Playstation Uncharted III: Drake's Deception Thread

I'm not sure. I might get it around Christmas since I can't afford it myself at the moment. If I don't get it then, then I'll get it when it is reduced. I think the earliest I get it will likely be Christmas though. I have to restrain myself for a few months. :sad2:

I'd love to play with you too, Adrosaur. :argor:

Spoiler rules should apply here for a while. If people are going to discuss plot then they should use tags. Since it's a fresh new game there will be lots of people who have yet to play it or have not completed it on the day of release, so spoiler tags should definitely be used when discussing it.

That is alright, Ill be sure not to tell you what happens at all. Do not watch any spoilers of it also, or let anyone spoil it for you, because that would just suck terribly. :sad2: I look forward to playing with you. I imagine we can get a group together. I know only a few of us are getting it, and the others have all converted to Modern Warfare 3. Shame on them, really. Yeah, I guess it is fine, but I really do not see why someone would want to post spoilers. I will be glad to have that discussion once some of us have finished the game.
I was much more impressed playing the early multiplayer than I was with the beta, it feels much smoother now and nowhere near as heavy as the beta/Uncharted 2 — significantly so considering it was a late beta and I was expecting the actual mechanics to more or less stay the same as they were in the beta.

I was impressed with the maps though, I like how there are Uncharted 2 maps featured in the multiplayer of Uncharted 3 although the actual maps are environmentally different such as changing the Flooded Ruins with Molten Ruins [never actually got to play the night version of Highrise]. Anyone who bought DLC for Uncharted 2 will definitely recognize the maps, plus the transition into Uncharted 3 will be easier with the Uncharted 2 maps being included. I did really like how the environment changes at certain points of the game, although trying to find someone in the middle of a sandstorm where everything is dark is horrible :(

There wasn't really much in terms of unlockables/customization so I expect they're holding back on most of that so people didn't get too far ahead before the actual release of the game. Surprised at how different it feels compared to the beta considering the lack of time between now and the beta but definitely heavily improved into a more refined multiplayer (y)
I will definitely buy UC3 tomorrow , however I'm not that sure about the mp side of it. Thats becuz I'm too attached to cod..we'll see. Cant wait for the singleplayer hohoho..
I will be picking up my copy in a little over an hour. :griin: I'm glad I preordered it while I had a job. :wacky: Otherwise I would be up the creek with this!
I will be picking it up within the next 3 days whenever my scholarship is paid into my account, I hope it's tomorrow but it's most likely going to be on Friday because that's just how my week is going :hmph: Definitely can't wait for the story, it's supposed to have an unreal ending. Drake better just get it on with Elena in this one. :rage:
Picked it up today, cannot wait to pop it in :ohoho:

Does anyone know until when you can buy the Fortune Hunter pre-order DLC thingie? I couldn't buy it today but I can on Thursday so I'm hoping they don't get rid of it the day of release :(
I'd like to know when the Fortune's Hunter Club is ending as well. Trying to see if an announcement was made, but I haven't seen anything yet. Someone said the discount ends when the game comes out, but that could be wrong. If it ends soon, I'm not too fussed about it. I'd rather find out more details about the maps mostly, (don't care about the skins) and then decide whether I'd like the deal or not. :hmmm:

Plus that $25 can go to Skyrim - I'm anxious about that too.

Anyway, picking up the game in 4 hours. Excitement.
Plus that $25 can go to Skyrim - I'm anxious about that too.


In terms of the Fortune Hunter thing, which admittedly I know very little about since I've followed very little gaming news since September BUT at a guess I would say it would be silly of Naughty Dog to force people to buy it before the actual game comes out especially given that just because someone buys a game it doesn't mean they don't need time to work out whether they would want to purchase DLC -the early access gave a nice insight to the multiplayer aspect of the title but I sure as hell wouldn't want to buy DLC purely based on that.

Even pre-ordering a game doesn't mean you'd necessarily know whether you would want to spend money on DLC, discounted or not.

