[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I have about a 3rd game of FFVII on the go where I have just gotten W Item from Sector 8 Midgar... I have about a 6th game of Final Fantasy IX on the go where I am upto Oeilvert (Ish maybe I've done that and am going to Esto Gazo...?) I am playing FFIV Where I keep dying on the Moon. I have also just restarted Shadow of Memories - What a brilliant game... The first cutscene and the main guy is killed!
I am currently playing Warriors Orochi 2 just for the fun of it, randomly playing a bunch of the Dream Stages on Chaos over and over again since I have completed everything already. Also, Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds still since I have to unlock 2 more characters, a bunch of items, and max out loyalty for all of them (except for Felipe).
First playthrough of FFX, but probably going to move on to another game soon due to my frustration at trying to race the stupid chocobos in the Calm Lands. :|
There is a race that you have to win in 0 seconds in order to get a Key Item.... And another key item you had to catch butterflies (I hated that one just as much!)
Still playing Super Smah\sh Bros. Brawl everyday, just to keep everyone updated. :P I have over 780 hours of Power Time for it now.

I'll be playing other video games more though come one week from now, because Christmas is only a week away, and I'll be getting several video games, as always! ^_^
I'm playing Dissidia :P
But I'll be purchasing XII soon enough ^^
And maybe X too!
I'm playing FFX. I'm going to battle Seymour at Mt. Gagazet. I remember when I was younger I hated that battle. I died over and over again. I made sure I powered up a lot before I fight. I spended all of my money to get Yojimbo...

I'm also playing Fast And Furious Tokyo Streets. Bloody annoying. I'm so going to give it away to someone -__-
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Just finished a play through of Resident Evil 2 as Leon, I'll probably do a play through as Claire when I find the time. I'm tempted to play Resident Evil 3 first though.
At the moment...

Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (Wii) - So, after seeing the EU release date is TBA - meaning it probably won't come out over here - I bought this online. My Wii hasn't been updated yet, so I can still use my Freeloader.
...I am really, REALLY disappointed with this. It is to the original ToS as the Star Wars prequels are to the originals. It looks flashier, and is essentially the same thing...but it is just nowhere near as good. I'm currently up to Chapter 7...trying to finish it as quickly as possible, because I know I'll be getting two more Wii games tomorrow at least. I'm currently hanging out at Altessa's House...I'm getting such a sense of deja vu from this game. Could this because everything is the same? Quite possibly.

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon (DS) - As one of the very few games that we in the Uk are getting before the US, and being Fire Emblem, I simply HAD to have this. I've been playing it for most of the month whenever I've felt like it...am currently up to Chapter 22, which I keep re-starting because my characters keep dying. I need to plan things out a little better. A lot of my characters are still lower classes, because I prefer to get them to Level 20 before I use a Master Seal. Gives them better stats that way. At the moment, I'm trying to decide what to do...Gotoh wants the two orbs for the Starlight magic. Is that REALLY worth it? I mean, Starlight will decimate Gharnef when I come up against him again - which will give me GREAT pleasure, considering the panic he put me through earlier - but the Starsphere stops weapon depletion...I've put this on Tiki, and it is a lot of fun using her without fear of her Divinestone running out and thereby making her useless. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet...
Still on with FF X. got loads of stuff to do, gotta play Blitzball loads to get Wakka's overdrives and sigils gotta to massive ammounts of leveling to be able to take on the dark aeons gotta get HP limit break for everyone, maybe ribbon and getting the items to do so will take a while, then i gotta max everyones stats out at some point adding a few more hours onto my total time.

I dunno i'm probs looking at something about 3-4 hundred hours play.

So that will last me for a while.
Shadow Hearts:From The New World,2nd time to unlock all the hidden items,get ultimate weapons and etc.
I am currently playing Samurai Warriors 2: Empires. I am just doing Divided Land with Magoichi Saika as my ruler. You are basically seizing land controlled by random officers you placed on that land.
Prince of Persia - This game is fucking sensational, it has an amazing storyline from what I've played so far, the characters are really gripping straight from the off in my opinion, which is a great thing because it'll definitely add reply value since the characters are great. The battle system is amazing, I'm not really one for button mashing, but in PoP it looks great when you do. The graphics are unbelievable so far as well. A must buy. :-)

I'm playing like 6 other games as well, but PoP is my main focus at the minute. :-)
Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

I've almost finished the Subspace Emissary mode I think I'm up to the last boss or something. This game has been very addictive and is the best game on the Wii in my opinion.
I am currently playing...no particular game, because I just got 11 games for Christmas the day before yesterday. XD

I'd say I've been playing Soul Calibur IV more than anything though, it is a blast to play, I just wish it was not so hard sometimes, it is freakin' hard to get through Arcade on Easy... >_<
I'm currently jumping between a lot of games since I got 8 for Christmas, and bought myself two more on Saturday...so I want to make sure I play them all xD

Although the game I'm devoting the most time to is Valkyria Chronicles! It's totally awesome, an Army SRPG! The battle system is epic and I love how the unique all the characters are - I have an emo sniper, and I used to have a gay lancer before Selvaria wiped him out D=

My only complaint is that speed is the only thing the determines the rank you get for completing the missions, instead of taking everything into account. I like to cautiously but decisively wipe my enemies out, but I keep getting C's and D's because it takes so bloody long -__-
Still on Final Fantasy IX. Probably should be on for it quite a while before i even move on. When i do though, I'll head back to Crisis Core to do Hard Mode and try for 100%
Man, I'm currently on NOTHING. -_-

I'm back home in Seattle for Winter Break. Therefore, I don't have any of my systems as they're all back at my dorm in California.

But, my sister was kind enough to buy me Persona 4 for Christmas, and I'm incredibly excited to go home and play it for a good 60-70 hours. ^_^

And then I think I'll get my PS3 a gift, since I haven't played anything on it since MGS4 (mind you, that was only about a month ago...I was a little late.)

But, hm, I'm not sure what to get. It's not really my kind of game, but I've been eyeing Fallout 3. That or Dead Space.
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