Playstation Uncharted III: Drake's Deception Thread

I just finished the game on normal, but I loved it so much and I do want to do crushing. I need to ask something though.. Can you do crushing as soon as you start the game? I thought you had to beat hard first? With that aside! Here is what I think. Defo my fav in the series, like Ryan said.

Massive spoilers ahead.

I got so frickin scared, and I was even so sad when Sully got shot. I was seriously thinking... oh why would Naughty Dog do this? I love Sully, he is so awesome and so god damn hilarious. Till I realized, after going through the part after he gets shot, it was only fear. That explained the spiders part and little drake seeing that man as Sully. I am so happy he is alive. The ending.. was the best ending, because of what Ryan explained. In my honest opinion, Chloe had next to no role in this game. I was so proud of that because Elena and Drake are destined to be with each other. Charlie.. was something new. The beginning scared me. Both Sully and Drake get shot.. but it was all a set up, and Charlie was with them the whole time. I will not lie.. but even I was like 'where the hell are Chloe and Charlie?!" I then thought they were just minor characters helping Drake. Plus Chloe actually did not interfere with Elena and Drake, because she obviously knows by the end of UC II. "You are going to miss this ass" This line made me think she will not have a spectacular role in the 3rd game. Drake should have not bothered saving Marlowe, but she dies anyway(assuming) and Talbot later becomes the main baddie. The end was spectacular, the whole Talbot fight was awesome. Things that scared me were Sully supposedly dying at numerous parts. In the end, I am glad they really did not kill anyone off. As much as Chloe should have died, she was just a minor character in the game, and I did not give two shits about her after she is never seen again. I enjoyed the whole thing completely. The spiders are everywhere in the game, I swear! I am really glad Elena and Drake are in what seems to be full love now. The airport scenes, and how he was resting on her, totally indicated that. I really agree with you, Ryan. The ending also revealed that they are officially together, so I was gleaming at that. Nothing happened with Elena, and I am so glad they did not try and kill her off again. Talbot is an evil bastard, and so is Marlowe. They really were the most "evil" out of all the baddies in the Uncharted series to date. Those British bastards. I was going to be really pissed if they killed Sully off. I must say, that part is a damn shocker. It made me literally go "oh my god no!" Ryan said the rest, so I will leave it at that. One thing.. Drake and Elena kissed at the end of two, why was there no kiss in this one? Ah well, hugs make everything better I suppose.
In my honest opinion, Chloe had next to no role in this game. I was so proud of that because Elena and Drake are destined to be with each other. I will not lie.. but even I was like 'where the hell are Chloe and Charlie?!" I then thought they were just minor characters helping Drake. Plus Chloe actually did not interfere with Elena and Drake, because she obviously knows by the end of UC II. "You are going to miss this ass" This line made me think she will not have a spectacular role in the 3rd game. As much as Chloe should have died, she was just a minor character in the game, and I did not give two shits about her after she is never seen again.

Enough of the euphemisms. :hmph: Love Chloe to death, but I ship NatexElena. :hmph: She is respectable because she bowed out. She's taking it a lot better than you are apparently. :hmph:

ANYWAY :hmph:

She was less herself in this game, should've made a pass at Cutter or at least some humorous dialogue about the end of UC2 with Sully and her, I mean wtf :mokken:
Enough of the euphemisms. :hmph: Love Chloe to death, but I ship NatexElena. :hmph: She is respectable because she bowed out. She's taking it a lot better than you are apparently. :hmph:

ANYWAY :hmph:

She was less herself in this game, should've made a pass at Cutter or at least some humorous dialogue about the end of UC2 with Sully and her, I mean wtf :mokken:

I am truly sorry Ariana.
Chloe did bow out, yeah but she was next to useless in the 3rd game. I wanted her to die, because Elena is far superior, and she is the only one worthy of being in the game. Chloe was just an annoying bony faced girl with a good arse. I respect her for bailing out on the whole "lets steal Drake thing" but I sure as hell loved it if she died. I mean come on, they almost killed off Elena in the 2nd game. Chloe should have got stabbed or something. Chloe was silent in the game, because her only role was to help Drake. It would have been better if she was shot in Syria or something. Chloe was utter shite in UC3, Ariana. Admit it :mokken: I am totally against Chloe, seeing as I love Elena, and thought Chloe was shit. Elena > Chloe. Deal with it

