[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I got the newer FFT for the PSP (also have it on PSX) atm, at Deep Dungeon which is near the end of the game, all my characters are in the high 70's, where im fighting lvl 30-40's. On my last file on the PSX version i managed to go to lvl 46 with Ramza. So this is a big improvement from the last save i did. Im fairly sure i got all my characters to lvl 99 on the PSX version on a previous file.
didnt realize i posted in here already but i suppose ill post the other game im playing.

I am also playing Final Fantasy 7 for the 10th time. Im just starting out and im going to use Barret more this time around.
Righto, Iv finally started WoTL & Revenant Wings & re-started XII. All have annoyed me already so wether I bother to complete them.....
Just got Xenosaga II last night and started playing it for over an hour. So far so good, but the battles are quite complex. =/ Too much going on. I'll get used to it eventually.
Started Marvel Ultimate Alliance yesterday, surprisingly really fun.
Right now, i'm back to CoD4. I haven't played for a while, so i decide to play again.

Now, i can remember why i like it so much!
Assassins Creed, amazing gameplay, amazing graphics and VERY repetitive.

Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, lots of variety, great graphics but too short. The game does have great replay value, so that kinda makes up for the short storyline. Looking forward to a sequel!

As soon as I get some money, I'll be playing Devil May Cry 4:mad:.
Im cureently playing Rumble Roses XX and Devil May Cry 4, both for the 360. Im loving the boht of them, so lushy and sexy. God, lol >.<
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. I've got to finish the game before I cosplay it at Megacon. xD It's an amazing game, so, I don't mind.
Same here, Persona 3 kicks ass. Although I'm ashamed to admit that I can't find the place where I can get the Chariot Arcana.
Right now I am playing Civilization 4. I must have been playing on my current game for something like 14 hours now, and I am still nowhere near finished. I am also running a game over e-mail with a friend of mine who is hospitalized at the moment. That one is nowhere near conclusion either.
Guitar Hero III.

It is so addicting! I'm getting better at it, I think. I'm still in Medium mode, and some of the songs are quite catchy although I've never heard of them (except for Miss Murder) until now. But of course, there's still a bunch of songs we must unlock.
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