Training Grounds

Hearing Julius' reply he followed Julius to the Black Hill, along the way he asked Julius "what kind of spells do you teach anyway, or more specifically what elements?"
Zeria walked alongside Julius, casually fiddling with a strand of her hair.

"Actually, I'm quite curious myself, Sir Julius. What kinds of spells and things will we be learning? Will we learn the history behind them as well?"

She knew those were probably stupid questions, but she needed to know. She hated being unknowing about what she was doing. Zeria stopped messing around with her hair and merely watched Julius as they walked, waiting for an answer...
OOC: Guys...It's Jake that's here...not Hera :P But, I'll have him play along.

IC: Jake frowned. Somehow, these people knew his grandfather, Hera Ledro. But, their naivete made him smile. They seemed to think that he was the Allsie, regardless of the fact that Jake was in human form, and looked nothing like his grandfather (with the exception of his naturally spiky hair).

Jake walked up to the one called Julius, and smiled, looking up at the grown man. "You know," he said. "I think I'd like to talk to you too." Glancing back at the one who had told him where he was, he said, "But even more than that, I'd like to fight you."

"But, I find it curious that you know my grandfather, Hera. Very few on this edge of the galaxy know his name, and fewer still really know him. I'm guessing that you are one of the fewer, because you didn't know that I was not him."

"It's good to meet you guys," Jake said to everybody. "My name's Jake."
Julius folded his arms as he slowly walked from left to right before his students. He then made a sudden stopped, knelt to grab a stone with his left hand and then stared at it. Subsequently, he tossed the small stone and stood face to face to his students. -"How many of you can perform summonings?"
Realizing that he would not get a fight now that these two broke up Vex left the ring he was sitting in. "Well I might as well as check out this summoning class thing."

So as it was Vex was heading towards Black Hill where this class was to be taught. Finally he reaches the area where the class is being taught and speaks up. "Umm hi there the name is Vex and I actually don't know anything of summoning, so I was hoping to leanr some."
Arthvader decided to go listen to what Julius is explaining to the group. When Julius started talking about summoning monsters. Julius asked them a question.

Julius "How many of you can perform Summonings?"

As one of the few who can summon creatures, He raised his hand.

Arthvader "I could, Julius. Want me to show them a demonstration?"

He then walked towards Julius, ready to summon a creature.
Scratching his hair FFGuy answered "I don't, I tend to focus on my own strengths rather than summons, I would be eager to learn" he then stopped scratching his hair and stood with his back straight and tried to focus.
Zeria bit her lip and frowned, kicking at a nearby pebble.

"I'm afraid not...I never really learned summons. Only sword skills, gun works, ways to move the earth to my will, and some mental attack spells. I'm sorry"

It was true. Almost as soon as she'd gotten to the first academy to learn, she'd been drug into a war. She'd barely had enough time to learn what she did...and it was a good thing she'd been fighting all of her life.
Julius back stepped and nodded in approval to Arthvader's proposal.-"Yes please. For all of you who might not know, Arthvader is an Elite Summoner, we have seen many battles."- Julius then stood back and awaited for Arthvader to perform the summoning ritual.
Jake was in a nearby training circle, where he'd found dummy-targets. Drawing his sword, Jake started practicing on one of them, swinging his sword almost lightning-fast.

Every now and then, often after a particularly complex pattern of swings, Jake would steal a glance over at the summoning class, where the majority of the students were.

Summoning is stupid, thought Jake. Honestly, if you can't fight a battle by yourself, don't fight it at all. Sure, it's great to have in large scale battles, and can give you a leg up, but there is no honor in fighting a battle you can't fight yourself. Fight it one on one. Period.

Jake grew slightly frustrated, and with a single swing of his blade, severed the head of the dummy he was practicing on and the one 8 feet behind it. "Do I really believe that?" he muttered to himself. "Am I really that naive? Sometimes, in large-scale battles, would it really be so wrong to summon?"

Yes, his mind told him. Just because your opponent has to resort to it, it doesn't mean you have to. They are just displaying a need of allies to win. There is no honour in defeating a completely outmatched opponent.

Jake nodded to himself and moved to the next dummy, riddling this one with slashes too. He stole a glane up at the hill where the summoning class was, and noticed the one they'd called Arthvader moving forward near Julius. Jake looked back at the dummy, and started practicing again.
Arthvader "Ok, Julius. I'll do it. Everyone, Pay attention."

He took out what appeared to be a pendent that contained Gilgamesh.

Arthvader "Gilgamesh, come on out!"

The pendent started to flash wildly. suddenly, a beam of light was formed from the pendent, revealing a mysterious figure from within the light.

Gilgamesh "Huh, What's going on, Arthvader? Are we in a battle?"

Arthvader "Not really, Gilgamesh. I'm just showing them how summoning works.Can you stand to the side for a moment? I'm going to show them the phoenix."

Gilgamesh "Okay, Okay. Go ahead while I show off my skills."

as Gilgamesh shows off his skills, Arthvader turned his attention to the group.

Arthvader "As you just saw, Gilgamesh was called out via this pendant that I had. Now, Let me show you another example of summoning."

He started charging is magical energy. Upon finishing charging up, he formed a magical circle above him.

Arthvader "Phoenix, Appear!!"

From the magic circle, the phoenix started to appear. When it got out from the circle, the phoenix streched its wings, then it landed next to Arthvader.
Arthvader then turned his attention to the group once more, while petting his phoenix.

Arthvader "As you just saw this time, I've used some of my own power to bring out this old friend of my. He is reliable all the way to the end. For now, These are all the summons I will show for now."
Hiya, is it okay for me t Join as my character Danny? if so this'll be my first post :)

The boy whistled in delight. So this was the famous training grounds, he thought. He brushed his medium length dark brown hair from his startlingly blue eyes and picked up his bag beside him.

