[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm up to Chapter 2 on Eternal Sonata now, and I'm not really liking it too much.... The gameplay is odd, as it combines both roamplay and turn-based play into one. The storyline is a bit wtf? as well, it keeps giving you these little history lessons on one of the main characters who happened to be a real-life person..

I'm not really "feelin" this game so far, but I guess I'll try and finish it :/
Still playing FFVII but Im also playing Saints Row2, it makes a nice change just being able to run things ovr and destroy things. It's quite good fun aswel, and I made my character have short pink boys hair. She looks well 'ard :monster:
I went back to Warriors Orochi 2 again to work on maxing out proficiencies for the rest of my characters. I have only 28 more character to go out 64 that I have completed which is a total of 92 characters in all lol.
I'm officially fed up with this Eternal Sonata crap, so I'm replaying Crisis Core. I wish you didn't have to start over on all of the missions though, I had like 48% completed :/
I'm currently juggling Dead Space, FFXII, and Grid. I'm hoping that I'll be able to throw Fallout 3 into the mix tonight. *Fingers crossed that it arrives today.*
Well, just finish Rogue Galaxy the other day and it was pretty cool. I had been taking a break from FFV, so im continuing on that. Also, once Chrono Trigger is realeased this month, ill be playing that. I may pick up a copy of Partners in Time, Golden Sun, or ffvi (or i may just take a break from RPG's, but idk) Also waiting for my bloody 360, it has been like 5 or 6 weeks and the box still has not come. =(
Persona 3, I just recently bought it and finding it to be really hard and I am only a few hours into the game.
I finally finished everything in Warriors Orochi 2 just now so I am going back to one of my other games that I haven't completed. In this case, I am either going to play Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme Legends, Jeanne d'Arc, or Final Fantasy XII. I just haven't decided which one I am going to play again first.
FFT is the newest game that I'm trying. I can't get into it right away, though; the battle system is so new and I'm finding it difficult to adapt to past battle systems.

I'm also about to finally finish Devil May Cry II and III - I hear they're great but I've never been bothered to finish them.
Currently playing Ys: The Ark of Napishtim for the PSP. I think I'm almost half-way through the game. I'm not sure what to think of the storyline and plot yet since I think it's somewhat lacking due to the extensive battle play in order to move on to the next area and going back to town to upgrade your weapon. So far though, it's pretty entertaining.
dead space for ps3, pretty damn good iv gotta say, best game iv played in ages. it helped get me over my addiction to pro evolution soccer.
Trying to get into Fable II that I borrowed from Aztec last week. I'm sorta into it, but with Halo 3, the forums, Madden '09, trying to learn the guitar, work, sports, etc, I'm having trouble finding time to get into it and focus solely on it.

To put it bluntly, I'm amazed. I was slightly concerned how good it would be since it doesn't look the greatest. But it is actually an amazing game which you can pretty much do...anything. :O

It's such fun shooting Russians and Arabs. There aren't vary many levels, so I thought it could have been longer.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Pretty fun on the Wii but I imagine it would get boring very quickly on another console.
GBA : Fire Emblem & Fire Emblem The Sacred Stones, FFIV,V,VI,Golden Sun & Golden sun & the lost age.

Ps1 : FFVII, FFVIII, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Thrasher Skate and Destroy.

Ps2 : Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, FFXII (108+ hours and my bro has my mem card!!!) Tales of Legendia.

CPU : Conquer Online, Paintball 2.0 Alpha..............Runescape >.<....
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