Again, Chloe was better in Uncharted 2. In Uncharted 3, she was not interested in the whole "treasure" It is clear towards the end of the 2nd game when she says to Drake "You are going to miss this arse" that she was just going to be a minor character. From the looks of the ending, Elena and Drake are Husband and Wife and will be major characters in the future :grin:

My god, you should be happy that bony face was actually in the 3rd game. I thought she left for good. Yeah, you were excited, but you should have knew her role would have been shit. :griin: Final point, Uncharted 3 was mostly exploring Drake and Sully. I do feel Elena had a big role towards the end. All those scenes made me happy. Drake stops caring for adventure, because it is only hurting his friends. "I exchanged it for something better" :ohoho:..
Well this is mighty dandy! Just got the game and freeking wont load the game. I see Nathen's ring spinning and thats exactly what it keeps doing.....finally got to the menu and again!
wtf I cant play this shit :rage: I'll try again tomorrow ...fucking pissed right now. Crispy fresh new game....:ffs:
I just got my copy today, and it's so freaking amazing! Why didn't I play this franchise earlier?? :gonk:
Finished the main story yesterday and wow it blew me away.

Graphics are top notch
Story is again top quality, although it has many aspects from other franchises
Action sequences are freeking was like mw3 or something
Kept me on edge the whole time
Diversity, wow chapters are really different from eachother in gameplay
Run and chase & get yo ass out of there for a huge calamity , and you will not always be on the receiving end btw!
Great dialogue & great VA's.
Bare knuckle/bar fights etc are Epic!!


UC2 had more humour than in this one and I missed tht a bit.
Stealth is not like Splinter Cell...pff I should have known tht stealth is not tht realistic in UC..
Chloe had a minor role and Elena as well..both got hotter though xd..the really scaled up the graphics & details in this one.
Chloe wears a wig, her hair is not as detailed as Nathen's..seems women hair is difficult for programmers..
Many more minor things , but hey its a game. not everything can be perfecto.
I solved the spider Mystery :mokken:

In France after you figured out how to open the secret passage, you will fall down in tht underground cave. On tht instant you'll see them creepy crawlers crawling away on the right upper corner.

So they are not confined to tht ruin.

I am awesome and thus I'll accept cash,checks,IOU's or rep.
Uncharted 3 patch 1.02 now available

Naughty Dog has released the 1.02 patch for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception, which sorts aiming and motion blur issues, and also adds a cutscene viewer.


The new aiming option can be found in the options menu under Camera options when playing in single-player. The setting is a direct response to community complaints about problematic aiming

he patch is out today in North America and Europe, and in Asia on November 27. View the patch notes below

Single Player


  • Movie cutscene viewer added (in the Bonuses menu, Single-Player only)

  • Fixed the missing Motion Blur effects (for Single Player only)
  • “Alternate Aim Settings” added to the Options menu under Camera options (for Single Player only)



  • Settings bug fixed: all controls being set to flipped mode setting will no longer change all controls back to default


  • Medal streaks won’t reset if the host migrates to another user
  • Blindfire targeting adjusted so that opposing players past a certain vertical angle above and below won’t be hit.
  • Allow grenade throw while scoped
  • Tuned Pull Down range from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
  • Lowered the player running speed when players run ‘n gun by approximately 15%
  • Slightly increased the turn radius of run ‘n gun
  • Slightly decreased the turning speed during Sprint

  • Fixed an infrequent hunter spawning issue in Hunter Arena when the match round switches
  • Fixed several cinema crashes
  • Locked fast-forwarding on convoy sequence in Airstrip TDM and train sequence on London Underground TDM to 3x maximum in Cinema Mode
  • Fixed certain cameras in Kick Offs and Pull Downs
  • Fixed a late join skin bug with locked content
  • Fixed a split-screen Buddy treasure pickup bug
  • Fixed duplicate medal problem causing bad tabulation of a few medals to the player’s career stats
User Interface

  • Objective points now show up in the player’s Competitive statistics tab instead of the Cooperative statistics tab
  • Added a Facebook Sign Out option

  • Added the Add Friend functionality in the Facebook tab

  • Fixed voice icon for mics not appearing in Matchmaking lobby
  • Adding missing weapon stats tracking for certain weapons that were not being recorded to the player stats

  • Fix for not displaying the entire Online ID within the “Players” column of any leaderboard.

  • Fix for a user having an online ID containing fifteen or more characters created in uppercase format and actively using a voice comm device.