My two cents. :mokken:
From the moment I popped Uncharted 3 in.. I knew it was going to be so frickin epic. I am on chapter seven now, but then I played online for a few. This game is just so amazing, and I can not wait to play more of the story. The Multiplayer is really refined in a way. I love the new maps, and playing highrise for the first time was a little tricky as I never experienced it in Uncharted II. The story so far is just amazing, and the online is something I really love. In fact, I can see it stealing my soul from now on. I absolutely love how they started the whole story. There is one thing I love about Uncharted. Something happens in the beginning, and you play in the past. I already purchased Elena online :ohoho: and I am level 11. I can defo see myself playing this so much, as I am really loving it. The game is so REAL! It really just feels like the actual places in real life. London was a good start imo. The twists and turns... my god, they really have freaked me out and I am so interested. 7 chapters, and now I shall resume tomorrow. Oh and I have the creepy crawler kickback, and I actually got to use it once. :ohoho: Have not tried co-op yet, but I sure would love to :ryan: Katherine Marlowe is such an evil shite! :jtc: Oh, and all the characters you can use online+the dlc, pretty much allows you to use anyone across the series. I want the dlc, but I think it is 25 bucks over psn :hmmm:
I ordered the game online and it seems it's sold I'll have to wait till it arrives. bloody hell! stop Adri you making me jealous!!!!!!
I got UC 3 over week ago (<3), played through it once and a lot of co-op. I love it just as much as the other UC's! ^^ It's the kind of game I enjoy getting the platinum in, but right now I borrowed my ps3 and the game out to a friend so it'll have to wait for a few days :P

Anyone that wants to play co-op with me, add! :D PSN: nona90

For anyone who has beat the game, I'm a bit miffed on something. In France you find the body of one of Talbot's men who is green, dead and all messed up. Looks like he has been there for ages and Drake even says "But that's impossible...they just got here!" so I'm going to assume something odd happened to him. Can anyone explain what? I've been led to assume the spiders, but I don't think they would leave him with a rotting look like that. They are also still sealed away in the crypt where you find them at later on. The "cursed water" they drug people with also doesn't seem accurate as it has no effect on anyone else quite like this. Am I missing something?

Edit: I checked and it's in chapter 6 "The Chateau"

If I've spoiled the story for you, you have only yourself to blame.

For anyone who has beat the game, I'm a bit miffed on something. In France you find the body of one of Talbot's men who is green, dead and all messed up. Looks like he has been there for ages and Drake even says "But that's impossible...they just got here!" so I'm going to assume something odd happened to him. Can anyone explain what? I've been led to assume the spiders, but I don't think they would leave him with a rotting look like that. They are also still sealed away in the crypt where you find them at later on. The "cursed water" they drug people with also doesn't seem accurate as it has no effect on anyone else quite like this. Am I missing something?

Edit: I checked and it's in chapter 6 "The Chateau"

If I've spoiled the story for you, you have only yourself to blame.

That bothered me too. I didn't get it either. Seems like they skimped on the single player for multiplayer, imo. =/ No single player unlockables, this, and the rushed ending. Once I finished the game I realized they never accounted for that guy.

If you ever do get an answer let me know because I haven't found one yet. :rage:
My PSN is in my signature and I'm really wanting some friends to play UC3 with. xD I just gotta beat the Campaign first, but I'll be done very soon. The game is great so far. Can't wait for the amazing desert sequences I heard about.
Seems like they skimped on the single player for multiplayer, imo. =/

Apparently so. You can actually unlock that Dead Agent skin in the Multiplayer/Co-op. :hmmm: My only guess is that the cause of death is from the spiders.

But why would they leave one of their men rotting like that? My explanation is...why wouldn't they? Guy's dead, and Marlowe and her goons are not exactly the type to pay their respects to the dead. :wacky:

@Pockets I read somewhere that there is a spider specimen you can find at Marlowe's desk, which hints at the creepy crawlers to come. Not sure which chapter, but it's gotta be the earlier ones. I'd have to check when I do a replay later on. This would then tie in to the theory that perhaps a few spiders did crawl its way out and killed the dead agent...some while ago. :hmmm: It doesn't really clarify anything though; I'm sure he was only placed there for suspense.

I do have to agree with Ariana that the ending felt a bit rushed. :sad3: It wasn't as grand as UC2's boss fight.

Whatever happened to Chloe and Charlie...? I was hoping they'd come back to them at the end, just for the sake of a complete closure.
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Having just finished it, definitely my favourite in the series.

