Tifa and Cloud

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Okay, okay, that's understandable, (Apart from the Jews, and Arabs part) They won't ever be together, but the only reason they won't be together is because Square Enix doesn't want to disappoint the Clerith fans.Clerith fans don't like admitting Cloud and Tifa totally has the hots for each other, and would obviously make a better couple than Aerith, and Cloud. It's called having their cake....and eating it too.

it works the same way for Cloti Fans, Clerith wont ever be canon because Square doesn't want to dissapoint the Cloti fans.

And you may think Cloud and Tifa have the hots for each other and would be a better couple etc and that Clerith fans wont admit to that.

but it works the same way for Cloti fans too, they wont admit that Cloud and Aerith could have been a couple and stuff.

its down to everyones opinion - i myself despise Cloti and think Clerith is hotter - but like i dont think there canon - neither couple is - or ever will be.
^^^in your sig, did aeris really say that? i forget..
anyways, cloud is in a major love triangle if Aeris ever comes back. BUT, it in Aeris's short story, it does prove that Aeris is in Love with Cloud. and i think (please correct me if im wrong) in the FF7 game, Tifa wants Cloud to tell her that Cloud likes Tifa more than a friend....
maybe its magic!

or it could be a special part of the white materia which makes any man fall head over heels in love with her it would explain why cloud starts being more open with tifa when aeris dies
yeah i think that aeris does have strong feelings for cloud. remember that date he had with her at gold saucer she says stuff like "i want to meet you cloud" and he says something like "im right here" and she says something like "but i want to meet you cloud" IMO that means she has feelings for him more than a friend, but hey nobody has to agree because square likes to have fans develop their own opinions. and that is my opinion.
it works the same way for Cloti Fans, Clerith wont ever be canon because Square doesn't want to dissapoint the Cloti fans.

And you may think Cloud and Tifa have the hots for each other and would be a better couple etc and that Clerith fans wont admit to that.

but it works the same way for Cloti fans too, they wont admit that Cloud and Aerith could have been a couple and stuff.

its down to everyones opinion - i myself despise Cloti and think Clerith is hotter - but like i dont think there canon - neither couple is - or ever will be.

It was clerith fans that forced Sqaure to not come out and say what couple is canon.

You see in FFVII they start of with clerith before having aerith killed(obviously hoping that players will become sad).Later in the game after the plot twist the game becomes very cloti.The game is basically this Cloud gets first love and avenges Aerith.

Square ends up getting a lot of hate mail from cleirths,which forces them to be very ambiguous with what is the canon couple in future sequal/prequals etc.
Square ends up getting a lot of hate mail from cleirths,which forces them to be very ambiguous with what is the canon couple in future sequal/prequals etc.

Do you have any proof about this? as it sounds like a totally ridiculous statement, not to mention Biased. Clerith and Cloti fans can both be pathetic but Square wouldn't remove plot elements just to please rabids.

It's up to our own opinions, just as it always was intended to be.
Do you have any proof about this? as it sounds like a totally ridiculous statement, not to mention Biased. Clerith and Cloti fans can both be pathetic but Square wouldn't remove plot elements just to please rabids.

It's up to our own opinions, just as it always was intended to be.

lol you took that a little personal and I agree Cloti fans can just be as bad.

Square would remove plot elements to please the rabids because they are making a freaking compilation.

The game is to show that people should not be burden'ed by the past and move on(though you may have been happy of the thought cloud would grow old and die alone miserably or died in the explosion)

Player gets sad at losing Aerith,but at the end Cloud moves on etc(they even repeat this trick in AC).
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Yeah. And it's not always that a fan is completely stubborn. I mean, I'm a Cloti fan, but I also agree that Cloud and Aeris could make a wonderful couple. I just think that - to put it bluntly - Aeris is DEAD, and just going to make Cloud more depressed at the moment. I'm Cloti 'cause that's just the way everyone would be happiest, without twisting the laws of nature or something.
Do you think there's gonna be another Final Fantasy VII AC? I think that Square is working on it.....
(This is very evident at the end of movie when they are both fallng in love with Cloud),

Woa woa woa... slow down a bit. What are you talking about? Were you even watching the same movie I was? More importantly, have you played FF7: The Game?

And really, all the statements of Nomura and Nojima somehow being "afraid" of "rabids" because they don't want to make people mad?


Considering that Nomura didn't have any qualms about calling Tifa Cloud's lover in RF, I think there's something really wrong with the way some people think.

Stop glorifying the 'love triangle' long-term denial argument, kthx. The team has more important things to worry about, like the next time Cloud and Sephiroth fight. XD
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I dont see whats wrong with people wanting to know more about the love triangle. Yes there are more important things going on like battles and such, but if the whole game just focused on the fighting and nothing more, it really wouldnt be much on an RPG. The Final Fantasy games always have romance in them, thats part of their structure.

People like to discuss things such as this.
I never said they were ALL about romance, I was saying that the games have romance in the structure. Yes in 8 and 9 its more part of plot, but as you said in 7 its subplot. I was saying that people thinking about and discussing the love triangle is okay and not everyone need focus on the action, but also look at the romance structure. Its up to them.
you haven't finished it yet but I think you got as far as Vaan and Penelo ^ ^''
Re-read what I posted. Some people havent even played the game yet believe it or not. So spoiler tags for God's sake people.
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