  • Matchmaking now waits for double the number of players in the biggest party in the room to be present before starting a game (to prevent parties from being split frequently)

  • Players no longer able to join party that is already in Matchmaking
Source: Gematsu

Naughty Dog teases Flashback Map Pack #1 for Uncharted 3 multiplayer

Naughty Dog has released a couple teaser shots of Flashback Map Pack #1 for Uncharted 3 multiplayer. According to a post over on the US PS Blog, two of the maps included in the pack will be The Cave and The Fort from Uncharted 2.

As you can see by the screenshots posted below, the maps have been given a bit of spit-shine.

Pretty swank looking they are too. Other maps will be included in the pack, but have yet to be announced, so keep an eye out for more information soon, along with a release date.

Source: Vg247

I am glad they added a cutscene viewer. The Alternate aiming thing is pretty stuipid if you ask me. I had no problems with the aiming. No more drop in gameplay it seems. That is good.. in a way, because I am usually on the loser team when I join a game in session. Fort and cave are coming back it seems. I wonder what other maps will be included. I really never had a problem with the blindfiring to be honest. :hmmm:
I really wish they'd offer some new maps rather than half assing it and handing us rehashed maps. We've played those enough and half the maps in the game are already old ones that have been tweaked. Ready for something different, Naughty Dog, get it together.

Also, I'm very disappointed they didn't really expand upon the co-op of the game in addition to combining the three different game types into one without giving us the option to also play them alone. I enjoy the mixed bag but those I play with do not, which makes it very difficult for me to enjoy it with my friends.
I really love co-op in Uncharted 3. I actually play it in this one, unlike Uncharted 2. Well, I was forced to play Co-op in uncharted 2 by an evil entity. I enjoy the mixed game types so much more. At least it has variety, unlike Uncharted 2 where it would just be boring to me. I do not see any problem with the old maps coming back. I hear Sanctuary is coming back as well, but without snow. :hmmm:
I solved the spider Mystery :mokken:

In France after you figured out how to open the secret passage, you will fall down in tht underground cave. On tht instant you'll see them creepy crawlers crawling away on the right upper corner.

So they are not confined to tht ruin.

I am awesome and thus I'll accept cash,checks,IOU's or rep.

To remind you guys :ahmed:

Also CO OP is so freeking difficult like wtf,,,,, After like the third round we were owned and powned over and over again... It aint right man.
Ohri-Jin You find the dead guy before finding the spiders, though. :sad3:

Also, Kira and I beat co-op arena on hard mode last night with just the two of us. She's really come a long way since she first started playing shooters. I'm so proud of her. :grin: Soon we will be dominating all of you (except for Ryan).
I have come up with a new phrase, specifically for Uncharted:

Hop and plop: (verb) A method of randomly exploring for climbable ledges in the Uncharted games.

So named because of the inevitable cause and effect such 'discovering' entails.

Me: "I think that's a climbable ledge."
Friend: "Are you sure?"
Me: "No."
[several minutes of spinning the camera around to look for hidden ledges.]
Me: "Let's try and jump to it then."
Me: "Nope, no ledges."

So true, no?

I thought the spiders were just a symptom of the hallucinogenic djinn sweat. I figured that the spider venom was what Talbot injected Drake with that made him shit his flip, and that the spiders had adapted that property into their venom/system by drinking that water. Presumably, they had hopped on Francis Drake's ship and 'off-loaded' wherever he stopped, thus why you see spiders all over.

Odd idea, but it worked for me at the time. ^_^
I need a new TV. Playing this game on my shitty little TV has made me realised that I should probably invest in a new one, because the low quality picture and cramped screen size have made it a lot more agonisingly difficult to play well than it could have been. :gonk:

Still, I have one word to say: awesome. No, it's not the best game I have ever played in my life, and neither would it quite be my GOTY, but it's definitely the best game I can think of on the PS3 at the moment. I think this does deserve another run through later on, be it on normal again, or if I'm brave enough to do this on the shitty TV I have, on hard, just so I can improve on my sub-par aiming.

I think I will have to raise Jeff's little conundrum again and ask:

What is up with that dead, rotting agent in the chateau? Unless there's enough evidence to show that the spiders can leave the confines of the tower crypt to have reached him in the first place, that dude's left entirely unexplained. I know it's a basic device for foreshadowing and to crank up the tension, but it could have been handled differently - in a way that wouldn't bug me for the rest of the game.

I've heard one crackpot theory about how this dude is Harris (one of the two henchmen who accompanied Talbot to the crypt), to which I say in response that this makes zero sense and that you're just speculating out of your arse.