Personally, I don't think they rushed the ending, Uncharted endings have never ended on a big climax. I didn't like the boss fight in Uncharted 2, it seemed to cliché of needed a big boss fight at the end of game and I really liked the fact they followed on from the type of boss fight in Uncharted 1. In terms of the actual overall ending I think it was the most clever of the endings but they did it subtly. It will definitely be easier to understand if people have played the first two titles since then they understand Drake's adventurous and enthusiastic nature and the relationships between the characters -- but although the overall object of the game was to stop Talbot and Marlowe from ruling the world 'through fear' I personally interpreted the ending, and of course this is only from my personal opinion, in that actually, the main theme was about Drake as a person for this reason:

Chapter 7
Sully: "You got your pride all tangled up in this thing, it's making you reckless. I taught you better than that.

Chapter 9
Chloe: "What is it with you? What are you trying to prove?"
Drake: "I'm not trying to prove anything"
Chloe: "Right"

Chapter 10
Elena: "Why Nate?"
Drake: "That's what we're here to find out"
Elena: "No, I mean why this obsession?" I'm just worried..."
Drake: "I can take care of myself alright"
Elena: "I'm not talking about you..."
Drake: "What? Sully?"
Elena: "He would go to the ends of the world with you, Nate. Just... don't ask him to"

These I think are the key interactions in the whole game between each of the three people closest to Drake and Drake himself. Throughout the first two games and most of the third he gets so caught up in his "obsession" to find the 'treasure' that he forgets about how it's affecting those closest to him and that people get hurt which I feel he begins to realize and understand here:

Chapter 16
Drake: "Elena... don't... please"
Drake: "Let's be honest, this a million to one shot and when I almost lost you before..."
[I took this as the moment towards the end of Uncharted 2 when she was caught full impact by the grenade]
Elena: "You're not going to..."
Drake: "I just can't do that, again"

Then later reiterated in:

Chapter 22
Marlowe: "Nathan... Drake..."
Marlowe: "Are you worthy of the name?"
Marlowe: "Earn this, as Francis earned it from Elizabeth. Prove your greatness!"
Drake: "I got nothing to prove"

Therefore, I think by the end of the game, Drake realizes that those closest to him are more important than his obsession for adventure which more or less concludes my first theory on the ending/underlying plot, but whilst concluding this I also felt there was a further underlying main plot to the game in relation to the relationship between Drake and Elena which didn't hit me significantly AT ALL until the ending scene and starts at chapter 10 and referenced at specific points in the game.

Chapter 10
Drake: "You're still wearing it [in reference to the engagement ring]
Elena: "I see you're still wearing yours [in reference to Francis's ring]

At this point I feel that this is where the main difference between Elena and Drake surfaces in that she is settled with a job (at that moment in time) and is still wearing the engagement ring -- whereas, Drake turns up again on what seems another wild goose chase still carrying Francis's ring and is no longer wearing his engagement ring because he loses it - which seems to indicate the relationship/future marriage is on the rocks or he feels it broke down - yet Elena still loves him enough to still wear hers.

Chapter 15 [End of]
*Drake takes Elena's hand and looks at engagement ring*
Drake: "I'm sorry"
Elena: "I know"

At this point I feel he is most likely apologising for the way he has been reckless in both endangering the people closest to him, including Elena, and potentially has caused significant damage or broke down the engagement because of his reckless attitude and 'adventures'. Then finally...

Ending/Closing Scene
Sully: "I have made a lot of mistakes kid. A lot. And... I'm not the perfect man"
*Sully holds out Drake's engagement ring*
Drake: "How long you been carrying that round?"
Sully: "Too long"
Drake: "I thought I lost it"
*Drake walks towards Elena*
Elena: "I'm really sorry about your ring" [in reference to Francis's ring]
Drake: "It's okay, I swapped it for something better"
[In my opinion, I think he is indicating both in physical form of the swap and that he's finally swapped lifestyles to focus on his relationship with Elena]
*Drake takes Elena's hand showing her he is now wearing the engagement ring*

Therefore, in conclusion to the whole ending, I genuinely feel that once the subtle and deep lying references have been dug out that the ending is easily the most emotional and most important out of all the cutscenes throughout all three games and truly shows how brilliantly well written the game is. Easily my favourite Uncharted game and best game I've played.
Having just finished it, definitely my favourite in the series.