"Man, Shen has really outdone herself this time." Danny told to no one in particular, it'd been several years since he and Shenorai had last met and Danny wondered if Shenorai would even remember him.

He walked forwards and wondered where the hell he should even go. He looked around and saw a rather large class up on a hill some distance away. He saw one of the people do something and all of a sudden a huge beast appeared.

"Hmmm, a summon, by the looks of it the summoner is pretty strong." Danny once again told no one in particulay "Ahh dammit stop talking to yourself Danny, maybe there's someone up there that can help me." he stashed his bag quickly and leaped to a tree close to the group. Luckily no one saw him and he smiled as he saw a few old friends, especially two certain friends, he saw Zeria Iiyasei and Julius Argexis.
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Zeria gaped.

"Oh wow....I've seen summoning, but never this up close! It's amazing!"

She wished that she had learned to do summoning. She walked over to Gilgamesh and stared.

"Arth...can I...can I touch him? Is he actually solid?"
"Aww c'mon Zer! You've seen 'em up close before ain't cha?" Danny shouted from the tree revealing himself. He laughed loudly and jumped from the tree so he was just a little behind Zeria. He sat down crossed legged and yawned

"Good to see ya Zer, how ya been Julius? Long time no see Arth! How you all been huh?"
LW emerged from the distance in the direction where the camp was. He had been busy challenging some smartassed noobs. He was eager to learn summoning though. He had heard of it, but didn't know how to do it.

LW stood in front of Arthvader and watched the summons closely awaiting instructions
Hey Arth, I have a question, does it matter how you summon these creatures? I noticed that you summoned Gilgamesh from a pendant and you used magical energy to summon Phoenix, why is this?
Julius then suddenly interrupts FFGuy as the young Silverwing approaches him. -"It's because there are certain summons that can only be called by special enchanted objects, mainly objects that belonged to those summons. For example: Gilgamesh's Pendant. Am I correct Arthvader?"- Julius stepped forward and prepared himself to summon a creature of his own. After searching his pocket for some time, he pulled out a small pendant, with a yellow stone carved with ancient runes. Julius held the pendant high with his right hand and began the incantation with one of his own summoning spells-"Anyway, now I'll use a summoning stone. This stone allows me to summon a creature without spending my magical energy. Be forewarned, that summoning stones will lose its power after being used. Now, I summon forth the Earth Golem Ragnarok!!!"- <o:p></o:p>The spells summoned the ancient Guardian of Earth, Ragnarok, a monster with boulders as its limps, and with huge arms and legs. This golem has wide shoulders and a torso as hard as the rarest of steels. It heights 7 feet, his shoulders are 5 feet wide and it weights over 600 pounds.
FFGuy stared at Ragnarok, it was a great hulking creature and measured a foot above FFGuy and many times wider. FFGuy then looked again at Julius and spoke: "Another question, or two" he said.

1. when you said that the summon objects lose power, is this regainable?

2. how do you gain these objects and is it possible to seal a summoned creature within it's own objects?

FFGuy then looked into Julius' eyes, more a force of habit than anything, and he then waited for an answer.
Jake sighed, and walked over to where the summoning class was, looking directly at the one called FFGuy.

When he was within hearing range, he said, "Yes, FF, they are regainable."

Jake stood in off to the side. "I may not use summoning, but I'm not naive in their ways, either. It must also be pointed out that summoning depends largely on the nature of the summoner: an evil summoner can summon a singularly more powerful creature than usual, but this summon will last for a very short time. It goes the opposite way, too; if there is a good summoner, his or her summon may not be as powerful as that of an evil summoner, but it will be able to remain longer."

"And yes, as I said, you can regain the power to summon. Sometimes, it just takes a certain amount of time to regain it, but I've noticed that more often than not it will depend on if you win a battle. If you lose, it will take a great deal more time to recover, but will recover almost instantly if you win."

"One usually gets these objects by finding them. Sometimes, they are unwary heirlooms of a family, other times they can be just artifacts you find."

"And, though this is one of those more arcane parts of summoning, I believe that it is not possible for one to seal an opponent's summon back into the artifact. If the creature you are trying to summon is wild, that's a different story: you can replicate their brain waves or something, and seal their biological patterns to be summoned at will."

Jake stood back, watching for the reactions, but mainly waiting to see what the 'experts' had to say.
Julius smiled briefly after hearing FFGuy's questions, and soon the young Julius continued with his class.-"Not entirely correct I fear. FFGuy it depends on the situation. You see there are different kinds of summoning stones and objects. While these summoning stones are quite useful, their inability to recover their power once used makes them fairly reliable in situations of life or death seeming that they can only be used once, and if the summoned is dismissed you'll have to use your own magical power to summon it. As for summoning objects..."-Julius stepped closer to the Earth Golem he summoned and then resumed his speech-"They can be used anytime as long as you spend half the energy you would most likely use if you were to summon a creature on your own. On a second thought, I think that Gilgamesh's Pendant might be a special summoning object."-Julius then prepared to answer the second question, but first he placed the Earth Pendant once again inside his pocket.-"Summoning Stones can be bought from traders and mages, and they are fairly expensive, due to their rarity. As for summoning objects, they are among the rarest of summoning methods. You would be lucky to have a summoning object. Another way would be to transform a dead being's soul into summon by infusing its soul into a summoning object. To transform a normal item into a summoning object, you must carve a special rune aligned to that being's soul on the surface of that item, for example: a sword can be used as a summoning object. Of course, the creation of a summon is rather difficult and most attempts end up being failures. Still, the world of summoning is vast, and its possibilities, limitless. All of these answers are mere theories."-Julius then folded his arms and stood next to his summoned creature, the Earth Golem.
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