Tifa and Cloud

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Tifa and Cloud don't really seem like a couple at all in the movie. I mean they never said they loved eachother or anything.

It seemed weird to me... as if they might be together but they really don't have any feelings for one another. But in the movie it showed that Tifa does but not Cloud. It just made it seem as though they weren't in love but just some type of close friendship.

Japanese films don't handle love quite the same way that Western films do. No, there wasn't an explicit statement of "I love you" because Cloud and Tifa are not that open, but there was definetely a statement of "It will be alright now, because I have you." - Case of Tifa on Cloud's part. Tifa scolding Cloud in the movie as a wife would, ect. really, what would a grand sweeping statement of love prove? That wasn't Cloud's dilemna in the movie, as they are already passed this stage.

Like I said in another topic: "Many take Cloud's lack of audacious romantic impulses (think Hollywood) as ignorance of Tifa's feelings and/or no romantic interest in Ti. They forget that Cloud just doesn't have that bold, spontaneous kind of personality (kind of like Zack): if this applies to general social situations, it should apply to romantic situations as well. Like I said before - Cloud's awkward and reserved. His idea of romance and "making a move" is subtle and timid as opposed to grand and bold.

Instead of saying "I love you", he says: "Tender memories, secret wish.. noone can ever know.. it's your attitude that counts... it will be alright this time.. because you're with me.. that's how it will be, starting from tomorrow". Etcetera.

On a more basic level; Cloud was plagued by a terminal illess, ridden with guilt, and there were evil silver-haired pretty boys running around in AC. It's not like he could drop everything and go get hot and heavy with Ti during the movie. If he feels like a complete failure, how the hell could he perform in bed?"

Besides; the masters behind the movie state everything that you would need to know about their relationship in the Reunion Files.

"Although there's a lot to Tifa's character, she's actually very much like any other woman who's been left by a man. The director, Nomura, said he wanted me to make sure she wasn't a clingy woman, but to portray her as though she'd been hurt emotionally in a way that others around her cannot easily detect. But Tifa has expressed her feelings plainly to Cloud a number of times." - Nojima

"Tifa is a strong woman. She doesn't like what Cloud is doing, but instead of lecturing him about every little thing, she's been waiting for him to realize himself what his actions are doing. She's remarkably strong, not only emotionally, but physically as well. I think that using words to help Cloud lead to his own conclusions, instead of constant lecture, is a defining quality of Tifa's personality." - Nomura

"After establising the essence of Tifa's 3D model quite quickly, we had a hard time agreeing on the fine details. At times we wanted her to look stricter, while at other times we wanted a bit more compassion in her eyes. But then we thought she wouldn't balance well with Cloud's character. This sort of thing went on and on, but when Ms. Ito was selected as a voice actor for Tifa, we took alot of traits from her and blended them into Tifa's final appearance." - Nojima

"There are many dimensions to Tifa's character. She's like a mother, a sweetheart, and a close ally in battle." - Nomura

When translated to English, the context of "sweetheart" was kind of lost, because in the English language 'sweetheart' can be used in two ways: Romantic partner, or sweetheart as in 'nice person'. Like, "Oh, honey, you're thuch a sweetheart!"

But when refferring back to the actual kanji, it's the former.

In the film, it looks like they are in a double bed together, but it's not. And may I ask how did they aquire Marline and Barret seems to be a parental figure towards her?

Marlene is the daughter of Barret, who is actually the biological daughter of Barret's deceased friend from Corel, Dyne. (But he dies in the game). Dyne's dying wish is that Barret makes sure Marlene is safe. But from the start of the game Barret is already introduced as Marlene's daughter, and because Tifa is the only mother figure that Marlene has ever had in her life (besides Elmyra, but she was only watching over her) and because Tifa has known Marlene almost half of her life ever since Tifa joined AVALANCHE, she becomes Marlene's mother (but she's NOT Barret's wife; eww) and refers to her as a daughter when people ask.