Personally, I don't think they rushed the ending, Uncharted endings have never ended on a big climax. I didn't like the boss fight in Uncharted 2, it seemed to cliché of needed a big boss fight at the end of game and I really liked the fact they followed on from the type of boss fight in Uncharted 1. In terms of the actual overall ending I think it was the most clever of the endings but they did it subtly. It will definitely be easier to understand if people have played the first two titles since then they understand Drake's adventurous and enthusiastic nature and the relationships between the characters -- but although the overall object of the game was to stop Talbot and Marlowe from ruling the world 'through fear' I personally interpreted the ending, and of course this is only from my personal opinion, in that actually, the main theme was about Drake as a person for this reason:

Chapter 7
Sully: "You got your pride all tangled up in this thing, it's making you reckless. I taught you better than that.

Chapter 9
Chloe: "What is it with you? What are you trying to prove?"
Drake: "I'm not trying to prove anything"
Chloe: "Right"

Chapter 10
Elena: "Why Nate?"
Drake: "That's what we're here to find out"
Elena: "No, I mean why this obsession?" I'm just worried..."
Drake: "I can take care of myself alright"
Elena: "I'm not talking about you..."
Drake: "What? Sully?"
Elena: "He would go to the ends of the world with you, Nate. Just... don't ask him to"

These I think are the key interactions in the whole game between each of the three people closest to Drake and Drake himself. Throughout the first two games and most of the third he gets so caught up in his "obsession" to find the 'treasure' that he forgets about how it's affecting those closest to him and that people get hurt which I feel he begins to realize and understand here:

Chapter 16
Drake: "Elena... don't... please"
Drake: "Let's be honest, this a million to one shot and when I almost lost you before..."
[I took this as the moment towards the end of Uncharted 2 when she was caught full impact by the grenade]
Elena: "You're not going to..."
Drake: "I just can't do that, again"

Then later reiterated in:

Chapter 22
Marlowe: "Nathan... Drake..."
Marlowe: "Are you worthy of the name?"
Marlowe: "Earn this, as Francis earned it from Elizabeth. Prove your greatness!"
Drake: "I got nothing to prove"

Therefore, I think by the end of the game, Drake realizes that those closest to him are more important than his obsession for adventure which more or less concludes my first theory on the ending/underlying plot, but whilst concluding this I also felt there was a further underlying main plot to the game in relation to the relationship between Drake and Elena which didn't hit me significantly AT ALL until the ending scene and starts at chapter 10 and referenced at specific points in the game.

Chapter 10
Drake: "You're still wearing it [in reference to the engagement ring]
Elena: "I see you're still wearing yours [in reference to Francis's ring]

At this point I feel that this is where the main difference between Elena and Drake surfaces in that she is settled with a job (at that moment in time) and is still wearing the engagement ring -- whereas, Drake turns up again on what seems another wild goose chase still carrying Francis's ring and is no longer wearing his engagement ring because he loses it - which seems to indicate the relationship/future marriage is on the rocks or he feels it broke down - yet Elena still loves him enough to still wear hers.

Chapter 15 [End of]
*Drake takes Elena's hand and looks at engagement ring*
Drake: "I'm sorry"
Elena: "I know"

At this point I feel he is most likely apologising for the way he has been reckless in both endangering the people closest to him, including Elena, and potentially has caused significant damage or broke down the engagement because of his reckless attitude and 'adventures'. Then finally...

Ending/Closing Scene
Sully: "I have made a lot of mistakes kid. A lot. And... I'm not the perfect man"
*Sully holds out Drake's engagement ring*
Drake: "How long you been carrying that round?"
Sully: "Too long"
Drake: "I thought I lost it"
*Drake walks towards Elena*
Elena: "I'm really sorry about your ring" [in reference to Francis's ring]
Drake: "It's okay, I swapped it for something better"
[In my opinion, I think he is indicating both in physical form of the swap and that he's finally swapped lifestyles to focus on his relationship with Elena]
*Drake takes Elena's hand showing her he is now wearing the engagement ring*

Therefore, in conclusion to the whole ending, I genuinely feel that once the subtle and deep lying references have been dug out that the ending is easily the most emotional and most important out of all the cutscenes throughout all three games and truly shows how brilliantly well written the game is. Easily my favourite Uncharted game and best game I've played.

I think it felt rushed because there was no follow up on the other main characters, Chloe and Charlie. But if by doing that they're alluding to focusing more on Drake, Elena and Sully then that's not such a bad thing. They just didn't tie up those two loose ends and that bothered me.

