[V1] What are you currently playing?

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Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

Once I get my suitcase from the airport (It got delayed on the flight back home) and as long as my 360 is still in tact etc I might give Enchanted Arms a chance.
Completed Viewtiful Joe 2 yesterday, it's awesome.

Currently got back into Team Fortress 2 as well as playing Street Fighter III, Super Smash Bros Melee and Starfox Adventures.
Is that game worth getting? I see the graphics are awesome, but has it got a descent storyline?

There's a topic on the game in the Xbox forum if you're looking for peoples opinions.

Playing Team Fortress 2 still, was top player in one round as Scout/Pyro combination. Was happy enough defending as Pyro setting everyone alight until some twat on the other team mouthed off at us for camping/defending. I then along with one other player decided to shut him up by pretty much winning the game for our team 3-2, good feeling.
Devil May Cry 3. Trying to work through Hard mode and all the ones after it. I need to buy the SE, though, for Vergil.
Currently playing FFIII. I usually play it during my lunchtime at work (if I'm not using the internet). So far so good.
right now im playing FFX, FFXII, the simpsons game lol, devil may cry 3 SE again and hitman blood money
Playing three games on a regular basis atm.

Firstly Team Fortress 2 which as I've mentioned many times before is online awesomeness, put in over 26 hours the last few days and 87 hours in total so it's fair to say I've gotten my moneys worth from it.

Started FFXII and put in 3 hours worth so far, not very impressed but I've been told that the first 6 hours are basically a very long winded tutorial so for the sake of seeing the meat of the game I'll continue but so far I think it sucks balls.

Street Fighter III, probably my most played game of last year with the constant practise I put in on the Dreamcast on my Yang/Ryu play. However me and my flatmate have bought a customised 2 joystick arcade controller for the PS2 as well as the SFIII Jap and Anniversary versions so I'm putting in practise on that now. I'm hoping to go to Japan next year and touring the arcades is on my to do list when over there.
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