Barret is Marlene's father
Tifa is Marlene's mother
Tifa is Denzel's mother
Cloud is Denzel's hero figure/father
Cloud + Tifa are together

... it may seem like a complicated family at first, but it really isn't.
yeah it seems as if cloud and tifa are brother and sister or maybe best friend rather than "lovers". cloud never has showed his feelings for anyone, and IMO the closest to "feelings" ive seen him show are the ones he shows toward aeris, and theyre barely anything too. so in conclusion, i really don't think cloud loves anyone.
i really don't think cloud loves anyone.

I think that's just how he was portrayed in the movie, SE wanted to emphasize the fact that he felt lost and was still haunted by his greif from the whole Aeris thing
Its not another AC film, its basically the same film, but with added footage. But its only for Blu-Ray I think.
ES eaid that ac will NOT be remade but they CAN make a second part of it. I hope Aerith shows up:P She's a nice person. Anywhoo even if Tifa and Cloud are not in love, they were friends since childhood and I think it's close enaugh. Cloud listened to Tifa and became a hero yet again :)
Ok I admit it. Cloud cares about Tifa but just as a friend. She doesn't seem to be attracted to him either. It's just that I like to see them together that's all :P

"Dilly Dally, Shilly Shally" Tifa

"I think she wants you to move on man" Reno
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Hmm. seems like I have to clear up a few things here. I would like to state right off the bat that I am a Clifa. (CLIFA, not Cloti. Cloti sounds stupid.)

Now, I agree completely with AG on the whole thing about never really finding out who likes who. The LT will never be solved. Ever. And SE is going to keep it that way. Think about it; When you come up with evidence to support one side of the LT (like Clerith, for example) there is always equal and opposite evidence, supporting the Clifa side. SE has done this intentionally, so that, argue till the day you die, you will never have enough evidence to back up your position. And that's a fact.

Think about it. Cloud obviously has affection for Aeris. (Now you may be going, "whoa, I thought she said she was a Clifa!" That's right, I am. But just because I'm a Clifa doesn't mean that I'd be a pretenious jerk that ignores what's staring me in the face.) One piece of evidence is where he says to her, "But I-- we're here for you, right?" He clearly likes her.

On the other hand, he obviously has affection for Tifa as well. Evidence: He leaves his home and tries to join SOLDIER merely to get her attention--which he didn't have to do, but that's another story.

As you can see, there is evidence that he likes both of them. And no matter how you argue, there will always and forever be equal and opposite counter-evidence.

And if you want to argue that one girl is better for him than the other, well, the same thing applies. When you step back and think about it, Tifa's and Aeris' personalities are nearly an exact match. That's one reason why they were best friends. The only real difference is that Tifa is a little more restrained. Besides that, the two are pretty much the same. So, whatever about Aeris is good for Cloud, Tifa has the same thing. Both of the girls....how would you say it?....'complete' him? Yes, I believe that's the popular term these days. Both of the girls 'complete' him.

There, I believe that is all.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Dragon Hath Spoken*~*~*~*~*~*~*
lol you guys are funny

anywho, i think cloud and tifa are gonna end up getting married!
they are just too perfect together, and anyways its obvious tifa is deeply in love with him, i mean cmon! she was about to tell him in ff7 when they went on that date at the gold saucer

cloud just needs to stop being so emo!
Yes Tifa is in love with Cloud, but that doesnt neccessarily mean he's in love with her. And the Gold-saucer date, well you can date other people than Tifa.

IMO, they're not going to get married. ever. they're barely best friends as is, look in case of Tifa

"Shall I join you?" There was something she wanted to talk to him about.
"I want to drink alone."
Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, "Then drink in your room."
Barret had called a few times. Most of the time, he wouldn't talk about himself but instead, asked more about how Marlene was doing. Then everytime he would end the call by having a little chat with Marlene. Marlene wondered if Tifa was listening or not before she told Barret in a sad voice, "Cloud and Tifa aren't getting along very well."

