Training Grounds

Danny whistled, he hadn't seen Ragnarok before. He raised his hand and pretended to be a small child by saying "ohh oohh!"

"Julius, how long ya had Ragnarok? Does a summon get stronger the longer you have it?"
Julius turned his eyes to Danny, and courteously he greeted the young warrior. Julius then returned his attention to the summoned creatures briefly after answering Danny's question.-"Yes Danny, in fact summons grow stronger as their masters. The bound between Summoner and Creature will develop with each battle, until it becomes a seemingly unbreakable connection. Only a master warlock or summoner can break the bounds of friendship between a summoner and a creature. I have only seen one person do it, and he is no longer among us....I suppose...."
"Oh... him..." Danny said wearily, he knew who Julius meant. Danny layed down and shut his eyes. He felt his locket against his chest and wondered if that was a summon. He laughed. He then jumped up.

"Yeah I only came up here to see a few old friends and to ask where the heck I check in!" He walked over to Julius "Good to see ya man!" he shoulder crossed with him then waited til Julius told where him to go.
"Well FFGuy, in my case I was blessed with the ability to summon three different guardian forces ever since my birth. As a half elf, most of my magical abilities were inherited from the elves. That and also an arcane spell book I study each time I have a chance. By the way Danny, it's good to see you too."-Julius then remained waiting for more questions.
Danny saluted in way cheeky kind of way and walked off. he winked to Zeria and grabbed his bag. He walked down the path to the main building here hopefully reception was.
Zeria shrugged her shoulders and poked Gilgamesh.

"Holy crap! He is solid! He's actually there! Not like my shadow clones that just go poof when they are hit!"

She couldn't believe it. This was one of the first times she'd gotten to actually be this close and even touch a summoning.

"How much energy do you have to use to maintain them?"
LW eyed Danny as he toddled away, he was a strange one. No matter, he would keep an eye out.

"Will a summon do as you will regardless if it likes you or does there have to be some kind of connection before you can use a summon"

LW now looked at Julius in a new respect, as a wise teacher and not as a good fighter that matched his abilities
"Yes, for a summon to serve you loyally, a bound of friendship and honor between summon and summoner must be created. This connection can only be made through gaining experience in battle. For example, you won't be able to use all of the summon's special abilities if the creature barely knows you. In Arthvader's case, I believe that both him and Gilgamesh were great rivals."- Julius soon dismissed his summon with a mere snap of his fingers. The Earth Golem collapsed, shattering into pieces and leaving behind a small light which quickly went to Julius' right hand.-"To maintain a summon, your mental power will slowly be drained. It takes time and experience to build up your psychic powers. Even though your energy is spent to sustain that summon, after the summon is dismissed, the energy used to create that summon returns to the source from where it came, either the summoner or to nature if a summoning stone was used. If the summon was called by a Summoning Pendant, the energy spent returns to the jewel, taking with the the experience learned to be used the next time you summon the creature. Most of what I know I've learned it from my father and my grandfather."-Julius folded his arms and then remained silently in front of his students, he was devising his next lesson in order to communicate more of his knowledge to his students.
Zeria's eyes lit up and she began to twitch lightly. She was beyond anxious to learn more.

"So, there some sort of history behind each summon? Do they all have a past, or have they always been summons?"
Julius lowered his sight, fixing his sad eyes on the cold ground below his feet. A storm was arousing, seeming that the skies darkened and thunders and lightnings could be heard from afar. With a sorrowful tone in his voice, words of sadness came out from within Julius' soul. "No, they were once great warriors. They all had families and lives of their own....but gave their lives to defeat a great evil. In the end, the darkness threatening this world was vanquished, but a high price was payed. The summons would be inexplicably drawn to fight against the forces of evil, over and over again. And even though their destinies might stray from their true path, in the end they will come to fulfill their true purpose." Julius then rose his sight and looked upon the heavens above him. Small drops of water fell on his cheeks, running over his face and falling to the ground. At first they were few, but soon they became many. -"A storm is coming...class dismissed. The next class will take place at the forest, near the great pond."
Hearing that his class was dismissed, Jake approached the obviously-veteran Julius, his sweater blowing in the wind.

Standing only a few feet away, Jake said, "So, you ready? You said there was something you wanted to talk about anyways."

Zeria stayed there, even as the rain picked up. She couldn't help but feel sadness towards the summons. They had past lives and families of there own...futures that they should have been able to live out as they'd planned. Once she was entirely drenched, she made her way to the forest, walking through the trees slowly, and watching for the pond to come into view.

"It's just not right...they deserved happy lives too..."
FFGuy bowed his head to Julius and turned around and proceeded back to the grounds, as the rain set in his hair began to sweep over his face, a quick turn of his head put it behind him again.

Well, that was educational, I wonder if I could track one down sometime...
Lone Wolf sat down on the crumpled soil below and looked at julius

"I would quite like a dragon as a summon, but do you you advise I go about this"

Lone Wolf watched FFGuy walk away, he was even stranger than the other one, but that was only because LW wasn't accustomed to this much people near him.
"Well if you wish to have a dragon type summon, I recommend you to travel far to the north, beyond the Mountain of Fire, in the Temple of Flames. There it lies the secret orb containing a dragon type summon, Ragnarok. Though it has the same name as my Earth Golem, is quite different. Now go....get some rest..."

Julius turned away from them and stared to the cloudy skies, the sun setting before him, the rain drops falling on his skin tenderly. Thunders and lightnings started to hurl around the heavens, one would think that a battle between angels was taking place right before their eyes. An elegant display of blue and white lights flashed all around the dark clouds. Julius stared to the ground for a moments and sighed, looking at his reflection on a small puddle of water. "Maybe it's time for me to leave..." He tells to himself, with a sad tone in his voice. He turns his eyes to the skies once again, this time the rain started to become fiercer and fiercer. "Zeria would never forgive me....but still this is a battle that I alone must face...." He looks behind to see how his students slowly leave to their own tents. Julius suddenly smiles and closes his eyes, a small tear falls from his right eye. "Don't worry, I'll come back.....I promise..." Julius takes his sword and heads towards the dark woods, disappearing among the blackness of that area. The path behind him slowly disappearing behind him, meaning that it would be quite impossible for anyone to track him.
As FFGuy headed back to his tent he wondered if he should pursue a summoning object, he would have to consider element, power, strength and status, not to mention any trials if any would appear. Thinking on this now would not do much so he entered his tent and took off his armour and weapons and layed down and rested.
Lone Wolf walked back to the tent and got some rest, eager about the dragon summon to the north. He had been in that region before many times, and he knew where the fire temple was, but he hadn't yet visited it

LW layed down his equipment and lay his head a soft pillow, white and fluffy.

He would pursue the Ragnarok summoning orb tomorrow after rest and a bite to eat. Now was time to recover magick energy from his battle with julius

OOC: Do I post my journey for the orb in this thread or another, Julius?
LW geared up; his sanctus sword, thunder bangle and pendant, Agility boots and his magic storage belt. He was excited by the thought of ragnarok. He wondered what it looked like. He couldn't wait to meet him.

LW set off on a long journey. It was many leauges. By his feet it would be 7 days before he got there.

4 Days of travelling and LW had got to the borders of the northeren land. He looked upon the snowy horizon and the golden, auric sun making the snow glimmer with a brilliant white aura. Another 3 dys and he would reach the temple. He had been attacked by a pack of wolves, but they found out soon it was him. He was friendly with the wolves of this region. They managed to put him on the exact track. Apparently, he was 4 miles off track, but he was grateful they had helped him

3 more days. 3 more....