General non-spoiler comments:

+ I love how often Naughty Dog injects some kind of new twist and turn into the gameplay. You may be platforming along one moment, then get ambushed by a vehicle with a machine gun that you have to take down in a specific way the next. You can't really predict that well what's about to be thrown at you.

+ Graphics are once again top notch, and so is the attention to the characters' facial motions and their voice acting. Marrying the visuals and the gameplay together to form a package that packs both is what every developer should aspire to do.

+ I was on normal and I still got killed quite often, albeit a lot of the deaths were down to sheer carelessness anyway. It's been a good challenge, though never really that frustrating. Well, until I crank up the difficulty anyway, on this shitty TV.

+ And is it just me, or are the enemies bullet sponges from time to time, even when they're clearly not that armoured?

+ Love the melee combat, even if fighting the big brutes get a bit samey after the first three or four times.

+ Not that many puzzles as I thought there would be, but well-crafted ones anyway.

Oh, Naughty Dog, you guys are such trolls. If it isn't the unleashing of armadas of arachnids at this arachnophobe several times, it's your maniacal little twists in the story.

I won't lie: I was briefly scared shit too when Sully is seemingly shot dead. At that point, I abandoned all fangirlism I had for Talbot once I saw Sully's haunting, lifeless face. You can't, as I thought to myself, kill him off like that after spending all of the game focusing on the relationship between Nate and Sully so thoroughly. Funnily enough then, I should have seen the trolling coming. I knew something was suspicious about the water he drank. Nate's been drugged a hell of a lot in this adventure already anyway.

To clarify: when Cutter shoots Talbot and fails to kill him, was the latter simply wearing a bulletproof vest? I mean, it's obviously nothing supernatural, despite my initial thoughts, so a bulletproof vest is the logical explanation, unless I'm wrong and I've blatantly missed something.

And finally, Talbot: :inlove:
^ I admit, I lol'd.

I'm still not satisfied with the answers offered for the issue with the time-warping bugs.

Also, now that you mention it I realize that the missed(?) shot was never explained either. Wtf? :ffs:

Are these simply plot hole or are we overlooking something?
Enough of the euphemisms. :hmph: Love Chloe to death, but I ship NatexElena. :hmph: She is respectable because she bowed out. She's taking it a lot better than you are apparently. :hmph:

ANYWAY :hmph:

She was less herself in this game, should've made a pass at Cutter or at least some humorous dialogue about the end of UC2 with Sully and her, I mean wtf :mokken:

Amen to this.

It's kinda ridiculous to wish a character dead even though they played a major part in the second game. :wacky: Like, wtf? I hated Aerith with a passion, didn't mean I wished her dead when I first played the game, or afterwards (wouldn't even if she were still alive either).

I love all the characters in Uncharted, Elena took a long time for me to get attached too, I'm still not a big fan, but she's cool. Chloe is a very strong character as well, and people that hate her 'that much' don't really come across as having her figured out.

Jeff didn't like her at first, 'cause he thought she was the bad guy with bad intentions, until he realized wtf she was doing. :lew:

I really wish she could've been in Uncharted 3 more as well. Sully, Nate, Chloe, Elena. ♥

I think it's time to replay... :ohoho:
Are these simply plot hole or are we overlooking something?

The ineffective shot at Talbot isn't really one no, because that we can at least explain - and rather simply. I just don't get why Cutter seems to make a deal out of it though. Anyone at that point would have thought that Talbot is protected by some mystical force or something. :hmmm:

But, come on. I'm pretty sure I gave people at least four shots to the head each at a few points during the game and they still lived. :mokken:

The dead agent mystery isn't technically a plot hole per se either because it doesn't hold much of a significance to the plot's outcome and neither does it damage it that much. We can ignore it and there wouldn't be much of an impact on the overall plot, but to me, an actual glaring plot hole would have to be very damning to the plot. At the very least, this is a weird inconsistency in the storyline.

I think I do need another playthrough, or at the very least, watch the scenes again on Youtube. I might be missing big clues or something. Small inconsistencies and gripes like this bug me forever. :sad3:

/EDIT: Wait, I don't even need Youtube. >.<
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Headshots don't count anymore. :hmph: Which is poo, because headshots made up at least half of my kills in the second game.
Amen to this.

It's kinda ridiculous to wish a character dead even though they played a major part in the second game. :wacky: Like, wtf? I hated Aerith with a passion, didn't mean I wished her dead when I first played the game, or afterwards (wouldn't even if she were still alive either).