They can't even get along with each other, so how does that show they are perfect together Wark?

also Wark, at the end of AC Cloud has stopped being "emo" yet in DoC he is still not with Tifa....so his "emo-ness" has nothing to do with it
yeah if you had gone on the date with aeris at gold saucer your opinion might be completely different ^_^. as far as cloud's feelings i'm all over the place cause square represents him like he doesn't have feelings for aeris or tifa. and the one that he comes closest to showing feelings for is aeris, fore example when she dies he says to sephiroth "what about us?!" and her death clearly taps into emotions we had never seen cloud show before.

also in advent children, it really seems like cloud can't get his mind off of aeris. i mean come on, every other scene he's having day dreams about her. i'd say he's kinda hung up on aeris, but it really is unfortunate that she had to die because we will NEVER know if they were meant to be or not.

in conclusion: damn you square, why did aeris have to die? :mad:
I'd have to say he's more obsessed with Aerith than Tifa. Either way, he's pretty emotionally castrated in both the game and movie (more so in the movie).
Yes Tifa is in love with Cloud, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he's in love with her. And the Gold-saucer date, well you can date other people than Tifa.

IMO, they're not going to get married. ever. they're barely best friends as is, look in case of Tifa

"Shall I join you?" There was something she wanted to talk to him about.
"I want to drink alone."
Hearing that, Tifa lost control and said, "Then drink in your room."
Barret had called a few times. Most of the time, he wouldn't talk about himself but instead, asked more about how Marlene was doing. Then every time he would end the call by having a little chat with Marlene. Marlene wondered if Tifa was listening or not before she told Barret in a sad voice, "Cloud and Tifa aren't getting along very well."

They can't even get along with each other, so how does that show they are perfect together Wark?

also Wark, at the end of AC Cloud has stopped being "emo" yet in DoC he is still not with Tifa....so his "emo-ness" has nothing to do with it.
Okay, we need a breakdown here!

one, you say they will never get married. And you are correct in saying that. For SE will simply not allow it. They have to maintain the mystery of never solving the LTD and that naturally puts marriage out of the question.

Yes, she loves Cloud. So does Aeris. But does Cloud love Tifa or Aeris? That is the question. But there is no way you can possibly tell! Never! Never, ever, ever, ever! So the point is moot. There is no point in arguing about it either.

Barely best friends? Barely best friends?! Man, what are you on??? Of course they're best friends! Cloud says so himself! The creators pointedly say that they are best friends. And so best friends they are. As for your quote of CoT, you're prejudice is plainly seen. One, she does not lose control. Tifa knows Cloud very well and she knows that to be accommodating of his current behavior will do nothing to help him. If a child is having a tantrum, would you give them what they demanded or would you ground them to their room? You would ground them of course, for if you do what they want, their behavior will only get worse.

As for the bit about Marlene saying "Cloud and Tifa aren't getting along very well" please, consider your source. She is a six-year old child. What would she know about adult relationships? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. :D Also, that line was just to show that Cloud was obviously in some sort of distress and it was affecting the people around him as well. Tifa would be particularly affected by his behavior because of her feelings for him. Please try to consider her frustration as she is trying to help him the best she can and yet he simply puts more distance between each other. As he is with everyone else.
Now, this does not mean they don't get along; it simply means that something is wrong with Cloud.

And again, whatever Aeris has, Tifa has as well. Whatever Tifa has, Aeris has also, in terms of personality. So, by saying that Tifa is completely wrong for him you are, in fact, saying that Aeris is completely wrong for him as well. Why do you think Tifa and Aeris were such good friends? Because they were so alike in personality. So if one is good for him, the other is. If one isn't good for him, neither is the other. So basically, you cannot say they are perfect for each other or not. Since Cloud shows affection for both women, there must be something in both of them that he likes. Both of them. Something cannot apply to one without applying to the other.

