I'm not sure. I might get it around Christmas since I can't afford it myself at the moment. If I don't get it then, then I'll get it when it is reduced. I think the earliest I get it will likely be Christmas though. I have to restrain myself for a few months.
I'd love to play with you too, Adrosaur.
Spoiler rules should apply here for a while. If people are going to discuss plot then they should use tags. Since it's a fresh new game there will be lots of people who have yet to play it or have not completed it on the day of release, so spoiler tags should definitely be used when discussing it.
That is alright, Ill be sure not to tell you what happens at all. Do not watch any spoilers of it also, or let anyone spoil it for you, because that would just suck terribly. I look forward to playing with you. I imagine we can get a group together. I know only a few of us are getting it, and the others have all converted to Modern Warfare 3. Shame on them, really. Yeah, I guess it is fine, but I really do not see why someone would want to post spoilers. I will be glad to have that discussion once some of us have finished the game.