're a boy.... ^ ^

She was Refering to myself :P

And like i said they COULD be together...but they wont be - Square wont want to outrage the Cleris fanbase by putting Cloud and Tifa together, and they dont want to outrage the Cloti Side by putting Cloud and Aerith together.

Pretty smart business move i think ^_^
princess_tifa...please put more thought into your posts to prevent spamming.
Wait. Brother/sister thing?
Isn't that what Quistis was feeling for Squall in VIII?

I don't think it's that. I think it's a bit more than the sibling thing....
It's just that both their personalities are just so darn ambiguous. I mean they both don't talk very much, do they?

But then again, like Aeris said, it's all up to opinion.
As Cid said, it's the woman that wear the pants. And Tifa definetely wears the pants in this relationship. One of the reasons why I love them so much.

Tifa mothers her man, but hey, that's what girlfriends do.

I think that the CloudxTifa relationship is more of a brother/sister relationship.
Although it seems like both Tifa AND Aeris love Cloud (This is very evident at the end of movie when they are both fallng in love with Cloud), I think that Cloud only has romantic feelings for Aeris. I think that he cares about Aeris and Tifa equally, but in different ways. The only reason why Cloud should date Tifa is cause Aeris is dead.

Yeah, I'm a Cleris. :P
I'd love it if Cloud and Tifa were together. Every Clerith person says Cloud and Tifa has a brother/sister relationship to shun the truth. (Just kidding) Maybe I just think Cloud and Tifa would make a great couple because they're both badass fighters.
I'd love it if Cloud and Tifa were together. Every Clerith person says Cloud and Tifa has a brother/sister relationship to shun the truth. (Just kidding) Maybe I just think Cloud and Tifa would make a great couple because they're both badass fighters.

I actually agree with that. Well the last part.
I said the thing in my above post, but I'm not a Clerith.....how can I be if I want Tifa for myself :lol: ?

Besides, they share the mutual.....lack of social tendencies if you know what I mean. :|
They could be...but they wont be - neither couple will ever be canon, its all up to fans opinions.

Personally i think they have a more of a Parent/Child or a Sibling relationship than anything else.

The hells wrong with you? I saw the topic title and thought, "AG is going to kill this person". And then I read this. Blah!

Tifa and Cloud will never be together. Like the Jedi and the Sith. Jews and Arabs. Spaghetti and milk. Catch my drift? Clerith FTW, fools.
Tifa and Cloud will never be together. Like the Jedi and the Sith. Jews and Arabs. Spaghetti and milk. Catch my drift? Clerith FTW, fools.

Okay, okay, that's understandable, (Apart from the Jews, and Arabs part) They won't ever be together, but the only reason they won't be together is because Square Enix doesn't want to disappoint the Clerith fans.Clerith fans don't like admitting Cloud and Tifa totally has the hots for each other, and would obviously make a better couple than Aerith, and Cloud. It's called having their cake....and eating it too.
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