Also, did you really expect them to get together in DoC? I thought we already went over this. I'm beginning to feel like a broken record. As I said already, SE will never do anything to conclude the LT. This means that Cloud and Tifa are NEVER getting together. This also means that Cloud and Aeris would NEVER have gotten together.

And for the emo bit, I don't care if you're somehow applying that to his relationship problems, but I'm not. As far as I'm concerned, being in a depressing mood is simply Cloud, through and through. It's just who he is, nothing you can do about it. But IMO, his constant state of emo is getting a little tiresome. Would it kill him to laugh at a joke? Here's a joke: I wish my lawn was emo. Then it would cut itself.

LOL. Anyways, (back on topic) his emo mood is dragging on the other chars, as they have to be more upbeat and funny to compensate for the black hole of depression.

Not only that, but I for one like happy endings. They're great. Hero goes through harrowing trials, suffers mortal wounds, yada, yada, yada. For me, it's a relief to see said hero (or heroine) find a happy life in the end. Heck, it may just be me, but I think it's absolute bullcrap to run a character through all that crap then not give them their due reward in the end. What is the point of torturing a character so? Nothing. It's just stupid. So, in conclusion, Cloud not being so emo anymore would be a delightful change.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*The Dragon Hath Spoken*~*~*~*~*~*~*
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I feel kind of sorry for fans who want light shed on the romance in the FFVII series. Square Enix will probably just give fans scenes of interpretation where fans can add sentimental notions to the actions and conversations of the main characters.

Cloud: Tifa...pass me the butter.
Tifa: Of Course, Cloud.

Cloud is emotionally unstable; I don't think he'll ever be able to get into a relationship. While he may live in the present; his state of mind is strapped to the past.
XD it's funny that you should say that!! You're absolutely right, of course, about the whole thing where the fans adding these 'romantic situations'. It's funny and hopeless at the same time.

And as for Cloud's state of mind.... that's a looooong story. Let's just say that Cloud's mind is pretty screwed up! XD
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It's OBVIOUS Tifa has SOMETHING for Cloud, but as for Cloud...well he doesn't give a damn :D
Cloud doesn't really love either girl, he doesn't love Aerith.
Tifa has one pretty significant advantage over Aeris.

1. She's not dead.

So in this respect, Aeris never truly knew the real Cloud - familiarising herself instead with the aspects of Zack's personality that he adopted.
On the other hand, Tifa does quite the opposite; guiding Cloud through his version of the past in the Lifestream to try and bring out his true personality. They're probably the only two characters to share a bond beyond the shared goal of Sephiroth stabbing and planet saving - and this is continued in Advent Children, as rather than losing touch, they set up a happy little family. But even then, Cloud is plagued by thoughts of Aeris - but this is more the weight of his guilt than anything else, as he says he wants to be "forgiven".

I see their relationship as a high school crush, you see how Aeris is all giggly anyway and cutesy and sometimes..not so cutesy. I think from Aeris' view she sees Cloud as a mystery and later on realizes that the Cloud she was interacting with is not really him.

I wish people would stop making excuses and trying to "destroy" what beauty Cloud and Tifa shared (and the highwind scene difference doesnt cut it people) and actually love the couple of Cloud and Aeris for what YOU like it to be not whether or not it's canon. I said my peace.

This is basically what I think about Cleris. This is taken by other ff sources.
and actually love the couple of Cloud and Aeris for what YOU like it to be not whether or not it's canon.

Bless you. I only wish more people understood this as well. The LT was left unsolved to let people choose the way THEY wanted it to end. That way everyone would be happy. Instead everyone is busy shoving their opinion down each other's throats. *sigh* What the heck happened?
Aerith or Tifa? Its difficult to say who Cloud loves the most. Cloud's mind is totally screwed, so its really difficult to tell. He and Tifa as a couple -- maybe... maybe not.
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