To anyone who thinks there should be a sequal to 8, game or movie

Do you think that Square should make a FFVII sequal?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 33.8%
  • I couldn't care less

    Votes: 4 5.2%

  • Total voters
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Okay, after reading all of your posts, some I agree and some i do not. I think that FFIII should get a movie, for the simple fact that....well i dont have a good fact...OH YEAH! I think they should because FFVII got one, and i personaly never played FFVII, and i have heard so much stuff about, mainly good. I have watched a friend play, and personly I dont see whats so good about it. I think the only reason it was as good as it was, is because FFVI was the first on the PS1 and not looked at as well as the others. So yeah make a FFVIII movie and hell make some other FFVIII games.
yep yep

However making a movie based on that kind of timeline game would be painfully long.......the Story is strong but how would you really put Ultimecia in here?????? without taking away from her i dont know how.....good movie it wouldbe though as the ending was super sweet :)
But who said anything about making the movie around the game itself. They could do something like FFVII did where they go like years after the orignal story line.
Who agreed that the end of FF8 was perfect. And once again, it doesnt mean that it has to be the game itself. It could be after the game, or like another adventure.
It doesn't have anything to do with how good the ending was. It was more that there weren't any loose ends to tie up, or was not questionable enough to require another game or movie to clear it up. Thus, no motivation and no plot. Might as well spend the same energy on a newer and possibly better plot.
It's not a problem to make a movie for any of FF games although the story end, but they can always create a new story like the future for that game or the past behind the whole game...I don't mind having a FFVIII movie, but I also want to have other movies too such as FFX and FFIX...I think each of us wish for his/her favorite game from FF series to be a movie, but I don't think that's gonna happen...
They put out a sequel for Vincents side of the story, but yeah, they shold put out a sequel for everyone, maybe include the movie:lol:
Definately not. First off, I never liked the first game at all, so seeing a sequel would just be another game that I don't buy. Second, Final Fantasy VII has been done to death, with all the cameos and spinoffs from it. Thirdly, I would rather see a sequel to a much more worthy game that hasn't been touched. How about Tactics? Or VI or IV? I would rather see true sequels to these games far before a VII sequel, as they were far better games, and as long as Square didn't screw them up, they would make great ongoing series.
I think no to a sequal. A remake I think would be awsome, but a sequal no. WHy because wele sepheroth and jenova are compleetly kapute, and so are the three clone wannabe's. Thus ending the whole reasoning behind cloud needing to do anything. I mean what would it be about. FFVII and Advant children played off a perfect closing for the story. The villin is done and the day is saved. If anything FFVIII could have a cool sequal. I mean sure Ultimicima is out of the picture, but you still got gardens and the characters, and in that story the whole point was the sorceress. But I mean there could be more than that, plus much room for more villinage, considering Edea was suppose to be the main villin and she turned out to be a nice lady. Also I think FFX-2 wasnt enough. I mean sure you may disagree with me alot do, but getting the perfect ending in X-2 wasnt satisfying enough to forfill the IS TIDUS GONE FOREVER thing. I mean the faith all waking up to dream again just to have yuna be happy once more for true love. yea right. Were talking about the same faith who allowed hundreds of summoners to there sencless deaths just to give them some resting time. I doubt they are going to all wake up to have tidus be all there for yuna. So I think if you went along with the bad ending and made a third game with a better story and no sphere garments and crap, and maybe more characters selection the Y.R.P. Then I'd highly considering playing it.

It's called a review. If you wanted to know what happens without playing it, there's a walkthrough and several places where you can see the FMV's. So why waste time on a movie about that? Go and play the game. Rent it if you must.
It would be nice to see a sequel or remake on PS3.
But arent Dirge of Cerberus, Advent Children, Last Order and 2 or 3 mobile games already sequels or media connected to FFVII.
No offense to you seven fans but i though eight blew sevens plot out of the water. I think sevens plot is vastly overated and if they can make a movie out of seven they can make a movie out of VIII my only problem would be *SPOILER* siefer couldnt be in it unless he some how rose from the dead. I think seifer was my favorite villian in any ff series. Without Siefer an ff 8 movie just wouldnt be the same so on second thought if they do make a movie they better come up with a damn good alternative to Siefer. Or find a non shitty way to incorporate Siefer into the movie. by non shitty i mean not finding some half ass way to bring him back to life.
Usually I thought youd agree but Im also hungry for an RPG sequel to FFVII, I hope that Square Enix considers it. Most of the sequels or prequels are not an RPG not or not availible elsewhere (the mobiel games) other than Japan because of operator or other services.
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