The scenes with Elena, after surviving the desert, though, were easily my favorites. I love but also hate how the writers let us infer about what happened between them during the gap from game to game. Glad it seems as if Nate's taking Sully's advice given at the end of the game though. And through your analysis :wacky: and looking back on the very first game, it shows amazing development in their relationship, which makes me appreciate it so much more.
Definitely worth playing the first two games before playing this by the way, I noticed so many references that if you haven't played those first two, you'll be missing out on a lot of humor.
Whatever happened to Chloe and Charlie...? I was hoping they'd come back to them at the end, just for the sake of a complete closure.
I think it felt rushed because there was no follow up on the other main characters, Chloe and Charlie. But if by doing that they're alluding to focusing more on Drake, Elena and Sully then that's not such a bad thing. They just didn't tie up those two loose ends and that bothered me.


In regards to Chloe and Charlie, I always got the feeling that in terms of significance to the actual story of Uncharted 3 that they were nothing more than extended cameos. With Charlie, I think it's fair to presume from Chapter 3/4 onwards that he seems to have known Drake and Sully for a long time and certainly Chloe and evidently Elena too when Drake and Elena have their brief discussion about Charlie. I always viewed him as more of a 'helping hand' rather than a significant character, even though he added the twist at the end of Chapter 3/Beginning of Chapter 4 where he shows he's on Drake's side.

With Chloe, again I think she was a cameo and 'helping hand' in the game [please don't hate me =(] rather than a main. A lot of Uncharted 2 was based around whether he was going to get back with Chloe and 'disappear' with her but then when she realizes he loves Elena she leaves and evidently from there Elena and Drake get engaged. I think the end of Uncharted 2 is the point she stopped being a main character. Obviously she played a main part in Chapters 4-9 in helping Drake, but apart from the dialogue on the bus where she faulting Drake for being too reckless and caught up in his pride I didn't feel like she played a significant part in the story line. Even though Elena wasn't present throughout the game either, from the moment Drake meets and her and confronts her about the engagement ring I felt even though she wasn't always prevalent, the scenes she was in I felt were massive, especially the more emotional ones, in terms of relevance to the story, which links back to my whole interpretation of what the main story of the game was really about. There probably isn't a huge difference between how much you see Elena and how much you see Chloe and Charlie, but I think the difference is the scenes that Elena was present in were far, far significant to the plot.

I can understand why people might be miffed that the ending was tied up with Charlie and Chloe but I think they just left it open to the presumption that when they cut ties in Chapter 9 that they went back to receive help for Charlie and the back to doing their own thing and opened up the story for Drake and Elena.
I still don't see how the spiders could have done that if Talbot's men had yet to find the crypt (which is where the spiders were locked) and managed to be killed by them. The plot hole here is irritated me. :damon:

As far as Charlie and Chloe, it's said that they both backed out of that adventure after Charlie broke his leg. I think Nathan says this in the chapter directly after the final Charlie/Chloe mission.
This is my first Uncharted game and it's absolutely incredible! I'm on chapter 7.

The story so far is very interesting. I know I'm probably missing a lot of references to past Uncharted games - I will play those in due course, I promise! - but there's still a lot to appreciate. It's fairly Indiana Jones-ey, really. ;) The voice acting is top notch and the characters are super. I'm looking forward to finding out more about them (both in this game and when I play Uncharted 1 and 2).

The gameplay is of a type fairly new to me. The most similar game I've played is Prince of Persia, but this feels so much more varied. Some of the locations remind me a little of those found in Metal Gear Solid 3.

The shooting sections are fast-paced and actually quite exciting, especially for me. I'm not used to shooters so I am guessing that my ability to handle the controls is relatively low. Earlier today, I faced the mob in The Chateu (Chapter 6) and whilst fighting them almost died 3 times, regained my health by the skin of my teeth, and finally won! it felt -so- satisfying! I'm getting the hang of the controls in these sections and I'm warming towards that genre.

The music is pretty amazing too. It's that classic Western feel good music, so commonly found in films like Pirates, Indiana Jones and Transformers, but I love it. I ended up dancing to it when I first loaded up the game, actually. :lew:

What drew me towards this game? I have no more to thank than the T.E. Lawrence quotation which appears in the current trailer and towards the beginning of the game.

"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams with open eyes, to make it possible. This I did."

I discovered that quotation a couple of years ago and it ended up in my favourite quotation book. As a writer and a daydreamer, it spoke to me. So, yes...thank you whoever chose to use it! :)