[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I just bought myself an Xbox 360 last week, so right now I am playing Lost Odyssey. Or I would be playing Lost Odyssey if I had the time haha. Partying most of the weekend and some pretty long shifts at work today and yesterday means that I am only about 2 hours into the game.
Still playing Revenant Wings up to chapter 8 now, also got back into FFX, I will 100% this game if it kills me

Timesplitters s also getting another going over, I seem to be right back into my gaming yay
I'm currently just playing FFXII... before that I was playing DMC4 and Dynatsy Warrios 6... but everything is taking a back seat to FFXII, right now.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl for me. Still trying to get used it. It's similar to Melee, but there are some huge differences in the mechanics.
I've heard that the time and pace is slower on Brawl than the Melee. Is that right? Somewhere near at the speed of the original Smash? :D
Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow, and Guitar Hero III
Dirge of Cerberus. I finally played last night (I've been messing with the Training mode for quite some time) and I must say that it's quite hard for me. >.> Well, my only problem is the camera angles, especially going down/up the stairs. Vincent always seem to face the wall or something. o_O

Other than that, it's pretty cool. I'm liking it so far.
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XII and Okami on my PS2. On my DS, I'm playing Pokemon Diamond and Animal Crossing-or, to be honest, I play them rarely when I'm very, very bored. I really need to find a better DS game to get...
Aha, my Street Fighter Alpha Anthology just arrived by mail today and so I am currently playing that at the moment. xD Yeah I know, I switch from game to game. I'll eventually get back to playing Xenosaga II (if I can find the freakin' first disc) and Dirge of Cerberus soon.
i'm re-playing Legend of Dragoon and Diablo II, and i just got Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters....so far i don't like it that much....the camera sucks....
I'm going through the SNES MegaMan X games, I'm near the end of X-2. Playing this and the first X game has been arguebly more enjoyable than even the Mario games.

I'm also switching between DoW: Dark Crusade + Soulstorm online, managing to be pretty good at it again although I still struggle on SS with some of the changes made since DC.

Also still playing Third Strike because it's fantastic. If only I knew more people who actually play it and were actually better than me.
I'm currently still addicted to Halo 3, but I've been progressing through Lost Odyssey slowly but surely. It's a great game that's 4 discs long with an awesome story so far, but Ijust have less and less time to spend on gaming.

Then if I do get online and play a game, friends on my friends list want to play so I end up popping in Halo 3 or NBA Live '08.
Just replayed Resident Evil 4, brilliant game!
I have been playing FF12 on and off but I can't get right into the game right now.
FF12 takes a long time to get into, but i absolutely loved it...

Im playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl (FC:3050-7265-0939), Guild wars (which is a terrible game WoW is a lot better) and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles- RIng of Fates... I love the characters, the person that sell magicites starts acting like a drug dealer before the final battle... classic...
Skies of Arcadia: Legends

I was to re-start playing FFXII yesterday, and i was looking at the games to find where i put the FF box; and i realize that although i've buy SoA, 3 months ago i didn't even try it.

So, i start it playing last night.
Started Tomb Raider: Legend today, and I'm still in Bolivia, which is the first level. I don't know where to go, I've been all over the place yet I keep going in circles, and just ending up where I started. ¬_¬

Also started FFX today, and got a game over immediately. >_>
Suddenly FFX works like a glove on pcsx2 so I started playing it again. I also have been enjoying Dawn of War Soulstorm campaign.
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