Tifa and Cloud

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ppl talk about games all over the forum so if you haven't played the game it's your problemo
ppl talk about games all over the forum so if you haven't played the game it's your problemo

No it isnt. Some people cant find the games or avoid them. So no its not their problem. If you want to talk about 12's romance, go do it in the 12 section, FFGuy started this and has taken this topic off course. Now drop it okay?
If you want to discuss any potential spoilers in this thread, use spoiler tags. This is NOT about Final Fantasy 12. This is NOT about Vaan or Penelo.

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Your refering to vincent? Because of Tifa ACs post?

i don't see why he wouldn't be looking for love...but then again he's probably still hung up on Lucrecia
Yah . . . What do you mean? I like Cloud x Tifa only 'cause, well, as Aeris is DEAD, Cloud's not gonna be really happy going after her, ne? Unless he could violate the laws of nature or something . . . like they already violate the laws of gravity . . . ^_^
cloud should take a leaf out of vincents book and stop moping over dead people and get someone who lives

(vincent-lucrecia unlikely to go anywhere)
(vincent-shelke possibly)
(cloud-aeris pursuing dead people is unhealthy)
cloud-tifa :) )
the conclusion to this is: cloud will probably never be with anyone, we can only just hope and/or imagine that he will be. kinda like how i had hoped he would have been with aeris before she died.
Interesting Couple

Tifa and Cloud don't really seem like a couple at all in the movie. I mean they never said they loved eachother or anything. It seemed weird to me... as if they might be together but they really don't have any feelings for one another. But in the movie it showed that Tifa does but not Cloud. It just made it seem as though they weren't in love but just some type of close friendship.
Wow, TINY font! I see the relationship as sibling love, but I was told Tifa has a ring given to her by Cloud and they share a double bed! This is what I was told, havent watched it in awhile.

Cloud may have feelings for her, but he was still full of gulit and grief for Aeris and maybe didnt want to allow his feelings for Tifa show.
but I was told Tifa has a ring given to her by Cloud and they share a double bed!

Yes Tifa has a ring that Cloud gave to her but Denzel and Barret have one too ;)

as for the double bed thing....that didn't and will never happen

I don't care how many times i have to say this but whatever, its up to your own opinion on who Cloud loves. Personally i agree with the sibling love thing but that's just me. im not going to try and force my opinion down peoples throats.
Tifa definitely shows interest in Cloud. I don't think Cloud want a relationship or do anything with Tifa. The again Cloud could be shy or gay. ;/
In the film, it looks like they are in a double bed together, but it's not. And may I ask how did they aquire Marline and Barret seems to be a parental figure towards her?
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