I really wish she could've been in Uncharted 3 more as well. Sully, Nate, Chloe, Elena. ♥

First of all, nice going on defending your beloved there! :) I wrote this ages ago, and you could have responded back then, but hmmm suspicious. Wishing her dead? Yeah, perhaps for the 3rd game, as she had a crappy role. It should have been the end for her in Uncharted 2. I do not have Chloe figured out? Okay, let me get this straight... Just because I dislike Chloe, and I think she is not needed in the third game, automatically makes me have her not "figured out?" I love your assumptions that are getting you nowhere. I know what Chloe is like, and she toned it down in the third game. Chloe was not needed for the 3rd game, in my opinion.

A grenade blow up in front of her face at the end of the second game, and that was indeed really painful.

Oh, and did you know Claudia Black was supposed to voice Elena? :rolleyes: Chloe got the most painful part in the end though, as she got kicked out at the end of chapter 9. That grenade was nothing. :yay: In all seriousness, In II she was nothing but an arrogant person for most of the game. She only ever cared about herself, and this changed in the 3rd game, which was an added bonus. Seeing as she dated Nate before the events of the first two games, she wants him back in the 2nd game. At the end, she truly realizes it is hopeless. Chloe did not deserve much more in the third game, as the story is supposed to be about Sully, Nate and Elena. Why do you think Drake walked out on her? Obviously because she is an arrogant little twat. :lew: Yeah yeah, blah blah blah, Chloe is strong in the sense that she cares for her survival in the 2nd game. Elena has always been the gentle and one who cares all the time, though. It is essentially why I like her better. Chloe learned a bit of manners, but tbh, she was still crap and not needed in the plot.

The ineffective shot at Talbot isn't really one no, because that we can at least explain - and rather simply. I just don't get why Cutter seems to make a deal out of it though. Anyone at that point would have thought that Talbot is protected by some mystical force or something. :hmmm:

The dead agent mystery isn't technically a plot hole per se either because it doesn't hold much of a significance to the plot's outcome and neither does it damage it that much. We can ignore it and there wouldn't be much of an impact on the overall plot, but to me, an actual glaring plot hole would have to be very damning to the plot. At the very least, this is a weird inconsistency in the storyline.

I think I do need another playthrough, or at the very least, watch the scenes again on Youtube. I might be missing big clues or something. Small inconsistencies and gripes like this bug me forever. :sad3:

/EDIT: Wait, I don't even need Youtube. >.<

You just need to put the facts the game throws at you together. It is sort of obvious he had a bulletproof vest on at that very moment, if you know he is a "magician" by taking a look at the tarot cards The Tower and the Magician, imo. You also need to know that Marlowe's organization is CIA terrorist like, based on hermetic symbolism. Again, Queen Elizabeth and Marlowe are explained with hermetic symbolism, a bit. Marlowe is a believer in the tarot cards, from what I got. The whole bulletproof vest thing and drugging Charlie was payback for Charlie being a double agent spy.

I always have thought that the Dead agent was just foreshadowing the same death of Harris, which makes me believe both had a similar cause of death. I did go exploring the other day on UC3, and found that Harris and Dead agent have the same body, when you examine Harris in the crypt. Then again, that is not really explained either. The only thing I can think of is that ND are just trolling you with the same person dead. :hmmm:
You just need to put the facts the game throws at you together. It is sort of obvious he had a bulletproof vest on at that very moment, if you know he is a "magician" by taking a look at the tarot cards The Tower and the Magician, imo.

It's all well and good telling me that such and such is "obvious". I'm glad someone was that analytical about the smallest of little details as they were playing. However, the featured tarot cards are only cleverly subtle little bits of symbolisms, perhaps vague hints at best, and not "facts" as you call them. How many of us at that point have suddenly and factually inferred that "ooh! Those cards! That instantly tells me that Talbot was wearing bulletproof stuff there!"

I did go exploring the other day on UC3, and found that Harris and Dead agent have the same body, when you examine Harris in the crypt. Then again, that is not really explained either. The only thing I can think of is that ND are just trolling you with the same person dead.
It doesn't mean they're the same person, and lol at the thought of you spending several minutes gazing thoughtfully at the dead man's rotting carcass. There are only so many character models you can make for the countless grunts and agents in this game, so some are bound to be similar.

They are not the same person because that would make zero sense, unless there's been some time bending going on. It's simply the usage of a similar character model for both agents and Naughty Dog badly handling this as a foreshadowing device. Or it was deliberate and that they were intent on just trolling us.